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Event Wildlife Event 2023 Feedback Thread


Seeing the bug report on the glitch:

It appears that the glitch has been fixed, when it was fixed I am not sure, I have only just noticed the thread and the time it was fixed is not stated.

It raises the question. If the bug was fixed soon after the event was due to end (we’re only 2 hours after that now), why was it necessary to extend the event for 24 hours. Why not end the event as soon as the bug was fixed.
Inno don’t seem to care that some players are going to be pushed down a league because of their knee jerk reaction to the glitch and not appreciating the knock on effect a 24 hour extension will have to the league tables.


Warrant Officer
I agree with those saying it was a bad move on Inno's part to extend the event.
I used my coins, tickets and boosts tactically and finished in the Professional league at the original end of the Event but I'm close to the cut-off figure.
Any tickets or boards I get in the extension period may or may not help me stay in the Pro league.

What are Inno going to offer to those who drop down? Extra tickets to maintain the gap? The original reward won? What?


Warrant Officer
And what about the poor fellas that couldn't finish their event because of the bug introduced by the latest patch, Yesterday?


Truly enjoyed the event, the mini-game always fun, and ended with plenty of goodies for my main (€ spent of course) and some eagle mountains to replace menageries on my WW/FoY cities.

I hope Inno will give the "finish special building" daily special a regular spot in coming events as this is one of the very few things left on my main to aim for during events.

Knight of ICE

It would have been a bad move if Inno had extended the event only for those that suffered from the glitch. By extending it for everyone we all still have equal opportunity. If you are/were close to the cut off figure, you could have been cut off anyhow if those players would have been able to do the quest and use those coins and the ticket. Sure it is a let off for players that forgot to use their last coins and tickets, but if they forgot yesterday, how likely is it they will use them today, thinking the Event has ended?

Extending the event with 24 hrs is the best way to keep it fair for everyone. Besides that, you have an extra day to get the Grand Prize.

Just my opinion as a player.


Sorry Knight of Ice, I don’t agree. From reading the announcement and the Bug report it would appear that the problem was with the final reward for the Daily Questline. Players were able to complete the quest but the reward of 30 Fragments of the Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit were not being awarded. This bug was fixed within 2 hours of the end of the event. And no doubt as soon as the bug was fixed, those players who had experienced issues received the reward straight away if they had completed the quest. That is when the event should have ended - when the glitch was fixed.
So now because the event was extended for 24 hours, we have players who as you say possibly forgot to use their coins and game tools yesterday receiving an unfair advantage of an extra day to use them and get further up the leagues.

Knight of ICE

Sorry Knight of Ice, I don’t agree. From reading the announcement and the Bug report it would appear that the problem was with the final reward for the Daily Questline. Players were able to complete the quest but the reward of 30 Fragments of the Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit were not being awarded. This bug was fixed within 2 hours of the end of the event. And no doubt as soon as the bug was fixed, those players who had experienced issues received the reward straight away if they had completed the quest. That is when the event should have ended - when the glitch was fixed.

Ingame message

"Due to an error in the game, the event quests of the Wildlife event have become stuck. To fix the issue, we will extend the event by one day and address the problem with the quest. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Thank you for playing!"

Problem was with the quests.

Grof Z

what a Joke of event - official feedback from me xD
and whats more sad - is that U guyz will keep this $$$$ grab going
Im stuck at apprentice league - and I play this game ... ACTIVE :D
only way i can move up is either spending a lot of diamonds or $$$ on game ... which just few months back, wasnt a deal ...
and now U turning a lot of players from game ... instead to listen to us, U will do all the oposite


Sorry Knight of Ice, I don’t agree. From reading the announcement and the Bug report it would appear that the problem was with the final reward for the Daily Questline. Players were able to complete the quest but the reward of 30 Fragments of the Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit were not being awarded. This bug was fixed within 2 hours of the end of the event. And no doubt as soon as the bug was fixed, those players who had experienced issues received the reward straight away if they had completed the quest. That is when the event should have ended - when the glitch was fixed.
So now because the event was extended for 24 hours, we have players who as you say possibly forgot to use their coins and game tools yesterday receiving an unfair advantage of an extra day to use them and get further up the leagues.
Just to clarify, the glitch was that no quests appeared after you completed the one that was already open. Normally what happens is that you have until the end of the event to try to finish quests you hadn't yet completed, so many people plan their play to time it with the end of the event. I had planned to finish my last 6 quests after midnight and before the event ended. But because I couldn't get new quests, I would never have been able to receive those tickets and coins (or the final upgrade fragments, associated paws/points/daily specials etc.).

I doubt this extension was an advantage for many people, just making up for a game error that caused them to be unable to play the event as intended. I would have completed those tasks last night if it weren't for the bug and climbed up the leaderboard accordingly... extending the event means I'm exactly where I would have been if there hadn't been a bug in the quests. And I think they had to extend it for 24h to account for timezones (not too fair to give an extra 3 hours only if those 3 hours are 2am to 5am for some people, as an example).

Paladiac the Pure

I believe it is grossly unfair that Inno have extended the event by 24 hours due to a glitch. This gives an unfair advantage to those players who still have a supply of tickets, wildlife coins and mini-game tools. They now have another 24 hours to use them, whereas those of us who worked towards finishing the event at the scheduled time have used all our tickets, coins and tools. And there is no extra quest or way of obtaining more coins/tickets.
Some players are going to find that at the scheduled event finish time they finished in Professional league (for example), but in 24 hours time they may have been pushed down to Apprentice league due to players who still have coins, tickets, tools have left having an extra 24 hours to use them.
This is grossly unfair to players who have played the game diligently and aimed to complete the event within the scheduled event time.
The league tables should have been “frozen” at the scheduled event finish time, not 24 hours after the scheduled finish time.
Shame on you Inno. It’s a knee jerk reaction to the problem which has not been properly thought through and the implications the 24 hour extension will have on the league tables.
Very much agree with you. Yesterday, I spent a few diamonds that should ensure that I would be in Profession League when the game ended (and if I did not spend enough and was knocked back to Apprentice - oh well, that is how it goes). Here I am, nearly 20 hours later - seeing this message of an extension, I am in Apprentice now - and will have to spend some diamonds again to hopefully get back into Professional. I finished the game as per how the game was set up, and after I leave it, Admin decides to change the end game - and either I am penalized by being dropped a League, or I am penalized of having to spend more diamonds to hopefully have Professional. Absolutely poor decision by Inno.
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I don't know what have changed, but Wildlife events has become an absolute joke.....literally getting nothing. It was fun at the start, but waiting 24 hours to get and getting one paw is a waste of time. Certainly not going to be buying anymore diamonds if it means getting nothing in return due to stacked odds. Very disappointed here, and to be clear, I am well aware of what is required to obtain the paws and the strategy behind it. The last three plays gave me 3 paws total, they were either impossible to get, or it was a perfect checker board and you never had enough moves to pop the boxes. Not impressed at all, really took a lot of game interest away from me.


Very much agree with you. Yesterday, I spent a few diamonds that should ensure that I would be in Profession League when the game ended (and if I did not spend enough and was knocked back to Apprentice - oh well, that is how it goes). Here I am, nearly 20 hours later - seeing this message of an extension, I am in Apprentice now - and will have to spend some diamonds again to hopefully get back into Professional. I finished the game as per how the game was set up, and after I leave it, Admin decides to change the end game - and either I am penalized by being dropped a League, or I am penalized of having to spend more diamonds to hopefully have Professional. Absolutely poor decision by Inno.
I believe this proves beyond any doubt that what I have been saying about Inno extending the event by 24 hours has penalised some players and likely given other players an unfair advantage. Extending the event by 24 hours was a rash, ill thought out idea with no proper consideration given to the effect it would have on the league tables and some players. And was a grossly unfair decision, shame on you Inno.
Is it worth playing future events when Inno could possibly move the goal posts again and penalise some players.
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Warrant Officer
It's already a Wild Life miracle you folks complaining reached pro league with Bear Mountain (GE5), Eagle Mountain and the Panda Shrine as top rewards while not excluding some quite nice other DP's. Put the Wild Life event in a past Spring Event (funny paper animals) easy mode and there's no way you folks would get even close to pro league, far from. Imagine a last day 24:00 -> 10:30 spring setup with the Epic Wild Life selection kit as DP, that's a guarantee night rush and bump whoever F2P is in pro league.

I just hope that most of you could at least get to the 150 days statue building thing with the extra 3/4 tickets for your panda shrine upgrade, fingers crossed if you are still on it for the last 2 hours.


Everyone had the same amount of quests, the same amount of rolling tickets, the same amount of event time to do them.

The only unfair advantage was when players that had held back some quests for the final day couldn't complete them because of a bug. Not the final quest as the ones scraping for the higher league saw as they only had the last quest left but whatever quest the player was on stalled. That gave players that completed upto the final quest an unfair advantage.

I get that some would use dia on the last day to squeeze a spot in a higher league and they could be annoyed but even then they're not realising they where already behind as the bug had already taken players out of the event until they fixed it, no matter what quest number they where on with quite a few hours to go.

The amount of Diamonds used is still the same, the amount of quests everybody had is still the same and the amount of time every players had has to compete is the same for everyone. So their advantage from the dia spend is still there just they didnt spend enough and if the game had worked as intended the players holding back quests would have had time to complete them and they still would be in the same position and have not spent enough.
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Chief Warrant Officer
This morning Event was another day.. now it changed again to 55 mins.. What is going on !! NUTS


Everyone had the same amount of quests, the same amount of rolling tickets, the same amount of event time to do them.

The only unfair advantage was when players that had held back some quests for the final day couldn't complete them because of a bug. Not the final quest as the ones scraping for the higher league saw as they only had the last quest left but whatever quest the player was on stalled. That gave players that completed upto the final quest an unfair advantage.

I get that some would use dia on the last day to squeeze a spot in a higher league and they could be annoyed but even then they're not realising they where already behind as the bug had already taken players out of the event until they fixed it, no matter what quest number they where on with quite a few hours to go.

The amount of Diamonds used is still the same, the amount of quests everybody had is still the same and the amount of time every players had has to compete is the same for everyone. So their advantage from the dia spend is still there just they didnt spend enough and if the game had worked as intended the players holding back quests would have had time to complete them and they still would be in the same position and have not spent enough.
I’m not talking about those players who deliberately left quests until the final day and couldn’t complete them because of the glitch. It is right and proper that they were not penalised. I’m talking about those players who would not have met the cut-off time and suddenly found they had an extra 24 hours. It is those players who gained an unfair advantage.

Knight of ICE

I’m not talking about those players who deliberately left quests until the final day and couldn’t complete them because of the glitch. It is right and proper that they were not penalised. I’m talking about those players who would not have met the cut-off time and suddenly found they had an extra 24 hours. It is those players who gained an unfair advantage.

Who are those players. How many were there?