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Halloween 2020 Feedback

  • Thread starter Deleted member 109369
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Thomas Covenent

Statistically speaking HALLOWEEN 2020 is the best event of the year.
It's simple, you buy your tickets and look for prizes, there are no extra functions that will confuse you.
instead in the WINTER 2020 event, if it is very confusing. also an abandoned asylum is twice as strong as the train.

Here is a player who does a comparison of events and gives a lot of advice.
I think that Halloween 2020 is the best event of the year
put in the search: halloween 2020 forge of empires experts

two asylum abandoned is more profitable than 4 trains, that's why this event is better, many forge points and a lot of attack!, Perfect

View attachment 22080
Asylum is very good yes, but the Fields from the previous event we just finished actually nuke the Asylum from orbit in terms of raw military stats.
A set up of 4x Wheat + 2x Ochre + Begonia + Scarecrow is smaller than 2x Asylums, and gives 48%atk + 16%def to the attacking army, plus maxes out the fps + goods bonuses from the two 1x3's.

Honestly, for this event, and knowing that without diamond spending in events, we tend to average about 10-15 daily prizes per event, I feel that it's best to 'pick a lane' for one's city and go with:
1. Early game/Beginner city;
- needs fp production more than anything, especially if still working towards getting/leveling up your Arc + other 'basic' GB's such as the military boosters + ToR. CF, etc... Focus on Dark Doorway as 1fp per 3 tiles is pretty decent production, especially for beginner cities.

2. Growing city;
- Assuming a city that's already on pace with growing the Arc, it's a choice between getting an AA, OR, focus on Sentinel Towers + upgrades to boost that attacking army def%.
Personally, I'd go for the Asylum if you don't have 1 yet, and/or need to finish off the last couple levels from last year... (ST's can be had in the next event, which is currently looking like a complete & utter bust.:P)

3. Established city;
- If you've already got a Lv80 Arc + your 'basic' core GB's leveled/leveling past Lv10-15+, (ie: Zeus/CoA/CdM + ToR + HC + CF, etc...), and you've already got an AA from last year's event, then the choice probably leans more towards focusing on Sent Towers + upgrades...
Now, saying that, late/end game players *would* benefit from a 2nd AA since the atk% boost is much greater vs. that of say, HMA or even Industrial or Modern eras.

4. Diamond Mine city;
- obviously focusing entirely on WW's + shrink kits, duh!:P

Lord Grok

Master Corporal
Abandoned asylum is good but less combat/space efficient than the standard combat buildings. It’s useful if you still need fp and getting combat any way you can, but if you’re maximising space for combat you’re better having 2 CMS or even carousel. And when you factor how many advances you need to get it to max level, if there’s any option to get combat buildings you would want those instead. Personally I’ll be going for more outposts over another asylum. Instead of getting 9 asylum for 24% attack in 25 spaces + 2.5 roads you can have 4*level 2 + 1*level 1 outpost for 18% defence on attack from 5 spaces.


I bet Inno thinks they are funny by putting AA out on day one, lol.

Also you've no idea how happy I am that the wolf one is the atk increasing one, ohhh do I like the look of that one.

Thomas Covenent

I bet Inno thinks they are funny by putting AA out on day one, lol.
Yep, AND, with the traditional, "buy diamonds and get extra event currency too!" offer as well. :P

Also you've no idea how happy I am that the wolf one is the atk increasing one, ohhh do I like the look of that one.
I was personally hoping that the Daemon House would be the attack house, but alas, the Space Wolf in me is still happy. ;)

I will likely end up spending some dias this event, as I want to aim for 2 full HoH's - 1x Daemon + 1x Wolf.
Will depend too on just how many of the toy quests I can plug out too for the added tickets + collection bonus.


Hello. Hoping someone could clear up a question I have. When you clear adjacent mist and it turns from dark to light under the light mist you can see some have an item. If the light mist shows NO item in that square is it 100% certain that no item is there or COULD there still be a hidden item under the light mist that only shows up when you clear it?


Mr. Tickles gives you three fragments of a graveyard upgrade kit? So you do that quest after finding him, rarely, and you get something you need to collect 15 of, so you need to do Tickle's quest 5 times for a single graveyard upgrade?

Seems like a weird choice. Considering how rare it is to find some of these, and that the graveyard is something no one even places surprised to not just see full upgrade kits a bear.

Deleted User - 12548270

Have found a Toy, activated it, where is the Questline?
On day one cleared all quests, collected all but one doll (Annabelle) and finished their questlines (some twice), invested 2k diamonds which I normally avoid doing and managed to get a fully upgraded event building plus 8 AA selection kits.

Was happy about getting fully upgraded event building on day one as I never managed that before and also never got more than one per event, this time I could end up with perhaps 3.

Only the amount of daily specials did not make me satisfied, 8 for that much tickets spent, perhaps I was just unlucky.


Demon gives fp more efficent than level 2 sok,

Not so,
Demon (3 by 4 = 12 tiles)
3 SoK Level 2 (2 by 2 = 4 by 3 = 12 tiles)
Therefore both Demon and SoK Level 2 are 0.5 tile per 1 FP

The Demon vs 3 SoK advantages are
1 motivation instead of 3
Less roads
Provides Defence for Attack Army and more Population
Produces Goods and Supplies

The Demon vs 3 SoK disadvantages are
Provides Negative Happiness
Produces less Coins


Is demon better or wolf house.

Demon gives fp more efficent than level 2 sok,

but wolf gives attack bonus

Wolf also gives you a wold that roams the city! actually that's the same for all three of them.
I'd still say wolf, its a great size for both army boosts.

On day one cleared all quests, collected all but one doll (Annabelle) and finished their questlines (some twice), invested 2k diamonds which I normally avoid doing and managed to get a fully upgraded event building plus 8 AA selection kits.

Was happy about getting fully upgraded event building on day one as I never managed that before and also never got more than one per event, this time I could end up with perhaps 3.

Only the amount of daily specials did not make me satisfied, 8 for that much tickets spent, perhaps I was just unlucky.

Nice! Also most likely not unlucky, this events best rate is only the 10% pumpkins, as we have no choice over what we go for and often are relying on low % chances even when we do get a pumpkin, I'd say events like this makes it quite rare to get any daily special at all. Getting 8 is more then most may see over the entire event


Master Corporal
Does anyone know - Is it possible to have more than one Toy quest list running at the same time or can you only have one Toy running at a time?

Thanks in advance.


It's good to have several running at the same time as some ask the same thing eg I had two asking me to spend 65 FPs, doing so completed both.