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Halloween 2020 Feedback

  • Thread starter Deleted member 109369
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It’s fun playing, great art work & sound, the avatars are nice & I could already build the house of wolf which is a neat building to have.

Thomas Covenent

On day one cleared all quests, collected all but one doll (Annabelle) and finished their questlines (some twice), invested 2k diamonds which I normally avoid doing and managed to get a fully upgraded event building plus 8 AA selection kits.

Was happy about getting fully upgraded event building on day one as I never managed that before and also never got more than one per event, this time I could end up with perhaps 3.

Only the amount of daily specials did not make me satisfied, 8 for that much tickets spent, perhaps I was just unlucky.
Nah, you got 'uber lucky...

In my back-up/diamond mine city, like you I finished the main quest line + the first 2 dailies + 2 'free' daily collections & spent all my tickets for tools.
0 daily specials.

Honestly, I think with this one, you're going to be lucky to land even 4-6 total daily prizes. :(


what do you need to get the daily specials?
is it better to uncover everything or go fast forward?
It depends on the layout. Personally I find you want something inbetween. Uncover enough that you're not passing over everything, but not uncovering so much that you're wasting all your tools

In your starting layout you'd probably want to use flashlights in the columns I've highlighted in Red. That would then show you what's in the columns I've marked with yellow so you can decide how best to use your tools in your next move


Do the daily specials need uncovering?
Only if you want them. I prioritize Grand Prize progress (the lighbulbs) and get daily specials from the pumpkins when it won't hurt my progress towards the grand prize. That's where the lanterns are great for getting multiple items at once

yes except flashlights are 35 each so don't have that many without sacrificing candles.
Big mistake. Never buy individual tools until right at the end when you know exactly how much left over tickets you'll have. You "should" be saving your tickets for the largest bundle where possible.

395 tickets / 36 tools = 10.97 tickets per tool bought. In effect you're more or less getting the flashlights and lanterns for the same price as the candles if you buy the largest pack



Managed 3 daily prizes so far and upto date on all quests and possible tickets. My worst result in an event so far, so guess I was unlucky on this one.


not sure if my imagination but the initial flurry of goodies in the mist is drying up in the 3 cities i play suspect as an incentive to buy tools nearer event end :)

Xeon of Camelot

Well if you are F2p gathering 395 tickets takes a couple of days which will give you 15 mins max. in event playtime so you might easily miss out on a daily special.

While some obviously enjoy the event, i would prefer it had more real-time player involvement other than doing more of the same type of game quests.


Well if you are F2p gathering 395 tickets takes a couple of days which will give you 15 mins max. in event playtime so you might easily miss out on a daily special.

While some obviously enjoy the event, i would prefer it had more real-time player involvement other than doing more of the same type of game quests.
This game is about generating fps and spending it, producing goods and spending it, producing supplies and spending it and so on.
What would you suggest we do during an Event, that we don't normally do?


Well if you are F2p gathering 395 tickets takes a couple of days which will give you 15 mins max. in event playtime so you might easily miss out on a daily special.

While some obviously enjoy the event, i would prefer it had more real-time player involvement other than doing more of the same type of game quests.
Some people require just a day to complete every quest.


Well if you are F2p gathering 395 tickets takes a couple of days which will give you 15 mins max. in event playtime so you might easily miss out on a daily special.
Well yes. But if you want multiple of a specific daily special the best way is to not spend anything until it comes up and then get multiple of the 395 packages. Last Archeology event that allowed me to get a fully upgraded worlds fair from scratch (10 daily specials - same event format). If you want a multi-lvl building from the daily specials you’ll want to save up tickets just to get enough when the building shows itself

Xeon of Camelot

This game is about generating fps and spending it, producing goods and spending it, producing supplies and spending it and so on.
What would you suggest we do during an Event, that we don't normally do?
With reference to this event, I would like to see the daily specials rewarded just for logging in and more even ticket distribution, an increased amount of daily tickets so that a different reward could be given at 16/30 instead of 1200 tickets like now.
Clearing mist means the unlucky players might have to wait another year to get what they want which is hardly satisfactory.


House of horror upgrades, adding a few random diamond rewards or more tickets would make it more playable. Could be just me but I don't feel this event is as rewarding as others.
many players could land up not fully completing it without spending diamonds.
If you complete every quest, you will get a full house of horrors. If you fail to get one, either:
You failed to get even three grand prizes, which is all you need.
Otherwise, you were lazy.

Xeon of Camelot

so in your perspective the event is the minigame instead of the entire thing as a whole or instead of the questlines
More or less because there is nothing new about ticket quests which takes time to only give you the tools to play the mini-game.
Why is that so hard to understand?

edit: The event is not so bad; in my opinion, there has been room for improvement over the past year.
Also please bear in mind that Inno games want constructive feedback which is what I have tried to do.
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