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Event Wildlife Event 2024 Feedback Thread


Second Lieutenant
Serene Flamingo Paradise isn't providing happiness. I'm in SAT and have 3 SFP up so this should at least give me 3x55k extra happiness but my provided happiness is at 70 880 so the SFP happiness is missing.

edit 1
Opened a ticked and had the issue explained so should all be actually fine.
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There seems to be a bug whereby completing Wildlife Event quests via GBG rewards (and possibly via other methods that don't display the main city - I've noticed this on more than one occasion) doesn't bring up the little green tick as usual when you return to the city view, so you can't tell that the quest has been successfully achieved until you manually open the quest window and find the reward has been sitting there waiting to be collected.
For example, I had a quest to collect 2 million gold and went off and played the GBG, during the course of which I coincidentally won enough coins as battle rewards to fulfil the quest. I had no idea I had already done it because the quest didn't show up as ticked.

(This event also seems very unstable - it is constantly freezing up and then reloading in the mini-game, even though I have cleared the app cache...)

Zanzi the just 55

Master Corporal
Where are the "DAILY SPECIALS"???? Get a multitude of suitcases but not one daily special. Over the course of the game have only got maybe 2-3. That's what I'm playing for so INNO is curtailing all wins to make us use Diamonds or buy....... These games suck for those in later eras that have their cities full and the game becomes really costly to play!!!!!! Maybe it's becoming time to move on........

Zanzi the just 55

Master Corporal
It seems that this event has become strictly a money grab for INNO as there seems to be no DAILY SPECIALS given and this is the only thing that I play for as I'm in a Space era and my city is built. It is costly to add anything and expansions are at a premium. Now it seems INNO gives you extreme bonuses if you are willing to spend either Diamonds or cash to get them in the events(not like in the past that you could get the main bonus if you played the game daily). For those of us in later years it becomes extremely costly to finish events so maybe it's time to tell INNO change their ways or they will lose those of us who have stayed with the game for so long and carried them as a game as it's become strictly a MONEY GRAB for them. For the newbies...BEWARE it's going to get worse instead of getting better!!!!!


Second Lieutenant
I got two daily specials today without even realising it until I found them in my inventory :)
Daily specials do drop as they always did, nothing special here and certainly not a new Inno money grab feature as claimed by some players on this forum.
There are fluctuations because of RNG but in the long run the dailies do drop at a normal rate. If that wasn't the case I would not have 8 Serene Animal crossing's, starting from scratch as I didn't have anything from it in inventory, in my city now. It also dropped 45+ FP panda lanes and another day 30+ reno kits, and so on. This morning on 2 tickets I had 3 dailies dropped, giant Kapok and Yesterday evening 1 Racoon Hideout on 2 tickets.


new Rival challenges are they fixed? quest is pop 15 reds and i open game to this lol


So random coding? an entire board not one red tile lol Edit...wont bore with ano screenshot but in a second city a red block challenge and not one on the board what's the chance of twice? and yes entire board and 5 extras and not one red...anyone else? EDIT EDIT OK third city no reds whole board !!!! Next board got the reds but not a yellow whole board .....

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Still not liking the Wildlife event. Next to impossible to get the main event building without buying diamonds. Plus the event is based on another game.


I've never been much of a fan of the Wildlife event. If I wanted to play Candy Crush I probably wouldn't be playing FoE. Also you used to be able to get fully upgraded event building without buying diamonds. Unless you are incredibly lucky that doesn't happen in this event.

Paladiac the Pure

I've never been much of a fan of the Wildlife event. If I wanted to play Candy Crush I probably wouldn't be playing FoE. Also you used to be able to get fully upgraded event building without buying diamonds. Unless you are incredibly lucky that doesn't happen in this event.
Used to get it - and most likely still get it. People like you and your constant whining before you even know what is going to happen. If you want to whine and cry because you cannot get the Main Event building - at least wait until the end when you do not have it - instead of just guessing you cannot have it, so you can start your whine party early.


Used to get it - and most likely still get it. People like you and your constant whining before you even know what is going to happen. If you want to whine and cry because you cannot get the Main Event building - at least wait until the end when you do not have it - instead of just guessing you cannot have it, so you can start your whine party early.

If people would do that you would have 6 pages less to read.