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Is it me or does there never seem to be enough moderators... I know that this isn't only a problem on this server, as the same applies to other servers. Is there anything else that could be done to ensure there is a reasonable number of staff to players?


I think we've said what needed to be or can be said already, don't overdo it, although there are clearly problems interpreting that, but that is a problem which cannot be solved by our suggestions.

If you truly want feedback from other players a dedicated feedback thread and in game announcement would be more appropriate.
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there seem to be a few things going on in this thread, other than players simply stating what seems to be lacking in EN. some comments and suggestions for creating change in EN and hopefully FoE:

1/ some of you are current and/or former mods - either in-game or forum mods, either on EN or other servers - and it would perhaps be helpful for you to identify yourselves as such. why? because you do have inside information as well as insight regarding some topics. however, 'how things USED to be' vs 'how things are now' changes frequently in this industry ... so for example, when Starzann was CCM here in EN, his job duties may have been different than what the current CCMs duties are now. so identifying if you were/are a member of the support team and also in what capacity would be helpful to the readers as you alone can offer a different perspective, but only if your motive is to invoke change here.

2/ on that note, having a place where the mods, their assignments, and even some of their duties are posted would be helpful for knowing who to address with our concerns and to know who oversees what. for example, mostly i play in H, but since kayak left, i do not know who is (are) our H mod(s). i read the forum, so i know that tank, byordie, and overtype are the forum mods (and do a very good job overall, so thank you!) ... knowing who to touch base with can also oftentimes prevent issues from escalating and really help develop better relations between customers and the support team, rather than continuing this 'us vs. them' mentality. having a 'these are your mods!' thread would also give the players a place to acknowledge good work from the mods. had this type of thread been in place earlier, i would have been able to post appreciation to byeordie for years of knowledgeable, enlightening, and honest posts ... i would have had a place to thank Starzann when he was here for treating players with respect ... i would have said many a thank you to lady-lexi for having some great interpersonal skills and preventing some major blow ups in the worlds i play on ... and i would have been able to thank singy2002 for effectively and humorously dealing with H (which is not an easy world apparently, as we burn thru mods :( ...) and so on. so please consider initiating this mod/duties/hierarchy thread as a few good words and pats on the back are just as warranted as complaints and concerns. and btw, welcome back, Zarok Dai! glad to see you have returned!

3/ having someone who does NOT play EN but chooses to use rumors to point out 'concerns' is pretty ridiculous. again, IF the goal of this thread is to gather information and invoke change, the concerns should be ACTUAL concerns of the EN PLAYERS, not of some mouthpiece. so LordDeathrider,what exactly IS your purpose here? it would be best - if change is to occur here - if you would keep your lack of knowledge and lack of experience in EN off this thread. some of us have legitimate concerns and would like some changes made and your thinly veiled attempts to bash our CM, CCMs, and mods do not help us in that endeavor.

4/ i would like to applaud the support team - including but not exclusively the CM team - for creating this thread and restoring some of the posts that were earlier removed. i know that any concerns, complaints, and ideas will generate more work for all of you, especially the forum mods. i do agree that this is a major change (where INNO reps are willing to allow us to post concerns about anything game related, including the workings/lack of workings of the game as well as concerns with some support team members). now, if you really want to hear what your customer base has to say, the CM, who is the identified leader of EN, would be the only person to announce the creation of this thread and explain what its purpose is. sure, the mods should help with defining the guidelines for this thread as they will be the ones dealing with it. the entire support team will have to be prepared for what is about to come, and workloads will undoubtedly increase. but in all honestly, no posts from the players will occur if the CM does not prominently announce this thread. let's face it - INNO has been behind the times as far as providing any means for players to offer criticism and even praise regarding the game or the game staff. so NOT announcing this thread, and making sure that the CM is not the one announcing it kinda points to the same old story for those of us who have been here for years: that INNO is not concerned, period.


You can find a description for the various positions at this linked thread. It also includes a link to this linked page that lists all current staff team members (it's accessible via the View Forum Leaders link at the bottom of the main forum page).

While I can see how someone noting if they held a previous position could be helpful to identify their level of knowledge, it's not always a good representative. Someone could have been a moderator for only a month, they may have only helped out with certain duties, or they could have held the position a very long time ago. If there is and issue or something that needs addressing, it would be better to contact the current support team.

With regard to mods moderating worlds, that tends to vary. The best option for quickest action is to contact support, as that way someone who is available will respond. For example I may be around to answer, while those currently moderating a world may not be there to provide a response or look into the situation at the time.

Perhaps we, the team, need to better introduce ourselves on the forum so that may be something we should look into. The thread itself, however, started as a question regarding forum threads and feedback on that matter prior to anything else being posted. But if there is additional criticism or feedback that someone wants to voice, we'd love to hear it. As you folks are those who actively contribute to this community.


You can find a description for the various positions at this linked thread. It also includes a link to this linked page that lists all current staff team members (it's accessible via the View Forum Leaders link at the bottom of the main forum page).
I'd thought I'd also add that there's a brief description of the positions in the forum rules itself: https://forum.en.forgeofempires.com/showthread.php?26259-Forum-Rules
(and there's a link to the second link Darkstar mentioned in the forum rules under "Guidelines to the forums")


Attention everyone.
We want to let you know we have taken all the current feedback into account and will now be closing this thread and directing all of you to a new permanent feedback thread we have set up to continue to receive your suggestions and improve support for the community.
We thank all those that have participated, and look forward to hearing from even more of you in the new thread.
The Support Team Feedback thread can be found here.
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