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Closed Week #67 2018-08-13

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you keep stopping short on that doubloon.... you got a speech impediment there?

I've no idea how to spell that word. :D


It makes no sense to me. :D I can copy it: dubloon, but I wouldn't know how to spell it on my own. Not even after seeing it every day during the event. :D


Noarsil GE Lvl 4 final reward: Sacred Sky Watch / Store Building

Yes, I'm just off the 64th encounter right now. Yes I've now only got 337 medals and the next encounter buy is 2,940 medals. Yes I did have 15,000 medals exactly at the start of the GE. Next time I think I'll just wait


Noarsil GE Lvl 4 final reward: Sacred Sky Watch / Store Building

Yes, I'm just off the 64th encounter right now. Yes I've now only got 337 medals and the next encounter buy is 2,940 medals. Yes I did have 15,000 medals exactly at the start of the GE. Next time I think I'll just wait


Yeah, it tends to get expensive, if you want to hurry with it... :)


Almost at the end of level 1 GE.. no rush
We're the 2nd top guild in Noarsil VSing against 2 other top guilds from Houndsmoor and Odhorvar

New Dawn of Houndsmoor every week has a 100% participation of members getting 64 encounters

Fair Trade Warriors in Ordhorvar have a weekly participation of 32 encounters unless they're against a tough opponent in which case they too expect 100% of members getting 64 encounters

Then there's Juggernauts in East-Nagesh. I don't have a world there so I can't check what their requirements are, but they're close enough to us and the other two guilds I mentioned to be another potential contender for 64 encounters finished.

Whichever guild gets the 100% completion of GE from all their members first would secure that gold trophy.
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