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Closed Week #47 2018-03-26

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And this was their conversation -

That's disheartening :( I only plunder when it's part of a quest and I often message them if it's a big plunder and offer to pay them if I feel they're nice to talk to. I've often made friends with people from plundering them


In fact if he'd leave GBs he will still prevent plundering. Probably those plunders render the victim too dam angry.


Are there many quests that ask you to plunder? I've only ever seen one, I think.


Yup, that explains about everything.

Well I hate to see people bragging plundering. Especially those in Iron Age, because their hood has just unlocked PvPs or has not unlocked yet. They should brag when they beat someone with similar experiences

I just use 4 Longbowmen and 4 Canons or 2 Champions and 6 Rogues. They work against most armies (especially backed up with +72/69 bonus)

Oh in EMA champions are so ...weak. When will they be strong and reliable??
Yeah that's why I don't plunder so much heh. I make enough of what I need through other more peaceful methods. I feel like there's no absolute need to be plundering so much and the way you play a game almost reflects on what kind of person you are


Are there many quests that ask you to plunder? I've only ever seen one, I think
Well, DCs ask some, not exactly plunder but win battles or defeat units, but since you miss on aids I think grabbing some stuffs is normal. However when I attack this way, I check only once, and grab biggest house (most of the time). And there are more quests to plunder than one, I recall two, one said plunder 2 another said plunder 1.


Well I hate to see people bragging plundering. Especially those in Iron Age, because their hood has just unlocked PvPs or has not unlocked yet. They should brag when they beat someone with similar experiences
Being able to plunder your whole neighbourhood in Iron Age is hardly a feat.
On the other hand, many people would get a lot less trouble if they bothered to polivate their neighbours. I find that many plunderers will not attack those who aid them.
Well I hate to see people bragging plundering. Especially those in Iron Age, because their hood has just unlocked PvPs or has not unlocked yet. They should brag when they beat someone with similar experiences

Absolutely agreed. Most poor beginning players don't fully understand the concept of plundering in any case and are just getting to grips with it all.

I find that many plunderers will not attack those who aid them.

Unfortunately there's no guarantee of that. I've seen players plunder like mad no matter what you do. They attempt to make all their income using it so don't care if you're polivating them and will attack their entire hoods from the moment they change. They don't befriend from the hood since they want to continue plundering as much as they can as well.


Unfortunately there's no guarantee of that. I've seen players plunder like mad no matter what you do. They attempt to make all their income using it so don't care if you're polivating them and will attack their entire hoods from the moment they change. They don't befriend from the hood since they want to continue plundering as much as they can as well.

Indeed, that's true.

At the end of the day, the best thing you can do is get yourself a strong army and be able to plunder back if you need to.


At first I thought aiding the plunderer would systematically stop plundering, but not.
Inno really wants to increase the number of players?


At first I thought aiding the plunderer would systematically stop plundering, but not.
Inno really wants to increase the number of players?
Inno is interested in giving players a reason to come back to the game. If the only real defence against plunder is to collect in time, people will keep checking their city.


the way you play a game almost reflects on what kind of person you are

Yes I got sniped from my own guildie, who everyday attacks and plunders his hoods. In a most cowardly way.

Inno is interested in giving players a reason to come back to the game. If the only real defence against plunder is to collect in time, people will keep checking their city.

DC is another reason to come back or even stay logged in the game ...

BTW if I keep editing messages which timestamp counts???
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