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Strongest gbg gvg oriented guild anyone?


Nope, but you've got my attention

Think of someone, whose in every single thread, whose on 24/7 to take first in every single GB posted in a 1.x on the server, who talks more in chat then anyone else, who gbg's/gvg's more then most, and whose been in almost every guild on the entire server. :)


There is no real competition at start... Guilds barely have treasury for siege camps so they barely reach middle of GBG map :P

Oh no, the IA times all over again with them dominating negotiates and beating every single age in total hits by thousands again!

Although actually, that was before the massive massive nerf to CF, so maybe not. Could make it turn out quite different. Just need a couple Asia's to kickstart a guilds treasury in that case

Deleted User - 10499639

question, why did we choose name as 龙 Đ Ɍ Ⱥ Ǥ Ø N S 龍(+flies) ? that guild im knowing of tack(the biggest guy in the whole world in en)'s guild. but tack isnt there nor any other related person : P
in addition, i cant type that font plus chinese charecter(?) in the rank lol