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Plunder is unethical

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Just what we all need - screwball suggestions like this to take this banter into the Real World - Good thing you Are Not running this game - A Game mind you!!!

We don't have enough unrest in the world - we need more

And, btw way - most of they Babies here are small, weak, & pathetic in the real world!
Did you lose your cool there King? ;)


if i was running this game i would make it so that all personal details like mobile phone numbers or email address were shown for each player. i am sure many of the big mouth plunders would soon think twice about there actions once they knew there might be some serious pay back dished out ?
That would be one hefty fine under GDPR. :D
It's amazing how quickly the responses came in - Hey Guys & Gals the game is back up and running now - Check out the new Space Terminal in your city - It's time for these threads to go back to sleep


So fatugly you know exactly how many people have left the game because of it over those 8 years? No you don't.
the game is still here 8 years on and people have been plundered for all those years, if people were going to quit over it then dont you think in all the 8 years it would of made the game devs get rid of plundering ? people have quit but not enough in large numbers to make even a dent in the game play, who cares if 10 people quit but 100 players stay play the game ? i had to start this game and i got plundered, i got mad but i still hung around and every now and then i still get the odd plunder its no big deal to me anymore so stop moaning about it


i had to start this game and i got plundered, i got mad but i still hung around

Don't allow plundering. It's as simple as that. You have to specifically allow PvP, so people can plunder you. Don't do that. Problem solved in the short run. Build buildings that cannot be plundered. Have all your production be such buildings. Only then allow PvP. Problem solved in the long run.

Any questions? :D


I know it is part of the game but most people play together in guilds and friendships. Imposing a neighbourhood that has regular plunderers in is like giving someone the keys to your house and saying "take what you want".
so? having a team doesn’t stop you from having an opponent. Imagine if basketball worked under that logic. You wouldn’t be able to score anything because you wouldn’t be allowed to take the ball due to the opponent having friends and a team

Also, it’s not entirely your house. The account is only yours for the purpose of the game. It’s more akin to a shared rental agreement that allows other share users to use or share resources under certain conditions.

but when real finances is involved, allowing others to steal your property is essentially aiding theft. I strongly suggest they remove this part of the game. It will discourage many lower level users from continuing playing and that is not good for any of us.
(1) nothing purchased can be taken from you by another player
(2) even if it could you bought it for the purpose of the game. If that’s the game then it did exactly what you bought it for.

As to removing it, what becomes of the cities that spent years, hundreds of thousands of FPs or even money for either defending or attacking around the plunder feature? What if those players don’t want to use those resources for anything else because that was what they built the city for?

You’re fully in control of what buildings are in your city and how you manage it. If you choose to with plunderable buildings then you’re choosing for plundering to be an option. Anything motivated can’t be plundered. Certain buildings are plunder immune. You have a city shield to prevent attacks. It’s already upto you whether or not you can be plundered

if i was running this game i would make it so that all personal details like mobile phone numbers or email address were shown for each player. i am sure many of the big mouth plunders would soon think twice about there actions once they knew there might be some serious pay back dished out ?
let me get this straight. You think that the act of playing a game is stealing even though nothing is actually lost because nothing belonged to you outside the game (no more so then playing a round of monopoly), but you’re willing to abuse the knowledge of personal player details to cause real world harm to other players out of pure spite? Where’s the logic in that?
Are you crazy?! He buys Sim City, builds a few stuff, and then a fire breaks out. In the game. A fire that destroys his hard work. In a game he bought. That's unacceptable! :D :D :D

I forgot all about that - the fire action option - it's been 3 or 4 decades maybe 5 - more like 5 decades ago - LOL
It really was a bummer - Now imagine a bunch of Crazed Looters/Rioters busting through your front door of your business or home - Burning Down - Defend Yourselves - If the Police can't or won't - Defend Yourselves

And this is why they do it - they can't handle Life in anyway. and they sing this song to themselves:
Oh woes wits me, oh woes wits me - How will I go on? How will I live - Oh woes wits me, oh woes wits me

Thomas Covenent

Oh look, this thread again...

I wish the snowflakes would go crawl back to their lovely, CHAZ/CHOP utopia they created, where nothing bad can happen because they kicked out the evil police forces and everyone built their tiny little 3 tomato plant communal mini gardens...
...and actual theft wasn't a crime, just an "unplanned donation" to someone who obviously needed your real world possessions more than you obviously did!Lol. :P

...oh wait, that lasted less than 2 weeks before it just became the new live-action "The Purge".
Can't imagine for the life of me why? Maybe I'll just stop trying to understand SJW 'logic' and just go back to plundering my 'hood, while collecting my own stuff on time so all they can get in return are some coins. :P


Seriously. When it's an option to enable plundering, then what on earth are we even talking about? If you don't like it, don't enable it. If you did..., well, then whose fault is it that people plunder you? :D
if i was running this game i would make it so that all personal details like mobile phone numbers or email address were shown for each player. i am sure many of the big mouth plunders would soon think twice about there actions once they knew there might be some serious pay back dished out ?
Game rule about "communication":
- Threats are only allowed when they relate to the game and not real life. For example, saying that
you will attack someone with your units if he does not give you Forge Points is allowed. However, it is
not allowed to say that you will find someone and beat him up
if he does not give you Forge Points
Just for making such a statement, should be grounds for a temporary ban for him. And, our paths have crossed before - he is true to his comment - I assure you he would do just that - he is Not as able to handle adversity as he would have you believe!
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