Master Corporal
Proposal: To give the tooltip for market trade expire information on mobile.
Have you Checked the Ideas section for the same idea posted by someone else? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
Yes, not seen similar results from my search (sorry if it has already).
Reason: Mainly for knowing the trade expires time in mobile to plan wisely in the city like which goods building to build or other approaches to focus for picking the trades with respective good. Technically, this will bring consistency too .
Visual Aids/Details:
Same as PC,
Balance: No worries, and available in PC too.
Abuse Prevention: No abuse.
Have you Checked the Ideas section for the same idea posted by someone else? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
Yes, not seen similar results from my search (sorry if it has already).
Reason: Mainly for knowing the trade expires time in mobile to plan wisely in the city like which goods building to build or other approaches to focus for picking the trades with respective good. Technically, this will bring consistency too .
Visual Aids/Details:
Same as PC,
Balance: No worries, and available in PC too.
Abuse Prevention: No abuse.