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Update Update to 1.231 Feedback


It has occurred to me that the aid all button could result in a drop off in tavern visits. Aiding and tavern would go hand in hand but now if you aid all unless having to do taverns as part of a challenge some players may not bother. Doubt a tavern 'all' button would work as space and timings vary.
There seems to be a bug with mass-aiding. Steps to reproduce:
  1. Visit the Neighbourly Helpers tab
  2. Click "Aid all" for neighbours.
  3. Wait till it finishes, then pick the collectibles.
  4. After that, the navigation between Neighbours, Guild Members and Friends tabs stops working; they all display the Neighbourly Helpers tab content.
  5. You need to restart the game to restore the tabs.
Doubt a tavern 'all' button would work as space and timings vary.
The logic of this button could be as simple as:
  1. When player opens the Neighbourly Helpers tab, game checks if there are any taverns available in your friends list.
  2. If none found, the button stays disabled.
  3. If 1 or more found, the button becomes enabled, and upon pressing it each available tavern is visited.
  4. When player picks the collectables (FPs, tavern silver, etc), button becomes disabled again till the tab is visited again, then back to step 1.

Paladiac the Pure

Hi everyone, as you've noticed there is a new feature available for some players which we are currently trying out; this involves mass-aid and some video ads. At the present time we cannot guarantee what about this feature may remain or be removed in the future, or whether it will be extended to all players or disappear altogether. We do appreciate any feedback provided on this however :)
One adjustment I would like to see to this, is an option to allow people to choose who/whom they wish to 'mass aid all' - which I would suggest a tickbox (just like inventory) so that those who are 'ticked' (or not ticked, whichever way is preferred) would be recognized by the Aid All, and the others that were not ticked (or the ones that were ticked) could be manually aided later/seperately/not at all. It would take the player a few moments extra initially, to decide if they want all ticked or not, and after that, adjusting new people on the list. Might be easiest to initially tick all players, and the player could untick the ones they do not want mass aided,
Some reasons being, though certainly there could be more:
(a) only certain players on friends list to have Truce Tower (or other GB effects)
(b) a problematic player in the neighborhood that you do not want to see receiving aid


There seems to be a bug with mass-aiding. Steps to reproduce:
  1. Visit the Neighbourly Helpers tab
  2. Click "Aid all" for neighbours.
  3. Wait till it finishes, then pick the collectibles.
  4. After that, the navigation between Neighbours, Guild Members and Friends tabs stops working; they all display the Neighbourly Helpers tab content.
  5. You need to restart the game to restore the tabs.
Had same problem, but only the one time


i have noticed a drop in tavern visits since the aid all button. I usually have a full tavern by morning now half full maybe. Luckily i was able to switch a collect 2500 tavern silver daily, 4000 maybe impossible.
I'm not liking the fact that I cannot open my tavern without that new boost activating. The new boost and the advertisements that are going to be coming with it is unwelcome to me. I don't need the extra boosts that this "New Feature" is to offer.

But, if I wish to use them, I want them to be of my choosing not an automatic item that gets turned on whether I want it or not.


I'm not liking the fact that I cannot open my tavern without that new boost activating.
I agree but for different reasons - My tavern needs emptying many times per day and it is an extra click now to kick them out. As the new multi-tavern boost happens anyway, I don't need to see that screen. If it ever becomes optional, then I can click the icon on the side of the screen to enable it (or the new tab in the tavern).

Also what is the point of the new "gather 1 coin" quest that appears every day? Not much of a challenge
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One adjustment I would like to see to this, is an option to allow people to choose who/whom they wish to 'mass aid all' - which I would suggest a tickbox (just like inventory) so that those who are 'ticked' (or not ticked, whichever way is preferred) would be recognized by the Aid All, and the others that were not ticked (or the ones that were ticked) could be manually aided later/seperately/not at all. It would take the player a few moments extra initially, to decide if they want all ticked or not, and after that, adjusting new people on the list. Might be easiest to initially tick all players, and the player could untick the ones they do not want mass aided,
Some reasons being, though certainly there could be more:
(a) only certain players on friends list to have Truce Tower (or other GB effects)
(b) a problematic player in the neighborhood that you do not want to see receiving aid
If players want to "pick and choose" who to aid with a tick box, they might as well aid manually like it was before. What's the difference scrolling through a list of tick boxes and scrolling through your bars to pick who to aid? And then, you can do tavern at the same time.

the whole point of Aid all is the ALL part. if you don't want ALL, do it manually.
Love the Tavern Boost, saves lots of trouble adding boost's that you sometimes forget about
Mystery Chests are a great bonus especially the extra troops
Aid all feature not too fussed about it, I like to visit taverns at the same time I aid so if you aid all friends you still have to go back and visit the taverns, it is handy for aiding guild members though Overall rating 8 out of 10
Hi Support Team and Inno Developers

I just wanted to tell you that I received the new NEIGHBOURS, GUILD & FRIENDS TAB as well as the TAVERN MINSTEREL TAB and the new PURPLE CHESTS INCIDENTS. These are great! They are easy to use and are a very welcome addition to this game.

Up until now, I’ve been enjoying the strategic nature of FOE however, these new additions to the programme have made a difference to the the game and one that I believe everyone would benefit from and enjoy. Not only do they make the tasks easier but they are faster and simple to use.

It is also a refreshing change to get a couple of the new PURPLE CHEST INCIDNETS as the older incidents were becoming a bit stagnant.

So to all the DEVELOPERS, the SUPPORT TEAM and everyone involved in creating, developing, programming, testing and implementation of these new additions, a very big thank you to you all. I hope Inno decides to retain these changes as a regular part of the game from this point onwards.

Many thanks also to the creators of these innovative changes, as it has obviously been a large project to create and instigate, then carefully introduce them into the game. So from my point of view these new changes have been successful.

Well done to the developers and all those involved in implementing these excellent improvements and badly wanted changes.

Xeon of Camelot

Up until now, I’ve been enjoying the strategic nature of FOE however, these new additions to the programme have made a difference to the the game and one that I believe everyone would benefit from and enjoy. Not only do they make the tasks easier but they are faster and simple to use.
/agree :)
Although I don't seem to have this feature on my pc or mobile clients yet, after being currently generally accepted by most with some players waiting years for tavern or aid boosts, these current aid only automations are a good start to remove the current brainless clicking which in no way makes the game easier.
Those who like to click thousands of times to do the simplest of things must be living in the brain dead last century.
They are dangling carrots but not commited to keep it so it would be a travesty if this got dropped and hope they will find a way to include tavern visits in improved future versions. The option to keep it as it is now should be included.
Keep up the good work Inno!
I don’t know if this change to the Daily Challenge has been rolled out to everyone, but on my Daily Challenge I’m able to swap a quest for a new quest. Actually, I can do this more than once. The first swap is free, but subsequent swaps cost diamonds. While I can see the appeal of this feature, I have an an issue with the positioning on the screen of the Swap icon. I play FoE on my iPad, and on several occasions I have inadvertently tapped the swap icon when I had meant to tap the icon to pay supplies or pay coins. I have then finished up with a new quest, which I didn’t want. Does anyone else have this concern?

Hi everyone, as you've noticed there is a new feature available for some players which we are currently trying out; this involves mass-aid and some video ads. At the present time we cannot guarantee what about this feature may remain or be removed in the future, or whether it will be extended to all players or disappear altogether. We do appreciate any feedback provided on this however :)
Introducing this during an event that often calls for mot/pol is manifestly unjust. Why isnt this being tested on the Beta server? How much longer will those if us without this feature be at a disadvantage to those who have it?

King Dael

Warrant Officer
Yes, I've done that several times while playing on phone. The pay and swap buttons are too close together.

Xeon of Camelot

How much longer will those if us without this feature be at a disadvantage to those who have it?
We know the reasons why they did it except no direct answer to your question.

So far those that have it generally give positive feedback, those that do not negative due to unfairness of award giving features.
INNO talk about fairness but if there is no rotation of those who have with the have nots within a week; I for one shall be taking a break.
Lets hope they can sort it out quickly.


I play the vast majority of the time in the browser and many aspects of the new features have yet to be implemented there. This means I'm collecting rewards from the 4 new chests simply by clicking. I aid all 3 groups simply by clicking. I open the tavern and the boosts are there already and they're active. I don't even need to click. The new quest avatar may tell me to go watch an ad for a reward but her quest is to collect a coin and that gets me the reward. What's not to like?

Ads and more ads.

I was using the tablet earlier today and I think I finally saw what Inno wants the new features to involve.

And it's not good.

Getting the new tavern boosts for 4 hours means watching 4 ads. Each offers 1 hour for the boosts.

The new quest avatar offers an ad to get a reward. "Collect a coin" was clearly just a placeholder quest.

Four prize chests around the city. Collect one by watching an ad. I was able to watch an ad and collect more than one chest but not all of them. It may work out to 4 ads for 4 chests; time will tell.

The Aid All buttons each require watching an ad.

Trying to close the ads generally requires clicking an x on multiple screens per ad. One x-click and it's gone didn't happen for me; the first exit click took me to a second screen, the second click took me to a 3rd screen. The one and only positive I noticed is that many of the ads I saw have Mute buttons which makes them marginally less annoying.

This could easily amount to a dozen ads a day. Some can be fairly easily ignored but, even after 4+ years and 14 worlds, it's not so hard to imagine abandoning FoE entirely if this is implemented.