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moving action can create invisible building of any kind, including GB...



Internet explorer

•Overview of the bug
whenever we pick up a building to move it, the floor grids appear. bright grids are the ones we have already opened and can build things on. the unopened grids stay dark. this bug i am talking about happens when moving the buildings out of the entire floor plan and letting the moving action to auto-cancel.

when we pick up the building and move it to the outer perimeter of the floor grids, the building "squares" 2x2 or 4x3 or any other combinations actually remain "trapped" within the grid while the mouse cursor can still continue outwards. when the mouse cursor now move outwards abit the building will become invisible, and when the mouse cursor move back into the grid the building will become visible again. yes this is the normal case.

but if the mouse cursor move outward abit making the building invisible, and then the mouse cursor continue on and move out of the screen or far out enough causing the moving action to auto-cancel, then the building will return to its original location but stays invisible.

if it is a supplies building that become invisible in this way, its production animation will be the only visible thing in the original location. for example, the clockmaker will have the person hanging mid air making the clock while the rest of the building is invisible... :)

don't know how to make a gif picture so didn't want to clutter this page with too many screenshots unless it is really incomprehensible... :o

•How often this occurs
as far as i know, i can do it everytime

not urgent but abit annoying cos there's no way to make them visible again except refreshing the whole game

•Preventative Actions
unless the mouse cursor do not move out of bounds, there's no way to prevent this from happening. or perhaps the moving action or building action shouldn't auto-cancel, then this problem is solved. :)

usually when we grab and move the buildings around, and the mouse cursor goes out of screen, the buildings will go back to their original locations. however, if it goes out of bounds and the action auto-cancel, the building will go back to its original location but become invisible. those buildings with added animated features when in production mode will have their animation visible while the rest of the building stays invisible.

•I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported:
Yes. i search for keywords such as "invisible" "vanish" and found unrelated threads
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Amy Steele

I can confirm this is happening
1.04.15700 (02.07.2013 7:45), Amy Steele (836511), en6, en_US, WIN 11,7,700,225, Windows 7, Chrome/27.0.1453.116, 1107x620
Screenshots (before and after moving the building)
Snapshot_2013-07-07_110714 Vanishing Building.png
Snapshot_2013-07-07_110826 Vanishing Building 2.png

I also discovered a simpler fix than refreshing... just select the 'move' cursor again and click on the area where the building should be, move it a couple of squares, it will reappear and you can just drop it back where it should be.


I recall this happening to me a few times too, I have been unable to replicate it so far though..... like amy said though 'picking up' the building and replaces it fixes it, so I can only assume its a very minor graphics bug.

Amy Steele

The way I managed to replicate it was to pick up a building at the very edge of my city and move it not just 'out of bounds' but move the cursor all the way to the edge of the browser window, maybe even a little beyond. The 'move' auto cancels and the building snaps back into place but non-moving parts of the image go invisible until picked up again - rather fun to play with really :D

EDIT: Would be interesting to know if the building is still visible to those visiting my city - perhaps I will set it up and ask one of my guild mates to let me know.

Just tried it again and as soon as I move the building halfway outside of the possible playing area (to where there is no grid at all, not just onto the area I have not expanded onto, but the area it is not possible to expand onto) the non-moving parts vanish and it snaps back into place.
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Spot on Amy! Well done on figuring that out! I was trying to replicate it for ages yesterday!

Confirmed then, when you pick up a building and move your cursor outside the playing area of your city, the animated parts of the building snap back, the rest disappears.

Fixes: Picking up the invisible building with the move tool and placing it back down or refreshing your browser.


Town Hall disappearing

  • World:Brisgard
  • Browser and Version:Google Chrome 27.0.1453.116 (Official Build 206485) m
  • Overview of the bug:Town Hall Disappeared
  • Screenshots:
  • How often this occurs: When rearranging city
  • Urgency: Moderate
  • Preventative Actions: Do not rearrange or move town hall
  • Summary:When I moved the town hall, it disappeared, I clicked cancel. The town hall can be clicked, but cannot be seen.
  • I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: YES
  • Have you tried fixing it by using methods listed in the thread pinned to the top of this forum:YES


Multiple Problems

Some are as mentioned above, but today I have 2 server errors every time I try to log in.
The 3 quest setters are in permanent turmoil, like updating all the time, showing arrows and not their pictures.
I have no Town Hall, my Tower of Babel has gone missing.
People can p/m me, but I can only see green fields when I go to them.
Now, my Tower of Babel needs its goods removed after 24 hrs. As I can't see it, it will not let me accept the 'prize'. So now I will lose out in 24 hrs time as I haven't collected this one. The other GBs will then be the same in time.

I have tried refresh. I have tried to clear cache, closing down etc. Still the same.

Give us a clue when it will be sorted. Saw an advert on TV here last night for FoE.TV, does this mean more players trying to get in?
Please tell us something other than
It's been already reported at the following link:

This has now been cleared. By removing FoE from PC, de-bugging machine, checking IE10 for fault finds, clearing cache numerous times, re-installing and the game works. Took about 6 hours. Thanks for your time, my problem solved.
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