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GBG with city defense boost

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Proposal: To use defense boost in GBG also.

Have you Checked the Ideas section for the same idea posted by someone else? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
Yes, not seen similar results from my search

Reason: GBG is using the army attack boost only. So add some feature to use defense boost in GBG like GE level 5. And it can make city defense more important.

Visual Aids/Details: Use city attack and defense boost alternatively each round. (Different Map, different attacking style, different rewards)
In waterfall map - use defense boost. Rewards - The great Elephant
In Volcano map - use attack boost. Rewards - Statue of Honor

Balance: It will make city attack boost and defense boost balance.

Abuse Prevention: No abuse.
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Lieutenant Colonel
I don't think the background images (volcano and waterfall) affect the GBG game play.


I don't think the background images (volcano and waterfall) affect the GBG game play.
Oh.. sorry I have language problem.. English is not my mother language..
It's not about the background image. We use attack boost in GBG, right. So why don't we make one for defense boost like in GE.
Hope you could understand what I mean.. :D

DJ of BA

Chief Warrant Officer
Oh.. sorry I have language problem.. English is not my mother language..
It's not about the background image. We use attack boost in GBG, right. So why don't we make one for defense boost like in GE.
Hope you could understand what I mean.. :D
I do understand, I hope that this idea doesn't come to fruition, players have spent years building their cities with Attack boosts, to then change a GBG to a defense based one will effectively destroy that season for many players, I for one wouldn't bother, like a lot of long term players who have reached the "end" of the current storyline I will not change my city layout to a defensive one, I already stop at L64 on GE, it's too expensive and the rewards are not worthwhile in my opinion, to then take away every other GBG, would make me seriously think about leaving the game completely, so while your idea would have had merit when GBG had been first introduced, to do it now would be madness and lead to a mass exodus of a large number of the most experienced players


I do understand, I hope that this idea doesn't come to fruition, players have spent years building their cities with Attack boosts, to then change a GBG to a defense based one will effectively destroy that season for many players, I for one wouldn't bother, like a lot of long term players who have reached the "end" of the current storyline I will not change my city layout to a defensive one, I already stop at L64 on GE, it's too expensive and the rewards are not worthwhile in my opinion, to then take away every other GBG, would make me seriously think about leaving the game completely, so while your idea would have had merit when GBG had been first introduced, to do it now would be madness and lead to a mass exodus of a large number of the most experienced players
What about alternate? When volcano map use attack boost and when waterfall map use defense boost. For the city layout the game need to adjust the special building's function, such as add defense function to the building. The game will need to improve some old buildings.
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Knight of ICE

In order for an idea to be forwarded, it needs to be posted in a required format.
If it is not in the right format, nothing will be done with it.
Even when it is formatted, it can not be on the Do Not Suggest List.
Also it should not have been proposed before.

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And here you use the forum search function to see if your idea has not been proposed before


Once you have followed all these instructions it all depends on how players will vote on your idea.
For it to be forwarded it needs a majority of 70% or more.

Hope this helps!


Oh.. sorry I have language problem.. English is not my mother language..
It's not about the background image. We use attack boost in GBG, right. So why don't we make one for defense boost like in GE.
Hope you could understand what I mean.. :D
Why... No one really liked the introduction of defending army boosts into GE. I've spent 3 years building up my city's attacking army boosts and don't plan on changing that. People have quit because of level 5 GE being defending army boost orientated. Lots of people.

Although, perhaps a feature separate from GBG with similar mechanics to GBG but using defending army boosts would be a better idea, I would rather not have that either, but it would be a bit better because I could just ignore it.
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So we have two GBG map (Volcano and Waterfall), right. So what about make one of them is using city defense boost instead. :)

If we’re doing city boost at all I would prefer it to be consistent to all maps so it actually means something. Otherwise what’s the point of adding something to the city that’s only used 50% of the time?

Whether or not I want city defense there in the first place is another matter entirely :lol:

Paladiac the Pure

This idea does have merit. For those that play GbG, yes, their cities are built largely based on attack army bonus. But for a City Defense bonus on the 2nd map - it will more or less still be an even playing field, as the GbG players most likely do not have much for stats. It may invite some traditional non-GbG players to play as well, as they would have cities relative to the same City Defences as the other players.
It also gives the bonus that (for a while at least), players will not be able to go all gangbusters over the map as soon as a GbG session starts, as their attrition would be accumulating quickly and they do not have the advanced stats to survive an extended period of time.

As to Emberguards comment above "what’s the point of adding something to the city that’s only used 50% of the time?" - well, GE level 5 was added for something that is used very little by most players (i.e. the City Defense stats) - so maybe 10%, maybe a little higher or lower? So why would this not be good, as the 'real' GbG players would still play the map, regardless of which stat they are using.

For me personally, GbG has gotten so boring with the constant fighting all the time, with just 3 days off in between each 2 weeks - so this could give some players a proper rest in between GbG sessions - and those players who live online, well they will be playing no matter what happens.

I also have to laugh at people who keep stating how many people are leaving or quitting the game. The reality is, you have absolutely no idea how many or what percentage of players are leaving. And if they are leaving for a reason such as GE5, or that GE5 was the excuse they finally chose because of their fatigue with the game as a whole. Each time Inno comes out with something that the vocal minority do not like - immediately the calls about how many people will quit or leave. So, some people leave - it is called attrition - which is normal. And some players want to get on their 'high horses' and give whatever excuses they can come up, so that they can look good and important in front of an internet crowd. Big deal.

Lynn7697 - revisit your idea and recreate it in the correct format.


Warrant Officer
This idea does have merit. For those that play GbG, yes, their cities are built largely based on attack army bonus. But for a City Defense bonus on the 2nd map - it will more or less still be an even playing field, as the GbG players most likely do not have much for stats. It may invite some traditional non-GbG players to play as well, as they would have cities relative to the same City Defences as the other players.
It also gives the bonus that (for a while at least), players will not be able to go all gangbusters over the map as soon as a GbG session starts, as their attrition would be accumulating quickly and they do not have the advanced stats to survive an extended period of time.

As to Emberguards comment above "what’s the point of adding something to the city that’s only used 50% of the time?" - well, GE level 5 was added for something that is used very little by most players (i.e. the City Defense stats) - so maybe 10%, maybe a little higher or lower? So why would this not be good, as the 'real' GbG players would still play the map, regardless of which stat they are using.

For me personally, GbG has gotten so boring with the constant fighting all the time, with just 3 days off in between each 2 weeks - so this could give some players a proper rest in between GbG sessions - and those players who live online, well they will be playing no matter what happens.

I also have to laugh at people who keep stating how many people are leaving or quitting the game. The reality is, you have absolutely no idea how many or what percentage of players are leaving. And if they are leaving for a reason such as GE5, or that GE5 was the excuse they finally chose because of their fatigue with the game as a whole. Each time Inno comes out with something that the vocal minority do not like - immediately the calls about how many people will quit or leave. So, some people leave - it is called attrition - which is normal. And some players want to get on their 'high horses' and give whatever excuses they can come up, so that they can look good and important in front of an internet crowd. Big deal.

Lynn7697 - revisit your idea and recreate it in the correct format.
God, I wish someone would invent a game that looks as good as FoE but has absolutely no fighting in it at all.
Just a relaxing city-builder with trade and maybe tasks or puzzles to gain expansion or rewards.
There's enough fighting in RL.
I often wonder why humans need it in games too...


God, I wish someone would invent a game that looks as good as FoE but has absolutely no fighting in it at all.
Just a relaxing city-builder with trade and maybe tasks or puzzles to gain expansion or rewards.
There's enough fighting in RL.
I often wonder why humans need it in games too...

When mobile first came out (as we couldn't do gvg and GE/GBG wasn't a thing) it was actually like that apart from hood.


God, I wish someone would invent a game that looks as good as FoE but has absolutely no fighting in it at all.
Just a relaxing city-builder with trade and maybe tasks or puzzles to gain expansion or rewards.
There's enough fighting in RL.
I often wonder why humans need it in games too...
Try Sally home maker as a game, heard there having a sale on chinty curtains, lol. As for the idea, sorry mate but think its a bad one, to many people have spent to many years building up there citys for attack often spending countless amounts of cash in doing so, and just for the purpose to fight faster and with greater ease in GbG, more overly these are the big players, and those with high level Arc's, these are also the same people that spend the greatest amount of time playing and helping smaller players to grow faster, if like myself they are in SAJM then they have only GbG and the next era to look forward to and a city change for me is out of the question. I suspect that you are in a smaller guild and your looking for an edge to get ahead, it wont work this way buddy, try aligning your guild with one of the big guilds, our guild has done just that with a smaller guild to boost there abilitys in GbG.
The long and short of it is Don't mess with GbG, there is to much at risk.


Warrant Officer
Try Sally home maker as a game, heard there having a sale on chinty curtains, lol. As for the idea, sorry mate but think its a bad one, to many people have spent to many years building up there citys for attack often spending countless amounts of cash in doing so, and just for the purpose to fight faster and with greater ease in GbG, more overly these are the big players, and those with high level Arc's, these are also the same people that spend the greatest amount of time playing and helping smaller players to grow faster, if like myself they are in SAJM then they have only GbG and the next era to look forward to and a city change for me is out of the question. I suspect that you are in a smaller guild and your looking for an edge to get ahead, it wont work this way buddy, try aligning your guild with one of the big guilds, our guild has done just that with a smaller guild to boost there abilitys in GbG.
The long and short of it is Don't mess with GbG, there is to much at risk.
Not ready for the cosy fluffy days just yet mate, lol.

Think you misunderstood me a bit though. Wasn't suggesting any kind of changes to FoE cus I know it just won't happen. FoE is what it is.
Not in a guild, not looking for a way to get ahead, not interested in PvP, GbG, only fight if needed for quests or Map progress. Occasionally do GE1/2.
But I like the look of FoE and at least I can do a big chunk of it without fighting.

I'm just bored with 99% of city builder games being predominantly about fighting to get anywhere. Or they look 1D and dated.
Build an army! Get stronger and stronger!! Attack, attack attack!!! Yawn.
Let's have an alternative.

Knight of ICE

Lets stay on the subject here and focus on the idea. This is not a discussion or feedback thread.


For those who don't want to change the city layout, as we can see FOE always introduce a new event building in every event. So you have to change your city layout whenever a new building come out. I believe all the new building will come with defense boost. And I believe FOE team might think about it or something similar. (Just my opinion)
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