But ()()``|°
The idea is pointless. It is popular only because everyone knows about the subject because everyone (forget about the "almost") has a tavern, and is familiar with it. When you present other ideas, people might not know what you are talking about, and therefore less support. (So your idea gets popular only because you targeted a potentially large audience base instead of a niche, market, (what market... pardon vocabulary...)
"Oh I have too many tavern silvers, more than I can ever possibly spend, so something must be done about it." How boring is that train of thought. Once upon at time, you did not have enough silvers to buy the absolutely necessary "extra turn". And once upon a time... you are waiting eagerly for enough silvers to upgrade the tavern and increase the number of seats. AND now -- you have them all. Shouldn't you be celebrating, instead of complaining?
On the positive yet equally pointless and boring note -- the silvers can be spent to buy ingredients to make drinks with which to serve friends to make friends happy. When they are happy, they give your tavern high ranking and leave you more silvers. When not happy, they get angry, leave early and do not pay you. You can also spend the silvers to hire bar tenders, who make more exquisite drinks to make the visitors more happy. You can also hire a security guard, because sometimes the vampire visits your tavern, drink all your drinks -- no, wait, other special guests drink all of your drinks and pay you a large sum of silvers -- but the vampire scare all your normal guests away. Only a security guard can chase it away (automatically, that is; or you can do it yourself with a lot of clicks...)
If the above is implemented, and a law suit regarding Intellectual Property Rights arise, please don't mention my name.
Of course, you can also spend tavern silvers to buy premium tavern theme song (and hire a DJ).