5697points LMA tower
If you keep trying you'll eventually succeedOh! I would have really liked to be a champion I am so proud of myself, lol. it's my highest score ever!!!
Well i'll keep on trying.
Amy Steele - EMA Champion - Hanseatic League - 1731 points (unboosted)
Amy Steele - EMA Champion - Hanseatic League - 2630 points (boosted)
Well done, your titles has been updated!veminc1 - High Middle Age Champion - The Roman Empire - 4689 Points
Well done ListerOsmeg, your title has been updated!ListerOsmeg - Colonial - The BORG - 2970 (3594 @120%) Points
Well done ListerOsmeg, your titles has been updated!ListerOsmeg - Colonial Age - The BORG - 10,758 points
ListerOsmeg - Industrial Age - The BORG - 4808 points
Well done ListerOsmeg, your title has been updated!ListerOsmeg - Modern Age - The BORG - 24,492 points
Well done Vossos, your title has been updated!Vossos - LMA Champion - Outlaws -8290 Points (boosted)
Well done ListerOsmeg, your title has been updated!ListerOsmeg - Modern Age - The BORG - 25,402 points