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Anyone seen the new announcement about GBG in beta?

What has been balanced by this idea?

Guild goods become pointless as nobody needs them anymore. Teamwork means nothing. Guild means nothing. Guild ranking determined by GvG where mobile players cannot join anyway let alone there are players from different time zones.

BTW, you should stop any rewards which can generate diamonds (buildings, GE, GBG). then hope people will spend money to buy them.

Practically this means end of GBG, and for a mobile player, you can enjoy GE, do a bit of GBG, build your city, but then you can log off and forgot about this game for long time as the event buildings are just not worthy anymore. plus all events are the same mechanism every year, you can come back after 3 years, and they will be the similar.

I will see how this will turn out, but this may drive me away from the game. I spent a lot of time on this game since I started 18 months ago and now totally disheartened by this 're-balancing' idea.

Knight of ICE

I understand your concern, but you need to address it on beta. As long as it has not been brought to the live servers we can not fo anything with feedback given here.


I am leaving ths game for good if this update is applied to the live servers, simple as that...
I understand your concern, but you need to address it on beta. As long as it has not been brought to the live servers we can not fo anything with feedback given here.
well, I don't play on beta, so I am guessing that I don't have a say on the game, so I will see how this change will change my play. very disappointed that I leveled my new AI Core recently for this change, it is a slap in the face.

Paladiac the Pure

well, I don't play on beta, so I am guessing that I don't have a say on the game, so I will see how this change will change my play. very disappointed that I leveled my new AI Core recently for this change, it is a slap in the face.
I have seen a few complaints here and in Beta regarding the AICore - and really, not that big of a deal, if you are not 'end of game', as it does help with the supply of the Age specific goods - which may also continue to be of use in future expansion. Nothing to be disappointed about, other than "no need to rush anything in this game - you rush at your own choice, but no need for it"

Knight of ICE

well, I don't play on beta, so I am guessing that I don't have a say on the game, so I will see how this change will change my play. very disappointed that I leveled my new AI Core recently for this change, it is a slap in the face.

You have a say if you are on the forum.

Xeon of Camelot

Guild goods become pointless as nobody needs them anymore. Teamwork means nothing. Guild means nothing

Guess what? None of the above statements will happen.
Players and others will still keep thier att bonus GB's and event buildings, the large hard core GvG guilds will still win but perhaps not as quick as before due to the be introduced 66.6% max attrition; their powerful wrecking balls will be nerfed. Some will be upset by the change but it's the same for everyone and should make GvG more playable for the more casual players and guilds.

It's good to see Inno trying to make the game more balanced without only listening to the P2W diamond buyers but i dont like to see more comments from them like they may or may not introduce it, similar to the current "aid all" testing on live servers that only one random group is getting the benefits!

Inno please finish one project before starting another; you are creating an uncertain atmosphere where even your most dedicated FOE players don't know if they are coming or going.
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Guess what? None of the above statements will happen.
Players and others will still keep thier att bonus GB's and event buildings, the large hard core GvG guilds will still win but perhaps not as quick as before due to the be introduced 66.6% max attrition; their powerful wrecking balls will be nerfed. Some will be upset by the change but it's the same for everyone and should make GvG more playable for the more casual players and guilds.

This is about GbG = Guild Battleground cap, not GvG (= Guild vs Guild = browser only)

Knight of ICE

Like said, this is the Beta spoiler section and not the feedback section. Any comments you have on the subject, you need to put on the beta forum. There it is being tested and there the decision will be made if it will be brought to the live servers or not. As long it being tested on beta and it has not been brought to the liver servers yet, we can not do anything with your feedback.


FoE Team
Community Manager
Hey everyone, while it would be preferable and indeed more effective to post your feedback on the beta forum thread as Knight of Ice said, you can continue to post on this topic here in the spoiler section if you wish. We will keep an eye on your feedback, but cannot guarantee non-beta feedback will be as effective, as I said.
Like said, this is the Beta spoiler section and not the feedback section. Any comments you have on the subject, you need to put on the beta forum. There it is being tested and there the decision will be made if it will be brought to the live servers or not. As long it being tested on beta and it has not been brought to the liver servers yet, we can not do anything with your feedback.
So I have to register another account in beta for feedback? I am busy enough for 1 server.... Not enough time to build diamond farm on every world yet...


Had to login after so long just to say I find this update hilarious, cause as we have seen many times over a feature no one likes on beta, such as the pvp tower, still gets released on live anyway. So beta feedback is usually quiet pointless - So when this gbg ending feature gets released that isn't nerfing traps? It will mean that now, where small guilds are able to farm and get something from GBG, small guilds will get nothing and big guilds will dominate harder.

For 2 years GBG has been a game staple, something that gave reason to work your GB's up at any age (as GVG stops at future) something that pushed peoples atk/def values to extremely high totals. And doing this will effectively mean anyone who didn't do that will be cut out of ever getting anything ever from gbg. It is way to late to change it. Most players playing today most likely play for gbg. If enough don't like it, this already small population game will bleed more players then it ever has. It lost a bunch of players when they nerfed the hardcore questing method of playing, and this might finish whats left.

The people for this update means they are people playing anyway which means this update would have no effect on if they stayed or not. the people against this update will most likely leave, or ruin the game mode for small guilds as they can now be trapped permanently inside their base.

Xeon of Camelot

the people against this update will most likely leave, or ruin the game mode for small guilds as they can now be trapped permanently inside their base.
I have more faith in the abilty of players to adapt without being spiteful to small guilds, the time already spent on high attack/ def values will be not wasted as I am sure it will still be one of the most sought after things to obtain even after the attrition change.
Just read the beta forum on this topic and it is full of doom and gloom lol
Get over it, if it works the way Inno devs want the longer term effect to GbG should be more positive to a wider range of players.

angry hamster

What has been balanced by this idea?

Guild goods become pointless as nobody needs them anymore. Teamwork means nothing. Guild means nothing. Guild ranking determined by GvG where mobile players cannot join anyway let alone there are players from different time zones.

BTW, you should stop any rewards which can generate diamonds (buildings, GE, GBG). then hope people will spend money to buy them.

Practically this means end of GBG, and for a mobile player, you can enjoy GE, do a bit of GBG, build your city, but then you can log off and forgot about this game for long time as the event buildings are just not worthy anymore. plus all events are the same mechanism every year, you can come back after 3 years, and they will be the similar.

I will see how this will turn out, but this may drive me away from the game. I spent a lot of time on this game since I started 18 months ago and now totally disheartened by this 're-balancing' idea.
If they decide to ruin the game I will stop playing....
No point in having fighting guilds, why look at game when no attrition, lose fun in logging on no point, lose rewards for fighting, lose all motivation....
Why keep on changing, no one knows what's going on !!!!
If this happens, there are lots of us that will start an online campaign against it.......
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Like many I’m not on beta but this update if brought to the live servers would greatly impact me and so this apparently is the best place to give feedback. So here goes..

GBG is the reason I play the game. Everything I’ve been doing in game once I learned about GBG has been to make myself more effective in that. This proposed update make all the time and effort feel pretty much worthless. 10 to 15 minutes of fights a day and that’s it. For an active GBG fighter that’s laughable. it will ruin the fun of war seasons and racing rival guilds on sectors many times a day.

This update will also particularly impact newer players. At least with good Siege Camp support they could get the fights in. They may never be able to catch up the seasoned players but at least with GBG the way it is they could earn enough awards to progress to a good level in a reasonable time. This update utterly wrecks that.

In my own case it took about a year to become an effective GBG fighter. If I had been trying to do the same with having to deal with this proposed update I would imagine it would have taken 3 to 4 years. i wouldn’t have bothered.

It will ruin things for smaller guilds too. The big ones will continue to dominate and the small ones get very little and end up relegated. This happens now too of course but at least under the current system when they’re relegated they can have a chance at a decent season the next time. With this proposed update they’ll get a handful of fights in per day and be barely able to progress. The few good player they have will attrition out quickly and the map will just stagnate.

Every active fighter I’ve spoken to about this thinks it’s a terrible idea. Some are very disillusioned by it myself included. It’s truly dreadful and will kill the game for a large amount of it’s most active players.. Battlegrounds as it is might not be exactly what Inno had originally intended but you have created something great that so many players like. Is it perfect? No but this will make it whole lot worse for most people and better for next to none. Please bin this absolutely awful idea…