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1.22 - discussion thread


Thank you for the unattached display option, originally I did not think it mattered but as more units are available, it does matter


Gotta thank the devs for the unattached units thingie and Im glad that we finally how something to be grateful for. So Im just going to say thanks now before you do another update that will make us go bonkers. So thank you!

That play back is also useful so thanks for that as well.

As to trade expiration, not sure how is that useful if not the contrary. Myself I put trades on and leave them until somebody buys them, sometimes for weeks on end. Why exactly would I want to put the same trade over and over again? And trade spam? What is that? If I put an offer on and nobody buys it for a while am I spamming?
Those of us who have tens of thousands of goods will put lots of trades whether you like it or not.

You should have done here as with the highlighting of unattached units, simply add in setting for players to choose if to activate/deactivate trades expiring because the way this feature is now, you just gave us more work to do, more time wasted for nothing.


yes thanks for the filter it is much needed and i am grateful for it..{a nice bone to throw to quell the masses)

and i like the idea of the expiry date (one player on one world has 198 pages of unfair trades and it is a pain to go through that looking for good trades)
but this will not convince me to open my wallet again ..too little too late i feel..at least we got the filter


Ever wondered how the auto-combat option managed to lose a battle for you? Well, now you can play every fight back, not only the battles when you are defending.

Actually no. There is no need to wonder how, the incredibly poor AI is the reason. I'd have much preferred improved AI than the ability to playback and witness the poor AI in action AGAIN.
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As to trade expiration, not sure how is that useful if not the contrary. Myself I put trades on and leave them until somebody buys them, sometimes for weeks on end. Why exactly would I want to put the same trade over and over again? And trade spam? What is that? If I put an offer on and nobody buys it for a while am I spamming?
Those of us who have tens of thousands of goods will put lots of trades whether you like it or not.

You should have done here as with the highlighting of unattached units, simply add in setting for players to choose if to activate/deactivate trades expiring because the way this feature is now, you just gave us more work to do, more time wasted for nothing.
It will stimulate the trade among players. If your trade doesnt get accepted within a week, its probably coz you've placed an unrealistic price. I would even reduce it to a few days (I think a week is a lot).

After this update, I think all guilds could finally liberalize trade ratios and let the market determine whats the "right" price for any good instead of fixing them to production costs which create scarcity of certain goods.

All in all, this looks like a great update.


+1 for the unattached unit banner

+1 for trades expiring. Will help limit those trades by players putting up hundreds of ridiculous unbalanced trades and letting them sit there for weeks or months in hopes someone will take one by accident. If this was an optional setting as someone posted above it would be a useless feature as we all know which players would deactivate it.

The change to sector defense boosts seems to be a small step but at least in the right direction for a change.

What would be really great is if we could allow other players to watch our attacks as a teaching tool. Trying to teach a new player how to attack on chat is incredibly hard when a video showing it would be worth a thousand words.


I think the sector boost might have a negative impact on smaller guilds, but I guess we will have to see how that pans out. It was great to finally see something that needed to happen in one of these though. Unattached filter will be great. Will units still randomly arrange themselves every time you select one?


Still no second modern era GB, i am wondering if you will ever release a complete era on time in the future.


could you confirm whether there will be a second ME GB? I can understand if the Space Needle was too powerful to justify having a second ME GB.


There WILL be a second ME Great Building. It is just a matter of time before it is finalized and put out for the players.


Still no second modern era GB, i am wondering if you will ever release a complete era on time in the future.

Remember it was quite a while before Alcatraz was released too... We've actually had a useful update this time. Stop searching for things to complain about.


A major step in the right direction with this update. Finally we can differentiate between attached and unattached troops..... Bet it took a dev around a half hr of coding max and could have been done months ago ( no exaggeration there ) but yippee it's almost here.

Regarding a second gb for ME....this really has to be awesome to make up for the shambles that is the space needle but even if it is I think the usual surge to buy the bps and be among the first to own it will not happen. Vast amounts of diamond players are no longer spending money due to the de-valuing of the military gbs and will see any future purchases as too risky due to the fact what you pay for may not be what you will end up with a short time later

Sorry, just realised I'm going off topic so to get back on track I offer my thanks to the Inno team for a positive ( in my eyes ) update


Well I for one am VERY happy about the unattached filter, what wonderful news :-) a happy camper hahaha, kim


could you confirm whether there will be a second ME GB? I can understand if the Space Needle was too powerful to justify having a second ME GB.
uhhh... Wasnt evry1 comlaining about how bad the needle was?