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1.18 discussion thread


I think the ability to easily identify unattached units would have been of far more use than the new feature which displays a blue highlight border around defensive units in the battle results screen.


everytime there is an update i read them hopping that there going to address some of the real importand issues that have been rasied time and time again in this forum. and yet again there doing noting about them its clear there treating the customers as if they dont matter and they can do as they wish which in my book isnt fair for us the players we dont want new features or things that look good we want a game were its fun to play and not a chore daily its also clear its a waste of time even mentioning anything on here as no one from the company bothers to read it or reply we only get lap dogs who are after there brownie points giving us a bit of info as they dont know anything themselves and i am not havng a go at them when i say this but its all we ever get
so there is yet another update and nothing at all in there is going to address the issues


everytime there is an update i read them hopping that there going to address some of the real importand issues that have been rasied time and time again in this forum. and yet again there doing noting about them its clear there treating the customers as if they dont matter and they can do as they wish which in my book isnt fair for us the players we dont want new features or things that look good we want a game were its fun to play and not a chore daily its also clear its a waste of time even mentioning anything on here as no one from the company bothers to read it or reply we only get lap dogs who are after there brownie points giving us a bit of info as they dont know anything themselves and i am not havng a go at them when i say this but its all we ever get
so there is yet another update and nothing at all in there is going to address the issues

I think its more like they regard us as a nagging mother-in-law than an ally really :D which is a shame. The reason we are here, that we complain about things or that we come with ideas to improve the game is because we CARE, we like the game, we dedicate our time here instead of playing something else. The INNO staff needs a mentality reboot: work with your customer and not against. Put the accent on the community and not the commercial side of the business if you want to survive.
I`m still waiting to see a feature they implemented at customer`s request and I`ve been playing for more than a year and a half.


I think its more like they regard us as a nagging mother-in-law than an ally really :D which is a shame. The reason we are here, that we complain about things or that we come with ideas to improve the game is because we CARE, we like the game, we dedicate our time here instead of playing something else. The INNO staff needs a mentality reboot: work with your customer and not against. Put the accent on the community and not the commercial side of the business if you want to survive.
I`m still waiting to see a feature they implemented at customer`s request and I`ve been playing for more than a year and a half.

yes you could be right there, maybe it does come across as here comes the moaning lot again there never happy etc
but like you point out i do care about the game else i wouldnt spend so much time playing it and over a year now i have been playing, so my moans are more to highlight as a player what i think is wrong or what could be done to improve things and number 1 on the list of needs is the battle selection we didnt ask for the change but we got it and it caused many players such as myself to spend ages trying to find attached units and this means a heck of a lot more time needed to play the game, and i am talking hours
now there have been a lot of updates since the change of selection of units and a lot of players complained over it and we dont get listened to and who best to tell people about the game and its flaws than those who play it


Maybe when people stop posting in the forum, they might realise they should pay more attention to players.


very disappointed (yet again)...........every update announcement has me reading in anticipation for what we all ask for and the game really needs but i should know better by now :(

i'm not always negative as my posts on the gb goods changes will prove as i welcomed the change but the continued ignoring of urgent fixes to well documented game problems is a BIG BIG LET DOWN :mad:


What's with the blue vs green health bar on some of the defending units (in the announcement thread image)? :confused:


I too, read every update announcement, thinking something REALLY got fixed, or a new feature that players would love to see got released, and every time im like "eh" nothing good.


What's with the blue vs green health bar on some of the defending units (in the announcement thread image)? :confused:

Blue are the defensive units? (Just guessin'). And Desy is right. Maybe some sort of a graphic for defensive units (Something simple. A diagonal 'ghost' bar?). . . mk
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What's with the blue vs green health bar on some of the defending units (in the announcement thread image)? :confused:
The new feature in this update is that if you had a unit in your attacking AND defensive army, it will continue to be highlighted blue when your see the results screen, so it will be more obvious to notice when of your defenders that could now be damaged.


lol: doing highlighting something unnecessary :rolleyes:
(most people are smart and know if they are using defending troops in attacking army)

how about doing the real important thing: highlighting unattached units :confused:


It is baffling that this was considered something worth doing when there are so many problems yearning to be fixed.


ours is not to reason why..our is but to play and sigh ...............we can only wonder who deems what as important and what is not....nothing we say in here will make the slightest bit of difference.


ours is not to reason why..our is but to play and sigh ...............we can only wonder who deems what as important and what is not....nothing we say in here will make the slightest bit of difference.

Yes, but it seems also that nothing said in the beta server gets attended to either!! :(


ours is not to reason why..our is but to play and sigh ...............we can only wonder who deems what as important and what is not....nothing we say in here will make the slightest bit of difference.

i agree totally lets hope the devs can see many players are now losing the will to live with not being heard we come up with ideas, we shout out whats wrong with the game and the unattached unit problem seems one of the most easyiest problems they could solve yet the ignore and bring out something again that no one wants its easy enough as it is to tell if you have defence units in your army as there coloured blue ? so what on earth do we need another update to tell us what unit is in defense for ?

i belive in business you should listen to the customers ignore them at your peril i have already decided i will never again play any game that comes from this outfit as it tells me they would do exactly the same so i am not going to play them games or spend money so although they have made money out of me in this game they will not get my custom for any future games and its sad as i really enjoy this game and i want to see it made much better so i am on there side but its the constant not being heard by them that gets my back up


Where is ?
1.Unattached Units Filter.
2.Resolution for Duplicate Blue Prints.

Maybe giving us a Tab to quickly sort our armies and chose the units we want to use will cause us to click less and spend less time connected to the game.
Surely that will affect your Company Profile as our clicks and time spend per day will decrease..
So dream on my fellow players we wont see this change soon. Its all about clicks and online time!

I have also spend loads of cash on this game and have been playing actively since 2012/10 but recently I log in maybe once a day, other days not at all.
If a Provider of a service don't take your opinions and suggestions seriously you will move how can you not see that?

Rather than spending time making YouTube channels fix the things we "suggest aka Complain" about!


Where is ?
1.Unattached Units Filter.
2.Resolution for Duplicate Blue Prints.

Maybe giving us a Tab to quickly sort our armies and chose the units we want to use will cause us to click less and spend less time connected to the game.
Surely that will affect your Company Profile as our clicks and time spend per day will decrease..
So dream on my fellow players we wont see this change soon. Its all about clicks and online time!

I have also spend loads of cash on this game and have been playing actively since 2012/10 but recently I log in maybe once a day, other days not at all.
If a Provider of a service don't take your opinions and suggestions seriously you will move how can you not see that?

Rather than spending time making YouTube channels fix the things we "suggest aka Complain" about!

Pretty much this. If it's actually true that they don't work on changes that would improve the quality of gameplay because it would mean "less clicks and time spent online", it be one hell of a bad call. And that's exactly how things are looking from customer side with such simple improvents which would limit senseless clicking and wasted non-fun/productive playing time going ignored time after time again. I see currently they have priorites on GvG development, for example in zz this changelog came out together with bunch of GvG updates. And I guess rightly so, cause if GvG is a bust I think this game will fade out. But it really wouldn't need to be so important if they actually increased the quality of the product and listened to our feedback. I feel like this hasn't been happening for a while now. I mean sure the buildings look very nice and whatnot, but the functionality could be so much better.
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