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General conversation


Apparently the Magnum Opus, the Mad Scientist's Lab, the Sunken Treasure and the Rosarium don't count as special buildings from the point of view of applying supply rush boosts? Very handy for completing 90 x 5min quests, but it seems a bit odd.


I had a quick look at this weeks competition but I didn't have the time to sit and think about it. May look at it again when I get home.

There are 3 unicorns ??? One has a star on its bum.

There is no spoon
Two have stars on their bums.


I just googled it to get the image.

I see you don't get it. :D Only one of them is a unicorn. :D The other one doesn't have the horn, so it's not a unicorn. :D
Aaarg you caught me I feel so embarrassed!


Apparently the Magnum Opus, the Mad Scientist's Lab, the Sunken Treasure and the Rosarium don't count as special buildings from the point of view of applying supply rush boosts? Very handy for completing 90 x 5min quests, but it seems a bit odd.

They make FP right? Not sure it would be good if we could insta build FP, would be like insta building Terrace Farms and gaining a ton of FP instantly at any moment. So that's most likely why :D


They make FP right? Not sure it would be good if we could insta build FP, would be like insta building Terrace Farms and gaining a ton of FP instantly at any moment. So that's most likely why :D
The thing is that those particular buildings CAN be insta-completed - the boosts work on them the same as non-special buildings.
Hmmm... or maybe it works on all special buildings but depends on what the output for the current production period is? That would be an interesting quirk, if true; if you have a building (Terrace Farm?) that generates gold on a 5-minute production and supplies on a 15-minute production, maybe the supply rush works to reduce the 15-minute production by 5 minutes and the coin rush works to insta-complete the 5-minute production?
Sadly I don't feel inclined to spend a lot of boosts - however nominally worthless they are - in investigating right now :P