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Event St. Patrick's Day 2024 discussion


The road requirement for the sacred trees should be removed, trees are introduced as a decorative item in BA but now suddenly they require a road connection.

Moreover, it isn't logical that some buildings bigger than trees do not require a road connection but these 1x1 trees do.
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There are other trees that need road connections. Granny Auroras is the same, so it's not a one-off. I guess they're trying to swerve us away from having huge sections not requiring roads although some events have been very generous for that.


Somehow the Winter Wonderland Pyramid does not need a road connection but 1x1 trees do? Where in the world are roads built to examine trees lol, not even in tree exhibitions. And how do we not have a road requirement for an amusement park item, which is what I'm guessing the Wonderland Pyramid is.
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Where in the world do trees provide you with attack boost and coins regardless of needing a road?

I doubt it had much relevance. They mix things up with what requires roads connections all the time. I'm sure there will be other buildings on other events that suit you and dont require them.


If you want the trees to have the roads that is fine just leave me alone I am providing my feedback here.


oh i love this event just s law im away near the end on a boaty with no signal or restricted mbs. Anyone know how thirsty FOE is the first cut of is 200nbs might be 5 mins of FOE?...shame cant get a mate to pick up for me, at least these boats keep going even unattended which is always great.
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Where in the world are roads built to examine trees lol, not even in tree exhibitions.

Where in the world do people live in Snow Globes? This is a game, not reality. The Sacred Tree is an update to the trees of the previous St Patrick Event and those trees are special buildings, not decorations.

Ariana Erosaire

Second Lieutenant
I think @Philodus point is more that the general logic structure of the game has been abandoned. Trees shouldn't need roads, but most of the buildings that don't need roads now should (and there's a ton of them - Tower of conjunction, Aegeans, Winter pyramid being most obvious offenders.)

I mean you could also ask, and many have about the negative happiness on the winter wonderland buildings:
  • since when does a happy little winter snow globe or a spa cause negative 20,000 happiness? (winter event)
  • since when does a 1x1 spark tower cost over 1000 population to work? (halloween) and since it doesn't require a road how do the people get there?
  • since when does a 1x1 shroom throne (glorified shrub) require a road, but a cider garden (2x2) where people clearly work does not? (fall event)
and to @Forwandert point, Since game logic was abandoned and anything goes, that's when. Most of the city resources that used to require some logic to balance roads, population, happiness, have all been neutered, for that matter I haven't used goods buildings, barracks, or anything from the original build menu for 3 years.

The deconstruction of the game's logic has been going on for years, it just sped up in 2023 and went X10 so that now more people notice.


I completely take the point if it was just a tree and a decoration but it's not and serves other purposes and follow the recent events 1x1 flow. I think they're trying to swerve players away from stacks of 1x1 collecting huge boosts with no roads, But at the same time making buildings that don't require any and that causes confusion, I'm not sure if they're trying to get more players playing certain events or what. No roads will always be tempting.

I was saying to someone the other day how the Flowering Bougainvillea Tree from soccer last year producing Aegeans (No roads) and from that Fetas (Again no roads and no pop issues) was probably the best dia spend last year and I think it will be through this year too if they stick to avoiding power creep more.

Some of the beta events seem like they're not going all out this year with boosts. Even dia spenders are getting slammed with main buildings producing frag buildings they can't afford to build due to pop. It's a wierd combo of they want your money so try and tempt with increased boost main building and frag buildings with very nice boosts and then make it so you can't actually build the things you're collecting frags for or restricting them a lot.

I had my first issues in 8/9 years with pop over the winter event. I've got around 20 of the globe/capy things that'll never see the light of day. I literally bought something I can't use. (That's on me though for forgetting pop could be an issue)

Ariana Erosaire

Second Lieutenant
I think they're trying to swerve players away from stacks of 1x1 collecting huge boosts with no roads, But at the same time making buildings that don't require any and that causes confusion.
Yes, the loss of CONTINUITY is what I was saying, and we have lost it big time. It's a game, so the rules are made up, but 2023 saw the established rules for the past decade of the game get thrown out the window. decoration type things now need roads and carry big bonuses, while large working buildings that should probably need 2 lane roads like tower of conjunction require no road at all. Happy little spa resorts that are similar to everyone's understanding of "culture" buildings whose purpose was to provide happiness, now subtract happiness. Confusing? yes... because the game abandoned it's own rule structure.

That's not on the players for being confused, each new thing put in the game does whatever coin flip thing someone decided to do with it with no regard for the logic of the game world it's going into. Like no one stopped to think about the fate of GB's when the new event buildings are better on day 1 than GBs it took years to raise. But I could go on a long time, because I'm a big fan of all this. <sarcasm>
I was saying to someone the other day how the Flowering Bougainvillea Tree from soccer last year producing Aegeans (No roads) and from that Fetas (Again no roads and no pop issues) was probably the best dia spend last year and I think it will be through this year too if they stick to avoiding power creep more.
LOL yeah that Soccer event, if you did well in it, you are set for life. Aegeans and fetas are great and require no roads, and the flowering tree is small and requires no road as well. At some point someone's going to fill a whole town with just buildings from that 1 event and won't even need much else, maybe a small section of roads for a few buildings that make self-aid kits. Sounds like a good goal for me, actually!


LOL yeah that Soccer event, if you did well in it, you are set for life. Aegeans and fetas are great and require no roads, and the flowering tree is small and requires no road as well. At some point someone's going to fill a whole town with just buildings from that 1 event and won't even need much else, maybe a small section of roads for a few buildings that make self-aid kits. Sounds like a good goal for me, actually!

Fine by me, lol. Would probably be faster to do Jesters Stage first via Trailside Smithy and swap into Aegean Resort later

Of course Aegean Resort boosts don't apply to the Quantum Incursions. So if InnoGames released Event buildings with Quantum Incursion boosts (alongside decent normal boosts) that could change any plans to just flood the city with anything obtained so far.


Warrant Officer
The road requirement for the sacred trees should be removed, trees are introduced as a decorative item in BA but now suddenly they require a road connection.

Moreover, it isn't logical that some buildings bigger than trees do not require a road connection but these 1x1 trees do.
Those trees follow the same principle as the Blood Lilies from previous Wild Life event and would be too strong without the need of a road connection.

8 Sacred Trees of Vitality (SAT) gives you 24/24 red A/D and 24/32 blue A/D + 80 previous age goods + 16fps + 12 frags of up kit + gold, all this for the size of 3x4 that equals a House of Horrors. 16 of those trees would be the size of a Star Gazer and give you 160 previous Age goods, or the size of a Eagle Mountain.


  • Blood_lilies_setup.jpg
    973 KB · Views: 57


Fine by me, lol. Would probably be faster to do Jesters Stage first via Trailside Smithy and swap into Aegean Resort later
The fact were even looking at previous buildings now nearly a year old and still seeing the potential from them to do this and not the usual endless creep that something is better around the corner means they messed up along the way. Yes we've had buildings that players have wanted to earn for a couple of years from release and will focus on them in all events until they stop appearing, but the addition of creating your own via frags has put them on another level.

Of course Aegean Resort boosts don't apply to the Quantum Incursions. So if InnoGames released Event buildings with Quantum Incursion boosts

Some players won't care about QI in the slightest so if they start spreading boosts for QI into the mix and don't increase the more standard boosts in new release buildings, certain players with frag buildings will have no incentive to want to spend on those events to gain buildings with similar boosts.

QI has a pretty big flaw, we're already at a point where players are starting to decide which mechanics within the game to play as there's a lot to do daily. To do everything and well it's not possible without committing some considerable time to the game.

Inno might see it as a replacement for gvg so they're not actually adding content to the game they're simply changing a mechanic but if only 5% played gvg they just added yet more new things to do for 95% of the players.

I already know I won't be spending time playing it because I won't be increasing my game time to incorporate it. Either another part of the game gets dropped by me so I can do it or I leave QI alone. Once I consider the mechanics for QI and it being similar to others ingame I have no interest playing it's already it's a pretty easy decision.

Ariana Erosaire

Second Lieutenant
So if InnoGames released Event buildings with Quantum Incursion boosts (alongside decent normal boosts) that could change any plans
LOL... yes ditto @Forwandert - I can see that designers wanted to split up the attack and defense boosts to apply to specific parts of the game in the last few months (GBG ONLY, GE ONLY, now QI Only boosts? lovely) specifically because they want to add QI and then leverage that for everyone to have to build new boosts (and troops and a settlement to support it) all over again, but it's SUCH an obvious money trap.

Players can tell when they're being leveraged! Forget how pissed off the older players are about having gvg removed and all their GB's devalued, like Alcatraz plus everything else being useless in the new QI feature is a giant slap in the face. But even newer people in my guild who only played the game for 1-2 years feel like they have been baited and switched. And yes. we already don't have time to do everything in the game, plus events plus rivals, and have a life or a job at the same time.

QI will be hung out to dry... over a fiery pit... somewhere in Hell :lol:

(If anyone still cared about the forums I'd worry that we got way off topic for St Pats feedback, but, whatever. There isn't a QI feedback yet and if there were no one would care what we wrote in it.)

DJ of BA

Warrant Officer
As It hasn't started yet it's difficult to leave constructive feedback, as long as the main mechanics haven't changed I am happy, I like this event, probably spend too much time on it but it's fun, noticed some extra bonus boosts, nice addition but will not be doing Rival challenges to get them, for me they are not necessary, but some players might like them, once it starts, then proper feedback can be given, prizes are not bad, but the size of the main building is too big, so I won't be placing that in my city as I place buildings depending on the rewards per tile and yes I include road tiles into the equation and this one works out pretty poorly compared to others I have in inventory, however the secondary buildings are of interest as are the upgrades to existing buildings.


As it starts tomorrow with no GE nor battlefields...get those city defenders in place (or be mindful of boost quests lol)...also without a spoiler noticed a new term 'excited'.
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