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Ship malfunction?


Titanic Ship takes me bronze age map

World : Houndsmoor
Firefox (latest can't find number)
Overview: Clicking on titanic will bring me back to bronze age area from PE map, where I then have to click Columbus ship (which brings up map of all 3 maps)
How often : all the time
Urgency : low to N/A
Preventive action:
Summary :
I have performed a quick-search of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported:Yes

I am not sure if this is a bug or intended, but if intended, I don't know why they didn't include Columbus ship on the PE map. This makes me think it was not intended. It also doesn't make sense that Titanic would bring you back to Bronze map, which does not include the Titanic ship.


I can confirm that. This behaviour happens for me on all worlds.
Clicking on any ship should bring up map and ask where to go. Unless it is intended to work like this of course.


This is confirmed. I noticed this too.

Also if you are viewing the Bronze Age map and click on a completed sector, then click Back to Overview, it takes you back to the PE? map I think? I will check this tomorrow and put a bug report in.