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Black screen


World: Greifental
Browser and Version: Google chrome Version 27.0.1453.116 m
Overview of the bug: ablack screen appears after visiting more than one city or being online for abit long time and done soe battles and started visiting city after that
Screenshots: uploaded
How often this occurs: every couple of days couple of times
Urgency: its abit urgent
Preventative Actions:
I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: no
Have you tried fixing it by using methods listed in the thread pinned to the top of this forum:yes i clean my cache , history and i always must restart my browser

thank you



Yes, I can confirm I see this also, except it's two or three times a night. Usually during p/m rounds, when I'm in and out of cities. The city loads briefly (less than one second), then the screen goes black.