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1500 raids a week?


A player in my neighbourhood is managing up to 1500 raids a week, every week and raking in 30000000 points. How is this possible? Apart from province raiding, the most I can possibly manage is 500 ish???


or not...i have with 4000...no one cared ... or rather anyone who matter didn't care...


Well, not sure I would consider it "fixed"....more like "stopped".

"Fixed" would be a reversal of the damage done, which isn't happening, and not sure it would be fair/possible to anyway. Should have never happened in the first place. ;)


Should have never happened in the first place.

In one thread your advocating Inno take a risk and implement the HA without proving it works on beta and the next your chastising them for implementing something without fully testing it and finding out there is problem on live server.

Make your mind up. Your either for them using live server as an extended beta or your not. Can't have it both ways.


In order you get that many fights, you need to diamond heal your troops. Wonder why something big like this doesn't get fixed at the first moment of notice.


In order you get that many fights, you need to diamond heal your troops. Wonder why something big like this doesn't get fixed at the first moment of notice.

Not true. They have huge amounts of troops from Alcatraz and probably don't take much damage when fighting.


I don't think anybody has that many troops anymore. We've all seen the sieges in GvG that virtually wiped out the surplus troops that Alc gave before the introduction of GvG. Maybe some other reason as noted. . . mk
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I can heal my troops, but I still can't raid players more than once a day


I can heal my troops, but I still can't raid players more than once a day

The guy is doing infinite battles through the campaign map. In PME, every sector of every province now requires you to win two battles consecutively. The player is simply finishing one battle, gets the points, surrenders on the second, fights the sector again, and is reset to the first fight. If you surrender at the second fight, the first fight resets as well, so you have to go through that as well if you lost or surrendered at the second fight. He's doing it as many times as he wants simply because the first fight is always reset and that's how he is able to get 30 million.

If you can do auto battles and you got all level 10 bonuses (90% up and down), you could make a fight in phase one at the campaign map in 10 seconds, which also includes all the clicking (surrendering the second fight and then initiating the first fight). If you fight the best spot, you can finish the fight with no losses or even damage to any of your units. If you manage to do that for two hours per day (which we have a few people that are capable of doing just that), you can pull off 720 fights per day, and in a week, 5,040. If you do it for just one hour per day, you can end up with 2,520 in one week.


Thanks for info, easy to see once you explained it. I thought we were supposed to report such glitches, not use them to 'cheat' I don't suppose they'll get the victory points taken away. Hmmmpphhhh, it's made a mockery of the league tables.


In order you get that many fights, you need to diamond heal your troops. Wonder why something big like this doesn't get fixed at the first moment of notice.

hence the reason that the double fight was allowed, players needed diamonds to fully abuse this meaning more money for INNO.

I'm surprised it is being stopped