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Update Update to 1.271 Feedback Thread


FoE Team
Community Manager
Happy Friday, Forgers! Our changelog for Monday's update is ready for your perusal here. As usual, leave any comments below!


Army Management
  • We heard your feedback and made some adjustments to the way units are displayed in the army management. It's all about organization! Now, all damaged units will be sorted behind all healthy ones. This will make it easier for you to see the overall health of your army at a glance.

Having had this change in Beta, the army pool (troops at the bottom that actually stack) change is great but there is an unintended change in "selected army" which is about enough to make me want to hang this game up. While the stack part is great.... for those of us who don't fight with 8 of the same troop this is a disaster. I tried to explain to a few folks why this was bad but they didn't get it. Wait until you try to fight with it. Chasing troops around that top selection screen ... arrgh
beta army mgt.jpg


I just used this and its so much easier to select troops now , with the old system i misclicked so many times and lost the fight unnecessarily :)
Having had this change in Beta, the army pool (troops at the bottom that actually stack) change is great but there is an unintended change in "selected army" which is about enough to make me want to hang this game up. While the stack part is great.... for those of us who don't fight with 8 of the same troop this is a disaster. I tried to explain to a few folks why this was bad but they didn't get it. Wait until you try to fight with it. Chasing troops around that top selection screen ... arrgh
View attachment 25366

Inno, it has to be said when I read you were reworking the stacking system, I thought to myself, great, that sounds better and I have it disabled on my game anyway so it doesn't affect me. But this mess that's been created affects all of us, including those of us who don't even have the stacking system active. It is very very irritating.


-- Red --

Inno, it has to be said when I read you were reworking the stacking system, I thought to myself, great, that sounds better and I have it disabled on my game anyway so it doesn't affect me. But this mess that's been created affects all of us, including those of us who don't even have the stacking system active. It is very very irritating.

View attachment 25368

Agree with both yourself & Lafawnduh

Troops sorted by strength take longer to sort through when reinforcing/replenishing.. sorting by rank/type makes more sense to me... at a glance, you know what's left; next BG will be such a pain...

Deleted member 127677

Worst cack-handed change to army set up possible. Whoever thought that was a brilliant idea? My injured troops are now placed, along with the healthy rogues, after my healthy troops and healthy rogues, so basically I have to go hunt for them in some checker pattern even if I don’t have the stack feature activated. Gee, thanks. Row it back!

Ariana Erosaire

Second Lieutenant
I don't care how you want to sort the inventory at the bottom, but the fight area needs to be back how it was for 10+ years prior to this insane update.

Clearly someone who doesn't play the game came up with that, or it's to fix the unit stacking that I didn't want and turned off as soon as it happened. It can't be that the units that are fighting at the top aren't able to have a different sort than the inventory at the bottom -- BUT if that's the problem then split them up so that they can be different.

For god sake playing HUNT THE TROOPS among the injured and rogues in the 8 fighting units is stupid.


The new system that shuffles the units in the deployed armies according to their damage status putting the most healthy ones on top seems handy but I liked the old system that didn't make a mess of the unit order.

It's a morphology I do not appreciate. In multiple successive battles I do not bother to change damaged units between battles. I used to be able to keep an eye on the ones that are bleeding and slot new ones once the damage got too much in the slot that I keep an eye on.

It makes battles slower, harder and a much bigger chore as a lot of additional attention has to be payed.

I would like to note that I have guildies and friends across multiple guilds who find this very annoying and their voices are not reaching these forum echo chambers.

For the love of everything that is holy please make the damaged unit sorting for the deployed armies a separate settings checkbox.
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Try adding a couple of rogues to the mix, one healthy and one injured and see how wonderful the mosaic is.
I've had that too, but I figured they'd get tired of me posting pics of the weird assortments I'm getting. Point remains the same. Those of us who opted out of unit stacking, I'm sure mostly don't want this dire mess.

Grof Z

INNO should make their DEV team - first play game, and go back to development.
its obviuse - they never played it ... and dont know how mechanics works

BETA - why is there even BETA? when nothing is bein implemented from input there, or tested on regular
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Franco T

"We heard your feedback and made some adjustments to the way units are displayed in the army management. It's all about organization! Now, all damaged units will be sorted behind all healthy ones. This will make it easier for you to see the overall health of your army at a glance."

Some feedback for you to hear - this change (the way it reorders selected army) is terrible, please revert it ASAP!
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