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Event Fall Event 2022 Feedback

With the Fall event now over, I just wanted to pass on some of the feedback from our guild on Uceria. Because it is a new world with the majority of players still in EMA or below, these results may not be typical of other worlds, and I do not have feedback from other guilds on Uceria.

The question was "How did the first event on the new world go? Did you all get what you wanted/needed?

Responses follow.

"I got my SoA's so I'm happy and a fair number of goods fps and medals so I'm pretty happy with it.

"It went quite well. Not sure I got many great goods, but as a first event it helped me get along a little. I did get the SoA's so I am happy. I even managed to get full event building, which I am happy about. I did not manage that on my H game.

"I was quite satisfied. I am not sure I would have been as happy if I hadn't had some diamonds to spend on it, but also the chances of winning the daily special seemed to be better than when I played it on beta, and those two things made a lot of difference in playability and rewards.

"Very pleased with my result. Think it was a good event for these newbie cities and given me a nice boost that I can now build upon. Spent all my diamonds though :)

"I agree that for a new world/city the event was beneficial. I pretty much ignored it on my much larger cities in other worlds. Overall, I'm pleased and while I get the ingredients aren't supposed to be perfectly in balance, there were far too many caramels and not enough of other things

"I was one level short for the event building, thought I would get it in the league, but hot bumped down and missed out. For these new cities the prizes were all handy.


I basically agree with what you are saying. For the FTP players, if they cannot achieve the fully levelled building within the Event itself, then they can wait until next year to win the missing pieces, or puchase on the AD. Inno saod that they were re-balancing the removal of the Event Box so that players should still be able to acquire all levels - I do not know if Inno feels this they achieved this balancing or not, but it appears to me that they did. This Event, they included a Selection Kit with the Apprentice Level {i.e. Bronze}, which usually is awarde just with the Professional {i.e. Silver} level and higher, which should have given the players who put at least a little effort into the Event, to achieving a fully levelled event building.
Last year the Selection Kit was included with the Apprentice League rewards as well. Besides, Bronze level is the top 20% of players, meaning that 80% (4 out of 5) would not be able to achieve a fully levelled event building. League requirements are based on the scores of all players in that world - 'a little effort' is understating it. If it were not for the Selection Kit won from the league rewards I would not have a fully levelled event building (Level 1 plus 8 kits). I somewhat remember a time where we would have a fully levelled event building and another level 1 (towards a 2nd building). I'm a FTP player btw.


  • 2022 Fall Event Greifental (en7) League Table.PNG
    2022 Fall Event Greifental (en7) League Table.PNG
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