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What era is your city, can you tell?

You'd never tell from looking at my city what era it represents, except for the Town Hall which ends up looking oddly out of place. I'm in Jupiter, but aside from the space carrier, I notice most of the event buildings look vaguely colonial, maybe industrial, certainly in the 1850-1950 range. The Tower from this year's anniversary event is the one exception with a more futuristic design. This is true for all players but the newest, bronze and iron age still look like the age they are, at least until the players have had a few events to win buildings and a chance to build advanced GB's.

What's my point? Something has been lost here, well a great many things have been lost, but I remember years ago building up cities in each age and my LMA city actually looked like LMA, because I had to use the houses and production buildings and goods buildings that were styled and balanced to that age, and my Modern city looked like it was out of the 1950's, and CE and TE and FE all had characteristic styles and everyone used the items designed for each age, because they were better than the previous age and there weren't 1000 event buildings that took their place. Upgrading houses to give your city a new look and new layout isn't a thing any more, trying the new production buildings isn't necessary either, we have better, smaller, and flexible production buildings won in events. The whole concept of a theme per age/era is almost entirely gone.

I don't know how to fix it, and even if I did, it probably wouldn't make a difference as the game has veered off in a very different direction for a few years now. I'm just sad that we no longer have cities themed by the era they represent, they have all started to look the same, rows of event buildings and repeating items from the dealer, all in a similar style. We don't even really need to use the barracks from individual ages any more, I never built a single barracks for the last 2 ages I have played, so even that all looks the same. I produced troops all from event/special buildings that make them, and won the rest from GE and so on.

I suppose one idea would be to have a sandbox colony that is restricted to just the buildings designed for each age, because the only thing truly themed any more is the settlements and space colonies which are restricted to their specific building sets. But then we can't share or visit other players' colonies to see them, and that's another lost aspect. A lot of the art for each age was great, and it's sad it's not used for anything now but build and delete to satisfy event quests.
A lot of the art for each age was great, and it's sad it's not used for anything now but build and delete to satisfy event quests.
Lots of pretty artwork wasted on buildings nobody builds.

Well, maybe these days they have AI to do all the artwork. Only takes a few secs to design a set of new buildings :-)
Lots of pretty artwork wasted on buildings nobody builds.

Well, maybe these days they have AI to do all the artwork. Only takes a few secs to design a set of new buildings :-)
Yeah, and I don't mean just for the end-game players in the space ages, it's trickled down to all the ages, go ahead and look around at cities of a few ages, it's hard to tell the difference via anything except the town hall. A few cities might have 2 or 3 age-specific production buildings if they haven't figured out to use cider mills/sleigh builders and the like. Even a few Iron age cities look almost exactly like mine, except of course smaller, but we have the same building set.

I first found this game because they used to run adverts on the History channel... because of you know... the Historical theme to the game. That's really gotten lost and buried in the flood of events, most of which don't have any correlation to anything historical and certainly can't be themed for each age - though it would have been cool if winning a building in Iron age actually looked different than winning the same building in Future, instead of just scaling the stats.

What we have instead is cookie cutter cities that only vary by Town Hall and land size.