Deleted User - 7438313
That was just 1 of the 7 nights of the week. Wonder what this week’s prize will be.Oh well, we went to bed just a tad too early...
That was just 1 of the 7 nights of the week. Wonder what this week’s prize will be.Oh well, we went to bed just a tad too early...
Or you only play in app. There's no GvG in app, and Inno refuse to add it. @@@@@@@@@@What?? How... unless you have never joined a guild...
Both, haha Traz is better if you have a lot of military, or a lot of buffs and a rogue hideout, it's then free rogues per day. Chateau is better if you target recurring quests, say produce 2 1-day stuffs, and build your city to get them done. And yes, it has a potential to turn your city into infinite FP generator. I have seen a table with required CF level to hve infinite "unbirthday" RQs, the lowest value listed was for iron age at 72. The highest I recall was 118 IIRC and forgot what age.A question: Which GB is better, Chateau,or Traz?
Yay, grats peopleWe have 2 winners!
Congratulations @Deep the Fried Potato and @Ati2 !
I was going to say ‘Dont blow them all at once’, but this late in the event, you’ll pretty much have to.
Well, yes, but last night was the night to stay up if there was one.That was just 1 of the 7 nights of the week. Wonder what this week’s prize will be.
Enjoy it!
Is the guy still there?
Wonderful! I got a watchtower from my lanterns today.Already did, LOL. I got a Sakura rock, an upgrade to it, and a SoK. I'm quite happy with them.
Has anyone figured out how to do the city shuffle thing they were talking about in this new update though...?
Yes! Will be a great relief for the poor ‘Store Building’. Managing city shuffle or even adding a GB takes finesse and timing now.yeah it'll be great when it's there and not just "coming soon"
Has anyone figured out how to do the city shuffle thing they were talking about in this new update though...?
It's pretty good. The number of people in the tavern becomes unreadable at that zoom level, that's the only issue I found with it so far.Hey, that new zoom out is cool for finding incidents.