Combine the two views of "my great buildings" into a single user interface.
Have you checked the forums for the same or similar idea?
Yes. Searching for "GB UI" and variations on it wasn't successful, but I searched for other terms and combinations. Nothing similar emerged.
Having your current list of great buildings on one screen (1) and your current list of blueprints and contributions on another (2) is confusing and time-consuming. Bringing them together on one screen, with everything accessible from both places, will provide a better UX.
(1) Accessible from your avatar in your friends/guild list
(2) Accessible from the right menu on the phone app; blueprints are on the building menu on the PC
Visual Aids:
Balance/Abuse Prevention:
N/A This does not add or remove functionality, merely brings two existing, related parts of the UI together.
Combine the two views of "my great buildings" into a single user interface.
Have you checked the forums for the same or similar idea?
Yes. Searching for "GB UI" and variations on it wasn't successful, but I searched for other terms and combinations. Nothing similar emerged.
Having your current list of great buildings on one screen (1) and your current list of blueprints and contributions on another (2) is confusing and time-consuming. Bringing them together on one screen, with everything accessible from both places, will provide a better UX.
(1) Accessible from your avatar in your friends/guild list
(2) Accessible from the right menu on the phone app; blueprints are on the building menu on the PC
- On the current GB screen, add a tab to show the player's current GBs.
- Put it first.
- Re-label the current "Great Buildings" to the more accurate "Blueprints".
- Make it accessible from wherever the two existing screens are accessible.
Visual Aids:
Balance/Abuse Prevention:
N/A This does not add or remove functionality, merely brings two existing, related parts of the UI together.