This is probably the majority of the new features that Matt@Inno is introducing us to in 2025, but was being a little shy about saying so in his 2 pointless messages for the End of the Year.There do seem to be a lot of strange delays ( ? Visual text problems ) happening at the moment, noticed some on PvP Arena, QI and ranking points, they seemed to have started very early am yesterday ( just after New Year server time ) but your one about goods is a new one and really weird. Anyone else got the New Year Bug ?
Probably has to do with the effect that the simplest thing to do, is just put him on ignore. But, since you appear to still be reading his posts, you are not ignoring him, so you must actually be enjoying what he says, for better or worse. Simple thing - fix what you can yourself - use ignore - and stop wasting other people time because you are choosing to be lazy.when you are going to take some action over the droppy poster ? dont be threatening me with action as i will post about him as i like if i could see him face to face what would you do then ? nothing, yet you let this nerd post and upset people time and time again he gets away with it yet if i post what i would do to the nerd or make any reference to his rude ways you cover his back side for him SORT HIM OUT !!!
so you want the coward to carry on posting and upsetting people ? people like you are the problem as you put up with the creep, i hate bullies as they are all cowardsProbably has to do with the effect that the simplest thing to do, is just put him on ignore. But, since you appear to still be reading his posts, you are not ignoring him, so you must actually be enjoying what he says, for better or worse. Simple thing - fix what you can yourself - use ignore - and stop wasting other people time because you are choosing to be lazy.
People like me who ignore an idiot like Agent or Xeon are the problem? Are you pictured under the definition of stupid? You hate bullies? Idiot bullies want to be noticed and want attention. Only someone stupid enough to keep giving the bully attention is just as much a fool as the bully/ you want the coward to carry on posting and upsetting people ? people like you are the problem as you put up with the creep, i hate bullies as they are all cowards
What are you whining about now Dex? Who ever said I was in Management, or would want to - definitely not me. No idea why you would want to think i would want to be part of Inno management. This is the internet - any idea what that means? Anybody can be anything their imagination lets them think they can be - and there is no proving wrong, because there is no way to prove it (unless one is very good in coding and would actually care enough to spend the hours required to identify a single person in the internet. Trolls like Xeon and Agent exist because the internet was created to give privacy - not to give consideration or care towards others.So in your view everyone else has to change just to suit the thoughtless idiots on the Forum, rather than the culprits grow up and act like decent humans?
Your not in 'Management' by any chance Paladiac the Pure; because covering up and ignoring issues rather than deal with them, seem a very managerial attitude to take?
You seem to have a great imagination and everyone needs to grow up except you, ignoring idiots, bully's or culprits.Trolls like Xeon and Agent exist because the internet was created to give privacy - not to give consideration or care towards others.
Yes, Dex the Hypocrite - everyone should do as you say, because you communist types prefer it when nobody says anything and just toes the line. Do what you are told, and if someone disobeys, go screaming to your mommy or Mr policeman. Careful, you are starting to sound as useless as Xeon the spammer.Paladaic the Pure for someone who doesn't like whinging, moaning and complaining; you do an awful lot of it! You moan a bicker more about the people making the original complaints than they do themselves when they complain. If you don't like what anyone has issues about, why not just keep your nose out of it.
And I never said anything about you being 'Inno management', I merely implied you have the same general attitude to everything around you as someone in management, i.e. you only see the bit you want to see!
So climb down of your high horse, before you give yourself an ulcer with all the stress your giving yourself!
For someone who preaches to ignore, why don't you do it yourself?Careful, you are starting to sound as useless as Xeon the spammer.
So Dex the Hyprocrite is showing another side of stupidity - accusing others who cannot read, when it is quite obvious this hyprocrite cannot read anything properly initially.More boring claptrap from Paladiac the Pure!
Your total inability to make any sense whatsoever reaches new heights with every piece of absolute drivel you spout!
You blurt out a complete load of twaddle having only half read messages and making assumptions to suit your own ideas!
The fact of the matter is; certain member of the Forum take things too far, and if your too self-centred or blinkered to notice or care, I feel so very sorry for you.
And if I leave it at that, you'll do the descent thing and not make any more stupid comments.
I hope the text is big enough for you to read every word clearly?
We seem to have gotten a little off topic here, remember we are all adults, please everyone, start acting like them, swapping insults never helps anyone