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Time to say goodbye


Well, the time has finally come. Effective immediately I am leaving the game for good. I donated all of my goods to the guild. Would have donated all of my medals, too, but for some reason there is a limit of 99,999 medals that can be donated at one time, and I had 112 Million (now down to 110 Million after donating 2 million).

My final task in the game was to build every GB – which I did (yes, even the Space Hub ones). For GBs before Titan I also unlocked as many levels as I could – which took forever. Ever tried to unlock 500+ levels of one GB? Yeah, not a fun experience. I hope some day they add the option to unlock multiple levels at once.

I also hope some day they actually finish the Historical Allies feature. In its current form it feels incomplete, like someone rushed it out to show the bosses that work is being done, or like a boss ordered it released early to show the investors that work is being done... or even both at the same time, doesn't really matter.

Good luck and all the best to those who remain. I will now log out, remove all bookmarks, and forget all about the game.

Bye, everyone!

Xeon of Camelot

Sorry to see you go, completely understand why, just hanging on myself, I feel Inno has lost its way with the features that have made FOE great, they are more interested in making money, Sad because they will never stop even if it still brings in more than enough as it is today.