I really don't understand what people keep complaining about. Anyone who's been playing at a moderate engagement level has gotta have several event buildings with bonus % for QI. That means you can easily beat the first few levels in a moderately active guild without any att/def bonus from the QI city. There are numerous step-by-step (collection-by-collection) guides how to build up the QI city to be able to play at 10 (and maybe beyond). Anyone not being able to beat the map is either lazy to make a min effort (e.g. set up alarms/reminders read a guide or two) or a free loader who wants the best ingame rewards for no effort. I mean, come on ... in every game out there the best rewards are meant only for the most active players. Why do noobs who've been playing the game for under a year keep demanding to reach the best ingame rewards?! That's unheard of in any other game out there.