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New Content The Quantum Incursions update and the 4th Championship Feedback Thread


I really don't understand what people keep complaining about. Anyone who's been playing at a moderate engagement level has gotta have several event buildings with bonus % for QI. That means you can easily beat the first few levels in a moderately active guild without any att/def bonus from the QI city. There are numerous step-by-step (collection-by-collection) guides how to build up the QI city to be able to play at 10 (and maybe beyond). Anyone not being able to beat the map is either lazy to make a min effort (e.g. set up alarms/reminders read a guide or two) or a free loader who wants the best ingame rewards for no effort. I mean, come on ... in every game out there the best rewards are meant only for the most active players. Why do noobs who've been playing the game for under a year keep demanding to reach the best ingame rewards?! That's unheard of in any other game out there.


Why do noobs who've been playing the game for under a year keep demanding to reach the best ingame rewards?! That's unheard of in any other game out there.
Nobody is demanding to reach the best in game rewards .
They are trying to say that the QI feature is BORING when you don't make ANY progress after the first few days.
(Six years' plus experience here.)


The 'new new' QI format is a definite improvement (although it would still be more satisfying if we could keep our progress from day to day, however glacial, instead of getting reset before ever reaching the boss).
At least we are not stuck on the same identical map where you can never get past the first node after the first few days, and therefore can't participate at all - and the first node is now a donation node, which means that once the military boosts get too high players can reconfigure their city to simply generate goods, and again at least be able to contribute once or twice per day,

Although I still preferred the original format where you got rewarded for using the 'right' goods/troops instead of just the easiest ones, and where you were actually allowed to finish at least one map....

There are way more fighting nodes on the map than there are donation nodes. If you keep your progress from dat to day players that donate will have to wait on the fightes to reach the next level and if you can not beat the Boss the entire Guild will be stuck for the rest of the season. With daily progresiion everybody can at least participate every day.

Paladiac the Pure

I really don't understand what people keep complaining about. Anyone who's been playing at a moderate engagement level has gotta have several event buildings with bonus % for QI. That means you can easily beat the first few levels in a moderately active guild without any att/def bonus from the QI city. There are numerous step-by-step (collection-by-collection) guides how to build up the QI city to be able to play at 10 (and maybe beyond). Anyone not being able to beat the map is either lazy to make a min effort (e.g. set up alarms/reminders read a guide or two) or a free loader who wants the best ingame rewards for no effort. I mean, come on ... in every game out there the best rewards are meant only for the most active players. Why do noobs who've been playing the game for under a year keep demanding to reach the best ingame rewards?! That's unheard of in any other game out there.
A smaller guild, whether moderately engaged or even more, very easily cannot beat the first few levels for the simple reason that they may not have enough Quantum Actions in a 24 hour period to get to the end, regardless of how active they are (unless of course they spend massloads of diamonds - which is probably exactly what Inno is wanting them to do). It may take these smaller guilds 2 or even 3 days to generate enough Quantum Actions to defeat the bosses - no matter how high their stats are.


A smaller guild, whether moderately engaged or even more, very easily cannot beat the first few levels for the simple reason that they may not have enough Quantum Actions in a 24 hour period to get to the end, regardless of how active they are (unless of course they spend massloads of diamonds - which is probably exactly what Inno is wanting them to do). It may take these smaller guilds 2 or even 3 days to generate enough Quantum Actions to defeat the bosses - no matter how high their stats are.
So what? As long as the guild players max their qi action spend who cares if they finish the level or not?


Nobody is demanding to reach the best in game rewards .
They are trying to say that the QI feature is BORING when you don't make ANY progress after the first few days.
(Six years' plus experience here.)
As I said (wrote), just follow one of the qi guides and you can easily spend all your qi actions (and progress) up to day 10.

... and if youve played 6 years and you dont have +300% qi stats when the qi starts then youre doing something wrong


As I said (wrote), just follow one of the qi guides and you can easily spend all your qi actions (and progress) up to day 10.
Odd how nobody in our guild can fight beyond day 7, and only a couple can do more than 1 or 2 battles at that level; is this another 'hack' like players needing to regularly delete all their roads and detach their buildings in order to complete the Viking settlement in time?
A game really needs to be playable according to in-game logic without access to external walkthrough requirements...

... and if youve played 6 years and you dont have +300% qi stats when the qi starts then youre doing something wrong
Ten years, actually. I just checked my forum history.


So what? As long as the guild players max their qi action spend who cares if they finish the level or not?
That depends whether you are playing for entertainment or in order to gain the maximum profit.
Farming profit by repetitive action gets tedious pretty quickly (e.g. aborting vast numbers of repeating quests).
Being able to see some actual progress through the map is more rewarding in general than maxing out the theoretical goods/FP gain.


Odd how nobody in our guild can fight beyond day 7, and only a couple can do more than 1 or 2 battles at that level; is this another 'hack' like players needing to regularly delete all their roads and detach their buildings in order to complete the Viking settlement in time?
A game really needs to be playable according to in-game logic without access to external walkthrough requirements...
It's not a hack for the settlements, just efficient city building strategy if you want to go bottom deep.

I gave QI another go with this new version and was able to fight on red nodes up to the 2nd Saturday but as a loner I've the entire map for myself to chose from. I'll also never hit the more difficult nodes as a loner.

I kept an eye on the QI guild ranking during this first season on my main city world. It was around day 7/8 that I started to move up the rankings and passed guilds that may have been struggling just like yours.


There are way more fighting nodes on the map than there are donation nodes. If you keep your progress from dat to day players that donate will have to wait on the fightes to reach the next level and if you can not beat the Boss the entire Guild will be stuck for the rest of the season.
That is what happens anyway, but now that we can only clear the first few nodes on every level before reset it happens at a much earlier stage.
When QI started, I can distantly remember that we actually used to reach the Boss on more than one level - I haven't seen one in months, and most people in the guild have long since stopped even bothering to play QI.
For player engagement, a feature needs to be interesting at the low levels as well as at the high-reward levels.


I kept an eye on the QI guild ranking during this first season on my main city world. It was around day 7/8 that I started to move up the rankings and passed guilds that may have been struggling just like yours.
We're currently sitting at 42 out of I don't know how many - which is a lot higher than I'd expect, to be honest!


As I said (wrote), just follow one of the qi guides and you can easily spend all your qi actions (and progress) up to day 10.

... and if youve played 6 years and you dont have +300% qi stats when the qi starts then youre doing something wrong
+300% QI stats at start is already very high and far from being the norm so claiming folks are doing something wrong is a bit harsh.


When QI started, I can distantly remember that we actually used to reach the Boss on more than one level - I haven't seen one in months, and most people in the guild have long since stopped even bothering to play QI.

You reached the Boss cause you had days to do so. In the previous QI you first had to clear a fighting node before players that only donate could participate. That did not apply for the last levels. Now there are 3 donation nodes at the start of each level. For players that only donate daily progression is great. They do not have to wait for others to make it possible for them to play every day and they can play on every level. Players always go on about reaching the Boss. First Boss node on the first map has 430/430 att/def. Not many will be able to beat that on day 1. If you did not have daily progress most Guilds will be stuck on day 1 and level 1 for a long time and nobody has anything to do other than built up your city.


+300% QI stats at start is already very high and far from being the norm so claiming folks are doing something wrong is a bit harsh.
Not really, Yggdrasil 50%, Forgotten Temple 50%, Tourney grounds 25%, Yukitomo Empire 15%, Phantom Abandoned Asylum 30% thats 160% without ever having to have spent a single diamond ... And just the last event had the "epic ascended 2024 selection kit" as a daily, so you can have a few dozens of those; with several options giving a good % bonus. If you've been actively playing (at a moderate pace/level) 300% bonus at the start of QI is more than possible.


The ascended selection kit is just upgrades totally useless without the buildings.

I'm not saying 300% is not possible. It clearly is with allocating enough space for QI but saying players are playing wrong if they haven't hit that milestone is a bit rich.

The main buildings that provide QI boosts are more aimed towards players spending and gold leagues (After settlement buildings, FT etc) Then there are time limited buildings for free that you continually need to upgrade to maintain their QI boosts. Yes winter gave some on the main building. Factoring in some people won't buy expansions and space situations for all it's not always as clear cut.


This isn't moderate game play to reach 300% red attack in QI for the time being.

Forgotten Temple requires GE5 completed every week.
Tourney Ground is diamond league only and requires 4.5k fights a season for 1.
Yukitomo empire was achievable as I even got it on 5 out of 8 diamond farms. Not sure although if the Asylum was obtainable without rivals.

Settlements take a lot of time and the additional missing % is gold league in events and calendar reward.

There's also since a while QI boosts drops that could help but again the same story that it only makes the stronger stronger, especially players like me that have more money than brains.


This isn't moderate game play to reach 300% red attack in QI for the time being.

Forgotten Temple requires GE5 completed every week.
Tourney Ground is diamond league only and requires 4.5k fights a season for 1.
Yukitomo empire was achievable as I even got it on 5 out of 8 diamond farms. Not sure although if the Asylum was obtainable without rivals.

Settlements take a lot of time and the additional missing % is gold league in events and calendar reward.

There's also since a while QI boosts drops that could help but again the same story that it only makes the stronger stronger, especially players like me that have more money than brains.

GE5 is not moderate play? I guess we gonna disagree on that. 4.5k flights a season is easy. Most top players get over 10k. Yes, Yuki was a piece of cake and if you don't do rivals, which again, are fairly easy with a bit of planning, you can't complain the top rewards are not achievable for you.

Yes, settlements take a good amount of time, but someone who's been playing for years has surely completed them all?!


GE5 is not moderate play? I guess we gonna disagree on that. 4.5k flights a season is easy. Most top players get over 10k. Yes, Yuki was a piece of cake and if you don't do rivals, which again, are fairly easy with a bit of planning, you can't complain the top rewards are not achievable for you.

Yes, settlements take a good amount of time, but someone who's been playing for years has surely completed them all?!
I'm not complaining but you are clearly in delusional top diamond league fantasia land.

4.5k fights that's 45 sectors in gold league. Good luck have fun as even I can't pull this out as a loner. I can't pull this out because there won't be 45 sectors to lock in gold league, let alone 60 or 70 sectors that I can do during a season. Platinum is possible but only for a few amount of players in one guild.

GE5 is not moderate gameplay and still out of reach for a very high % of the truly active player base. But nor worries, for you they are going to bring the trials, going to be fun.

What's Rivals?


This isn't moderate game play to reach 300% red attack in QI for the time being.

Forgotten Temple requires GE5 completed every week.
Tourney Ground is diamond league only and requires 4.5k fights a season for 1.
Yukitomo empire was achievable as I even got it on 5 out of 8 diamond farms. Not sure although if the Asylum was obtainable without rivals.

Settlements take a lot of time and the additional missing % is gold league in events and calendar reward.

There's also since a while QI boosts drops that could help but again the same story that it only makes the stronger stronger, especially players like me that have more money than brains.
I currently have 122% - Yggdrasil, Eerie Abandoned Asylum (they issued another level?) and Orchard of Orange Dreams, plus a couple of temporary buildings. That's enough to win battles up to the two wave stage, at which point I lose too many troops in the first wave and/or too many troops overall to do more than a few battles.
It's higher than almost everybody else in the guild who is still bothering to play QI, apart from the No.1 ranked player at 750 million points,, who can go slightly further than I can.

On the new QI configuration it is now possible for at least some of us to fight beyond Wednesday, which was previously the absolute cut off point - after that the entire feature was simply locked to any progress whatsoever.