in quest 23 i shall, activate 1 boost in a friends tavern
how can i do that
You're welcome.thanks
I'd like to discuss Pagoda. The building is not part of the garden set boost, but it also can't be motivated. If it's intended the coinproduction is worse then non-event buildings(motivated) from my age.
I also bought multiple Zen Garden pieces, and later found out they don't boost eachother. This was another unexpected downer, but later got told this was on wiki.
The whole experience leaves me abit unsatisfied. I need to sell (or store) the Pagoda, and collect more garden pieces tot get the boost on them.
If possible i'd like to hear Inno's justification for making Pagoda non-motivational. I'd also like more clarification why the same Garden pieces don't get to see eachother as a Garden piece.
Thanks for your time,
I'd like to discuss Pagoda. The building is not part of the garden set boost, but it also can't be motivated. If it's intended the coinproduction is worse then non-event buildings(motivated) from my age.
I also bought multiple Zen Garden pieces, and later found out they don't boost eachother. This was another unexpected downer, but later got told this was on wiki.
The whole experience leaves me abit unsatisfied. I need to sell (or store) the Pagoda, and collect more garden pieces tot get the boost on them.
If possible i'd like to hear Inno's justification for making Pagoda non-motivational. I'd also like more clarification why the same Garden pieces don't get to see eachother as a Garden piece.
Thanks for your time,
Why the heck have you guys made it so when you move a cherry garden building the countdown to collection resets?
To prevent abuse
if not, you could swap pieces and getting different bonus over the day
You can recruit from a troop building, alcatraz, win troops in guild expedition, win a troop with the treasure hunt, buy the 8-pack of unattached troops if you have a few euros to spare. Any way you gain troops that are specific to your age or the age behind you, will count.Recruit 5 (FIVE) units from your age, or 8 (EIGHT !!!) units from the previous age.
Are you people serious??
Have you ever actually played this game, or you just sit there designing the events?
Lately, in all events, there is always a point where there is no reason to go on. I stop doing the quests and just wait for it to go away. They all start up well, but at some point the requirement is out of this world!
Please spend some more time thinking of the requirements for the events. Thanks
Why the heck have you guys made it so when you move a cherry garden building the countdown to collection resets?
Why would that be abuse??... you still had to collect the extra pieces and create space for them... otherwise a 2nd piece without a complete set is pretty useless; it's not like it can even be motivated... and the bonus isn't really that massive... there are many more aspects of the game that can be legally abused that reward far more.
I say this as a player that hasn't got any extra pieces of the set, so it isn't sour grapes..
It strikes me as a cash grab... you want more bonus from the set??, then get another complete set (and you'd have to be a very lucky fella/gal or pays your money)...
I think it's a bit of a shame as the Easter Event always previously gave you the opportunity to purchase the prizes you wanted via diamonds... but now even that is an expensive gamble... and I missed the Easter eggs allocation you could share around (and INNO haven't half been tight with the lanterns... not even a 50 one this time around).
I do love the look of the set I won... and the bonuses make it a far better use of space than a Terrace Farm... but I didn't like the pure gambling direction this event took..
I find the reset counter on the set pieces extremely unfair. I didn't place the pieces I won all at the same time - I collect them throughout the day. I know I only lose say, 12-16 hours of one collection if I move them, but I admit I bought diamonds specifically for Lanterns, to get a second Gong and multiple pieces from Chests. I should be able to get all the collections by swapping (as this was the condition in which I bought them), I bought it with my money, and they only changed it after, what, someone complained?
It was expensive but i wanted to boost my city, and that was my choice, fair enough. But to change the premise and the way I collected from them AFTER I buy the diamonds/lanterns is completely unfair. They either should of implemented the counter reset at the start, or continued to allow us to move pieces. I still use the same space. But let's say (pure example, not my set-up) I wanted a 5x5 set, with 2 Sakura Rocks, and a Nishgoi (sp) Pond to swap out to collect the full Gong set bonus, - I have the 2 Sakura Rock bonuses continuosly, and the Nishgoi pond on the end, swapped to get the Gong bonus.
What if someone has won 5 Zen Zones, but unfortunately wins all but 1 of everything else, due to poor bad luck/lack of lanterns? They should be allowed to swap them in and out. And the Gong of Wisdom is going to be on the Daily Special at some point - what's the point of more than 2? I doubt anyone is bothering with 3/4/5+ sets. Are you going to put an expansion on Special so we can have the space for these sets?
Apologies for the ramble - just so annoyed they changed the bonuses/implemented counter reset after I assumed it wouldn't change. I bought them in a certain way, and now they've seriously hampered what I bought - I cannot believe they did not consider swapping to begin with.
in days gone by this was known as strategy & using your city to get maximum results, how sad that its now seen as an abuse that needs to be stopped or at least hinderedWhat people were doing on the Beta server was building a setup that produced forge points and goods, and then swapping to a setup with lots of Sakura Rocks just before going into a battle. Then as soon as the battle was over, swap back to the production setup, losing just a little time on the production. Just 4 Sakura Rocks is +20% battle strength if placed right.