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City Self-Assigned Motivate / Polish Priority List

Assign your own priority for motivate/polish of buildings in your own city.

  • Yes, I would like to assign the order in which buildings in my city are motivated/polished.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, I like it when others decide the fate of my city. Roll the Dice!

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Ability to assign priority to which buildings are updated but an "auto-assign" option.

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


Idea: Give players the ability to choose what order buildings in their city get polished/motivated

Reason: to enhance player satisfaction by giving players control over their gameplay style by emphasizing buildings that are important to them.

Details: A simple list of all your buildings in their city that they could move up /down. Polish/motivate happens from the top down.

see the attached screenshot


I think this will have minimum effect on other areas of the game

Abuse Prevention:

I don’t think this would open the game up to abuse. Everyone has control of their own city.

Summary: I think this will greatly enhance the player experience and reduce the frustration that many players have over not having certain buildings motivated/polished before other buildings that they deem less important.


  • Motivate-Polish.jpg
    102.6 KB · Views: 55


I mass self aid everyday so don't worry about things getting aided.

This is the type of idea that would probably be a good idea to mention for one of the two proposed Community sprints for this year. I've seen a few mentions/complaints on the various forums and discord about it so it would probably do well in the voting stage.


too much work . i have probably about 100-150 buildings that can be aided. make list for them WOULD BE TOO MUCH WORK.. and eventually you would start producing enough mas self aid kits to be independent


too much work . i have probably about 100-150 buildings that can be aided. make list for them WOULD BE TOO MUCH WORK.. and eventually you would start producing enough mas self aid kits to be independent
That was my immediate thought - I don't want to sit down and decide on the relative relevance of every single aidable structure in my city...
If there are certain buildings thet consistently get left out, I can see players maybe wanting to mark a handful of buildings in their city to be bumped to the top of whatever internal priority list already exists. But to be honest, now I have special event buildings busy generating self-aid kits all the time, I'm actually grateful to have something to use them up on ;)

Deleted User - 853986268

Hi kabibbles!

Lol yes, like others are saying, way too many buildings to select from.

But aren't you producing mass self aid kits like the others to become independent of these by now?