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Sector Negotiations


Over Las Penas is Dragon City Loot 40.000 Gold 40.000 Supplies.
6 Sectors.


Dragon City
Top-Left65 Fertilizer, 85 Paper1500 Coins
Bottom-Left65 Coke, 85 Coffee1500 Supplies
Top-Middle65 Textiles, 85 Porcelain1500 Supplies
Bottom-Left-Middle65 Whale Oil, 85 Coffee1500 Supplies
Right-Middle65 Coke, 85 Tar1500 Supplies
Far-Right65 Rubber, 85 Wire1500 Coins


I know this is an old thread but it's still very relevant. Does anyone have any data like this for the newer maps? Progressive / Modern / Postmodern.

I'm on Industrial at the moment and would love to be able to plan ahead. Many thanks.


I know the topic is terribly old, but... well, I found it useful and not having found any other topic mentioning more advanced provinces, I thought it would be nice to continue if possible.
So here it is the first province of the Progressive Era.


Havre: Progressive Era Battle Tower

5 sectors requiring:
- 50 Basalt, 25 Tar
- 60 Silk, 25 Coffee
- 60 Brass, 25 Paper
- 60 Gunpowder, 25 Wire
- 60 Talk Powder, 25 Porcelain

Uxrow: 75,000 coins, 25,000 supplies

4 sectors requiring:
- 15 Wire, 20 Paper, 25 Whale Oil, 20 Fertilizer
- 15 Porcelain, 20 Coffee, 25 Textiles, 20 Rubber
- 15 Tar, 20 Paper, 25 Coke, 20 Fertilizer
- 15 Porcelain, 20 Wire, 25 Whale Oil, 20 Rubber

Kriegreich: Progressive Era deposit

10 sectors requiring:
- 20 Basalt, 30 Wire, 35 Whale Oil
- 20 Gunpowder, 30 Porcelain, 35 Textiles
- 20 Brass, 30 Paper, 35 Fertilizer
- 25 Silk, 30 Tar, 35 Coke
- 20 Gunpowder, 30 Coffee, 35 Rubber
- 20 Talk Powder, 30 Porcelain, 35 Textiles
- 20 Basalt, 30 Wire, 35 Whale Oil
- 20 Silk, 30 Tar, 35 Coke
- 25 Talk Powder, 30 Paper, 35 Fertilizer
- 20 Brass, 30 Coffee, 35 Rubber

Ostrand: 90,000 coins, 50,000 supplies

6 sectors requiring:
- 20 Gunpowder, 30 Tar, 35 Coke
- 20 Talk Powder, 30 Tar, 35 Fertilizer
- 20 Gunpowder, 30 Wire, 35 Coke
- 20 Basalt, 30 Paper, 35 Rubber
- 20 Brass, 30 Porcelain, 35 Whale Oil
- 20 Silk, 30 Coffee, 35 Textiles

Langenreich: Expansion

6 sectors requiring:
- 15 Porcelain, 30 Rubber, 20 Explosives
- 15 Wire, 30 Textiles, 20 Tinplate
- 15 Porcelain, 30 Whale Oil, 20 Machine Parts
- 15 Coffee, 30 Coke, 20 Gasoline
- 15 Tar, 30 Fertilizer, 20 Asbestos
- 15 Paper, 30 Whale Oil, 20 Asbestos

Uceria: 50,000 coins, 50,000 supplies

6 sectors requiring:
- 15 Porcelain, 30 Rubber, 20 Asbestos
- 15 Coffee, 30 Textiles, 20 Machine Parts
- 15 Paper, 30 Whale Oil, 20 Gasoline
- 15 Tar, 30 Coke, 20 Explosives
- 15 Wire, 30 Fertilizer, 20 Machine Parts
- 15 Porcelain, 30 Fertilizer, 20 Tinplate

Omolen: 70,000 coins, 70,000 supplies

10 sectors requiring:
- 25 Basalt, 30 Paper, 35 Textiles
- 25 Silk, 30 Porcelain, 35 Rubber
- 25 Brass, 30 Wire, 35 Coke
- 25 Fertilizer, 30 Coffee, 35 Whale Oil
- 25 Talk Powder, 30 Tar, 35 Fertilizer
- 25 Basalt, 30 Porcelain, 35 Coke
- 25 Silk, 30 Paper, 35 Rubber
- 25 Brass, 30 Coffee, 35 Textiles
- 25 Gunpowder, 30 Tar, 35 Whale Oil
- 25 Talk Powder, 30 Wire, 35 Fertilizer

Sud: 125,000 coins, 150 medals

7 sectors requiring:
- 40 Basalt, 20 Wire, 25 Coke, 20 Asbestos
- 45 Silk, 20 Tar, 25 Whale Oil, 20 Gasoline
- 40 Brass, 20 Porcelain, 25 Rubber, 20 Machine Parts
- 40 Gunpowder, 20 Coffee, 25 Textiles, 20 Tinplate
- 45 Talk Powder, 20 Paper, 25 Fertilizer, 20 Explosives
- 40 Brass, 20 Porcelain, 25 Textiles, 20 Explosives
- 40 Basalt, 20 Wire, 25 Fertilizer, 20 Tinplate

Gaelford: Progressive Era deposit

6 sectors requiring:
- 15 Tar, 20 Coffee, 25 Coke, 20 Whale Oil
- 15 Wire, 20 Tar, 25 Textiles, 20 Coke
- 15 Paper, 20 Porcelain, 25 Fertilizer, 20 Textiles
- 15 Paper, 20 Tar, 25 Rubber, 20 Coke
- 15 Coffee, 20 Porcelain, 25 Fertilizer, 20 Whale Oil
- 15 Coffee, 20 Wire, 25 Rubber, 20 Textiles

Gorski: Expansion

12 sectors requiring:
- 15 Coffee, 15 Tar, 20 Asbestos, 20 Explosives
- 15 Tar, 15 Paper, 20 Machine Parts, 20 Tinplate
- 15 Paper, 15 Wire, 20 Gasoline, 20 Asbestos
- 15 Wire, 15 Porcelain, 20 Explosives, 20 Machine Parts
- 15 Tar, 15 Coffee, 20 Gasoline, 20 Machine Parts
- 15 Porcelain, 15 Wire, 20 Asbestos, 20 Tinplate
- 15 Porcelain, 15 Coffee, 20 Tinplate, 20 Gasoline
- 15 Wire, 15 Paper, 20 Machine Parts, 20 Asbestos
- 15 Coffee, 15 Porcelain, 20 Machine Parts, 20 Explosives
- 15 Paper, 15 Tar, 20 Explosives, 20 Gasoline
- 15 Paper, 15 Tar, 20 Explosives, 20 Tinplate
- 15 Coffee, 15 Wire, 20 Gasoline, 20 Machine Parts
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Inashu: 75,000 coins, 75,000 supplies

4 sectors requiring:
- 60 Coke, 45 Fertilizer, 25 Wire
- 60 Whale Oil, 45 Coke, 25 Paper
- 60 Textiles, 45 Fertilizer, 25 Tar
- 60 Rubber, 45 Whale Oil, 25 Coffee

Natsuishu: Modern Era battle tower

11 sectors requiring:
- 60 Whale Oil, 50 Textiles, 40 Paper, 20 Porcelain
- 60 Textiles, 50 Rubber, 40 Coffee, 20 Tar
- 60 Coke, 50 Fertilizer, 40 Wire, 20 Coffee
- 60 Rubber, 50 Coke, 40 Porcelain, 20 Wire
- 60 Coke, 50 Whale Oil, 40 Porcelain, 20 Coffee
- 60 Fertilizer, 50 Textiles, 40 Wire, 20 Tar
- 60 Fertilizer, 50 Coke, 40 Porcelain, 20 Paper
- 60 Whale Oil, 50 Rubber, 40 Tar, 20 Porcelain
- 60 Rubber, 50 Fertilizer, 40 Paper, 20 Wire
- 60 Fertilizer, 50 Whale Oil, 40 Tar, 20 Paper
- 60 Textiles, 50 Coke, 40 Coffee, 20 Paper
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Deleted User - 849037855

Update this content as there are many new continents (and even new maps from VF, SAM and SAAB), and 4 new EMA bonus provinces which are Galgenschlucht, Todespass, Steilsturz and Tarmelmann.

Deleted User - 849037855

I am really far from SAAB, but how to access the Colonies? I am in the HMA in US13 (Noarsil), EMA in US27 (Birka). What age are you in?
I am really far from SAAB, but how to access the Colonies? I am in the HMA in US13 (Noarsil), EMA in US27 (Birka). What age are you in?
You can only access the SAM and SAAB colonies when you are in that age, when you move to SAAB you lose access to SAM colony

I've finished SAAB


Links to 3rd party sites are not allowed but I will send you a pm

I'm in the process of constructing this (in Excel) Ive got all of the Research Costs and all of the sectors up until FE but taking it further is proving VERY time consuming

If you have it already done I'd be eternally grateful for a copy