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roads won't duplicate on Arvahall


Progressive era on Arvahall, when building new tarmac road, the screen shows internal error on second road section, and won't load into grid.. all other roads work ok.


Are you still getting the error now? I have been unable to reproduce this.


Yes it's happened each of the 5 times I've built a section of road, as soon as I attempt to build the 2nd section it throws me out of the game saying an internal error has occurred.


Can you be more specific? I'm still a bit confused on how this is happening


@Darthpoet, do you have any objections to me trying to reproduce this on your account? If this is OK, it would be useful if you could provide a precise, step by step list of instructions to reproduce it.


You click on the road building section in the buildings menu on the left of the screen. Click on build Tarmac road. Drag the build request to the main screen and click it on a suitable space, no problem. Then try and click it the second time and nothing happens except you get thrown out of the game. Whenever I've built paths/roads etc before it's always allowed me to build 2 sections.


It's still happening, and it's getting tiresome now as I lose so many resources each time it happens. By all means go into the account and see for yourself


Hi Darthpoet - I have managed to reproduce it at last :) The issue only seems to occur when you do not have enough supplies/coins to lay all the road pieces.

I've logged the issue, but meanwhile please ensure that you can afford the roads pieces you want to lay down, as being unable to afford them is what is generating the error.