CHAPTER 18 – Sniping (Aggressor)
This chapter will address sniping from the point of view of aggressor and owner of 90%. In another chapter I will address the defensive methods of fight against sniping.
Why does the sniping work? Because players with high arcs can generate more profit than the cost of investment in a GB.
Let’s review the pattern of rewards. The second reward is half of first, the third reward is third of second, the fourth reward is fourth of third, and fifth reward is fifth of the fourth. All rewards are rounded to 5.
Top2 reward = Top1 / 2
Top3 reward = Top2 / 3 = Top1 / 6
Top4 reward = Top3 / 4 = Top2 / 12 = Top1 / 24
Top5 reward = Top4 / 5 = Top3 / 20 = Top2 / 60 = Top1 / 120
In terms of top5 reward on average:
Top1 reward = 120*top5
Top2 reward = 60*top5
Top3 reward = 20*top5
Top4 reward =5*top5
In the equations below I will use “120, 60, 20, 5, 1” for top1, top2, top3, top4, top5 respectively as their relative value.
Top1 is 120 / (120+60+20+5+1) = 58% of total rewards on average
When you take top1, you take more than half of available rewards.
Top2 is (120+60) / (120+60+20+5+1) = 87% of total rewards on average
When you take top1&2, you take most of rewards
Top3 is (120+60+20) / (120+60+20+5+1) = 97% of total rewards on average
When you take top1&2&3, you take nearly of rewards
Top3 is (120+60+20+5) / (120+60+20+5+1) = 99.5% of total rewards on average
When you take top1&2&3&4, you take basically all rewards
Assuming there are one to four people working together to minimize the cost and each have 90% arc, the cost of sniping from the start is:
(1/2) 50% of total FPs for one person (e.g. 400/600)
(2/3) 66.6% of total Fps (e.g. (200+200)/600)
(3/4) 75% of total Fps (e.g. (150+150+150)/600)
(4/5) 80% of total FPs (e.g. (120+120+120+120)/600)
2 snipers can work together or independently. However, if they work together their cost is 33.3%+33.3%, but if they work independently they have to secure top1 with 50%, then top2 with 25%. Then to total cost for independent sniping with 2 is 75% of total and team sniping is 66.6% of total. With large GB, this is what can make it or break is the profit.
If 1 sniper works, for 50% of total FPs, he gets 58% rewards
If 2 snipers work independently, for 75% of total FPs, they get 87% reward
If 2 snipers work together, for 66.6% of total FPs, they get 87% rewards
If 3 snipers work together, for 75% of total Fps, they get 97% rewards
If 4 snipers work together, for 80% of total FPs, they get 99.5% rewards
As you can see there is a sharp increase in reward vs. cost if 2 players work together, and this favorable trend carried to 3 players working together.
The graphs below represent income from Cape. The details for each GBs are different, but the pattern and general idea stays the same. Also, all examples assume that Cape is empty, and sniping is from empty GB. Sniping profit increase and/or time to finish level decreases as more FPs are added to it. However, the general patter and idea stays the same.
The first graph illustrates the advantage of working within a team vs. sniping alone. 2 snipers working individually and 4 snipers working together are not included in this graph because in nearly all cases, they are inefficient methods.
X axis = level
Y axis = net cost for host to complete (see chapter 12 for more details) and snipe net profit
As you can see, working in a team of 2 or 3 increases the profit. At peak levels around lvl 50-70, more income can be generated with 3 people. Team of 3 can be used in cases when speed of adding FPs matters, when something needs to be done really quickly so each player carries responsibility of 25% instead of 33.3%. Risk is also shared at the same time. Team of 3 is even more profitable as compared to other options if some FPs are already added to the GB.
X axis = level
Y axis = snipe net profit and snipe net profit per player
If the profit is analyzed for each player, the sniping as a team with 2 players dominates basically throughout all levels. If you notice also double and triple sniping, extends profitability of sniping about 10-15 levels each way as compared to single snipe. This gives a great advantage to teamwork vs. what lone wolf cannot afford alone.
X axis = level
Y axis = net fraction profit of FPs invested total
As GBs gets larger, snipes get more risky. Sniper can be caught because more FPs are needed to lock a GB. Also, the longer the level the less likely host will finish the level especially if sniper is causing extreme cost to the GB. Even the profitability range for best team combination sits in levels 25-85, the optimal levels are shifted to the left probably in 35-65 range because of lower risk.
But, I do not have 90% arc = then get one, and if you are unable to, read this guide again
But, I do not have good GBs to snipe = then add some friends that are good victims
But, the top1/2 rewards are different, how come you want to add same number of FPs = I assume that if you understand this chapter, you know the basic methods to address this issue. The simplest way would be to alternate spots. The more complex would be to calculate splits precisely and gift each other fps at the end. There are even more complex and more efficient methods to address this issue, and me telling you them would spoil the fun
How to screen quickly GB for a snipe? Should I open it and look if I can get profit? Here is flowchart:
1. Did you look at this GB before because it seemed attractive? If yes, look at it again if you think that was promising GB, or skip it.
2. Is the GB between levels 30-70? If yes, it is a profitable all the time. Look at it.
3. Is the GB outside of levels 30-70, but has sufficient number of FPs added? (this can be estimated by total FPs – 3*top1 reward, so for example if top reward is 120 FPs and total 700 FPs, anything above 340 FPs (+340FPs/700FPs) would warrant you immediately looking at that GB (700-120*3=340). I do not want to derive this here, but just give you the formula that you can use.
Be aware, you are no doing anything good for GB owner. The graph below represents how much a GB owner needs to invest before to level GB vs. how much needs to be invested to lvl GB after a particular snipe. Proper sniping with team of 2-3, can slow down the progress of a player by 50-75% (2 to 4 times) within profitable levels, and it is a nice weapon against your enemies. Plundering is annoying, but this is damaging. If you do sniping to maximize reward, majority of GB owners will definately not like you.
X axis = level
Y axis = net cost before and after snipe