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i just want to express my disappointment

DJ of BA

Let's face it, most, if not all GBs have become out dated and superceded by the power creep Event buildings over the past year or two, personally I think Arc is still an important building to attain and especially at L80 or above, if for nothing else than to help newer players and Guild mates level up their GBs faster. Yes all GBs need to be reviewed as to their usefulness and the rewards they give to make them more relevant to the current gameplay, The original subject of Alcatraz, keep or dump, I think keep, yes it is the largest building of all the GBs and the only reason I can see for removal is if you are only interested in maintaining a small fighting force for GEX and are not participating in GBG anymore
the only reason I can see for removal is if you are only interested in maintaining a small fighting force for GEX and are not participating in GBG anymore
Current age units are not hard to get. If the game is going to be current-age-focused going forward, no one needs Alcatraz. I've done GBG since the beginning of it and only ever briefly built current age barracks to get initial troops when aging up, but by SAJM I didn't even need to place barracks. I have thousands and thousands of SAJM troops and none of them ever came from Alcatraz.

The whole point of Alcatraz was to make stocks of rogues (not so crucial to have in space ages or with 4000% boosts any more) and to be able to maintain a stock of 14 different ages for GvG on multiple age maps, without having to have all the barracks in your city at the same time. With gvg and multi-age fighting removed from the game, there's 0 use for Alcatraz, and they just keep releasing more special buildings that make all the various troops for you.

Bullion garrison makes artillery in 1x1 plus a bunch of other stuff
eden airship makes 3 fast units a day plus other stuff
stage of ages makes 12 ranged units a day plus goods and fps
cider gardens make 1-5 light units per day plus boosts and other stuff
racoon hideouts make rogues
then there's all the special stuff from the last year that makes random troops - donkey enclosure, sheep shire, panda reserve, knights pavilion, governors villa, winter pyramid - and all those buildings also provide goods, fps and or attack/def boosts along with the troops.

Oh and I forgot the egypt settlement reward that now makes 20 troops, plus all the emissaries - I could be getting 30+ troops per day just form my town hall but I prefer the goods and fps since I have troops coming out my ears already.

They completely negated the need for anyone to touch the barracks in the standard build menu, let alone keep an Alcatraz. After they announced they might "make some GB's relevant" again it has given me pause, but I'm just about pissed off enough / stopped caring (since they released so much overpowered stuff into the game that nothing really matters any more) to the point I'll probably delete the giant eyesore that is Alcatraz before much longer. I just wanted to stock up on a few things, but really, I'm not sure the point of even doing that now.


They completely negated the need for anyone to touch the barracks in the standard build menu, let alone keep an Alcatraz. After they announced they might "make some GB's relevant" again it has given me pause, but I'm just about pissed off enough / stopped caring (since they released so much overpowered stuff into the game that nothing really matters any more) to the point I'll probably delete the giant eyesore that is Alcatraz before much longer. I just wanted to stock up on a few things, but really, I'm not sure the point of even doing that now.

They negated the need for anyone to touch houses, goods buildings and production buildings long before this. Wih all those events and special buildings, who still uses the standard build menu.

Paladiac the Pure

They negated the need for anyone to touch houses, goods buildings and production buildings long before this. Wih all those events and special buildings, who still uses the standard build menu.
Probably just about everybody in the game still use the standard build menu - since many of the Events include quests to "build house(s) of your age", or "build a goods building", etc.
Probably the only players that do not use that menu anymore are those that have completely given up on Events now (and if you have given up on Events, means you will start becoming weaker than your opponents with loss of Event Buildings, which means more players giving up on the game)


Probably just about everybody in the game still use the standard build menu - since many of the Events include quests to "build house(s) of your age", or "build a goods building", etc.

That also applies to barracks, so I do not think that is what Ariana was talking about.
Probably just about everybody in the game still use the standard build menu - since many of the Events include quests to "build house(s) of your age", or "build a goods building", etc.
Probably the only players that do not use that menu anymore are those that have completely given up on Events now (and if you have given up on Events, means you will start becoming weaker than your opponents with loss of Event Buildings, which means more players giving up on the game)
lol, yes people use the standard build menu for the ridiculous "build houses" and "build decos" quests, but then we immediately sell them.

Event quests don't ask for build barracks ever, but some story/campaign quests do. it's like a vestigial tail at this point, no one wants any of those standard buildings and the developers are too lazy to redesign questlines to stop requiring the "build and sell" mechanic. I have wished many times they'd just ask me to pay the coins/supplies involved and stop wasting my time/breaking my wrist to build build build, sell sell sell.


I have a GB [ToR] which, half an hour ago, had bp’s in eight of the nine slots. A total of 77bp’s.

Now, after half an hour’s trading, I have a GB which has the same one empty slot and one bp in each of the other eight.

Does anyone want to claim that the trading function isn’t fixed?


Does anyone want to claim that the trading function isn’t fixed?

Nothing has changed since you complained last, everyone agrees with you. We also told you the best way to get around it too so there's no point complaining further.

As you see below there is a difference on various possible spots. After a while it does not matter if you put the effort into gaining them. Mainly by adding to players gbs and earning them.

Screenshot_20240710_153455_Forge of Empires.jpg
I have a GB [ToR] which, half an hour ago, had bp’s in eight of the nine slots. A total of 77bp’s.

Now, after half an hour’s trading, I have a GB which has the same one empty slot and one bp in each of the other eight.

Does anyone want to claim that the trading function isn’t fixed?
Yes, with a 1:9 chance to get a specific bp each time you trade, the chance to get the one you need is still very slim, even with 77 bps to start with.


The chance would be 1-in-7 if the trading process was unbiased, but, as it is, the chance of filling an empty slot is far far less than the chance of getting a duplicate bp.


The chance would be 1-in-7 if the trading process was unbiased, but, as it is, the chance of filling an empty slot is far far less than the chance of getting a duplicate bp.
It's not biased but simply RNG. Two days ago I was 3 prints short to open my Habitat to 5/200 so I traded 1:7 for those 3 remaining levels. In less than 10 tries I had my 3 extra levels so in this case I was quite "lucky" and this clearly shows there's no bias.


The chance would be 1-in-7 if the trading process was unbiased, but, as it is, the chance of filling an empty slot is far far less than the chance of getting a duplicate bp.

Spoken like everybody else that does not have any luck getting that last BP.