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i just want to express my disappointment


As I understand it, when using the trade function, the post-trade bp that you get can turn up in any one of the nine slots, including the two slots from which the bp’s were picked to do the trade. Is this right?

My suspicion is that not all slots are equal. An empty slot has a lower chance of receiving the post-trade bp than does a non-empty slot.

This effect becomes more noticeable as the number of empty slots decreases. If I have seven empty slots to start with then the chance of my new bp hitting any one of them is higher than the chance of it hitting any one of the two already-filled slots, even allowing for the bias towards the already-filled slots. Simply because there are more empty slots than already-filled ones.

On the other hand, if I only have one empty slot then the chance of hitting it could be a lot less than 1-in-9, depending on the bias.


As I understand it, when using the trade function, the post-trade bp that you get can turn up in any one of the nine slots, including the two slots from which the bp’s were picked to do the trade. Is this right?

Perhaps you should read the answers you get.

My suspicion is that not all slots are equal. An empty slot has a lower chance of receiving the post-trade bp than does a non-empty slot.

Yours and everyone else's who does not get the BP he needs.


As I understand it, when using the trade function, the post-trade bp that you get can turn up in any one of the nine slots, including the two slots from which the bp’s were picked to do the trade. Is this right?

No. The slots you're trading from are excluded for the new blueprint gained. hence why if you're trading you want to select two different slots

DJ of BA

Trading Blueprint fragments to obtain a missing Blueprint is basically a futile mission, the chances of you obtaining the missing Fragment are miniscule to say the least, swapping has always been considered a waste of fragments, the missing fragments will come eventually but its never been fast, there is a few ways to obtain it but are costly in FPs unless you can find someone willing to let you have a slot that pays out a minimum of 9 Fragments as standard for a nominal contribution, I have done this a few times for newbies but then I can afford to do so, you could ask a high end player who has a slot which gives 9 or more standard fragments as the rewards do not double up fragments until the standard number exceeds 10 and come up with a payment plan when you make an initial contribution the owner cover the remaining costs then you pay back the balance at so much a week

DJ of BA

Pay back? If newbies in the guild don't have the fps to lock a low reward spot, 5th or 4th, I usually just let them get it for 1 fp and pay the remaining fps myself without asking for a pay back.
No I was talking about letting a newbie have a high slot ( 1 or 2) and sort of pay it off over time, thus a guarantee to get a missing BP, any newbie wanting 4th or 5th I do same as yourself


I decided to make this a research project!

I had four GB’s which each had only one empty bp slot. I acquired assorted bp’s and traded randomly.

I’ve now done 55 trades spread across my four GB’s [not an even spread, tho’ that’s irrelevant]. Of the 55 trades I got the missing bp twice.

It does seem as though, when you trade, the new bp doesn’t go into either of the two slots where the traded bp’s were, leaving seven possibilities [including the empty slot]. Which means that there should be a 6-in-7 chance of it being a duplicate. This is a probability of 0.86.

The chance of 53 out of 55 events hitting that 0.86 probability is tiny – less than 0.001 [one in a thousand]. So it is very very likely [but not certain] that blueprint mergers do NOT result in the new bp being randomly placed. There is a strong bias towards one of the six non-original non-empty slots.

The incentive for the game developers is obvious – players invest a lot of effort towards a goal, but to finally achieve that goal they have to spend diamonds, which often means spending real money.


Players actively seeking bps for a certain gb never have issues. Players passively seeking bps will have less opportunity to gain them and might feel the need to buy with dia.

Only often if you're not putting effort into gaining bps, Over time and with enough positions won you won't have any issues. You don't need to research it. You just need to go out and find positions in the gbs to fill. It is biased but you can get past it with activity. I never buy bps.

If you want to continue the project, there's over 3000 arc levels of data there, feel free to use that in your calculations.

Screenshot_20240504_092932_Forge of Empires.jpg
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That screenshot is incredible! Hundreds of bp’s in each slot – and I put weeks of work into getting two or three!

I guess I need to build myself an Arc?


Lieutenant Colonel
No he wouldn't.
I wouldn't count on that. Sometimes I don't have the time and so I skim through some of the contents and would have missed a few things here and there. Unlike Agent, he has all the time in the world to piss people off. That's how he roll unfortunately.
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That screenshot is incredible! Hundreds of bp’s in each slot – and I put weeks of work into getting two or three!

I guess I need to build myself an Arc?
It depends what you want and are looking for about building the Arc. I deleted mine 2 or 3 weeks ago (was level 89). The Arc is very good once level 60+ (1.8) and for blueprints for GB's everyone and their grandmother levels up through 1.9 systems. But you need first to get that thing to level 60+, requiring BP's and that may keep you in a vicious loop.

With the state of the game as of Today I wouldn't build that thing anymore. Worst case you just get your prints from your neighborhood's GB's at a higher forge point cost compared with an Arc but at least you won't have to worry about the Arc. Also less and less GB's are truly required, must have, now.

And if you ever want to put and level up a building nobody puts up because everyone's a pro and pros don't put those buildings up, e.g. Colosseum/Space Needle/Lotus Temple/Oracle of Delphi, that Arc is simply useless as it won't get you prints.

My Colosseum is 107/150 at the moment, Space Needle and Lotus Temple still low but already 100 levels open and can open 50+ extra levels on both and 20 levels on my Colosseum. This is not Arc, this is Aegean Resorts by simply making sure I got in the top 1% during that past event.
That screenshot is incredible! Hundreds of bp’s in each slot – and I put weeks of work into getting two or three!

I guess I need to build myself an Arc?

Wish I could give them away - or trade them for something useful. I don't need them.
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What Not To Suggest?

Please note that any other ideas along the same lines will also be moved to this forum, and not forwarded, so it's in your own best interest not to suggest any ideas similar to these.

In particular, please do not suggest the following ideas, as they will not be implemented:

Trading of items other than Goods (this is simply too open to abuse, and is potentially a breach of our game rules).


Doesn't say what not to Discuss. This is a discussion.

It's that thought process that killed half the forum off when players couldnt post anything without it being deleted.


View attachment 25769

Wish I could give them away - or trade them for something useful. I don't need them.
This shows how sick the ARC only viable meta was and for many still is. One of the nice aspects of the power increase is that players now have an alternative to the ARC meta. The ARC isn't anymore a must have/build/level 80 but a nice or great to have, depending on everyone's playing style.