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guild alliances


enable guild alliances by expanding "friend" function

Have you Checked the Ideas section for the same idea posted by someone else? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
nothing similar

top ranked guilds usually have sister guilds and I want some additional options to make cooperation between those guilds a little easier and more fruitful.

- add the option for guild founders/leaders to propose alliance with another guild (this is only a diplomatic move of the representative of one guild towards another guild, the right to chose weather or not to be allies with another guild is a matter of guild democracy)
- number of allied guilds should be limited to 2 (160 people max.)
- if the proposition for alliance is accepted, all members of your sister guild are being automatically placed on your "friends" list
- you can't attack your friends
- you can polish/motivate your friends
- "guild only" trade offers of your sister guild become visible on your market (their "guild only" offers exclusively), but to accept those offers, you have to pay a forge point (these offers are being filtered as "neighborhood" offers)

Visual Aids:
sorry, none

except for the market part of the idea, all this can be done "by hand", but adding friends one by one at the moment means at least 8 clicks per player and who's got the time to do that?

Abuse Prevention:
the main abuse is that you can get up to 160 new people to polish/motivate or 3200 extra coins per day and I have no idea how to fix this.

What's the point of having "friends" in this game (if you can't scam innocent bystanders for 200 diamonds)?


I always wanted something more with the friends tab, but what if we had more friends other than those two guilds? Can we unfriend people in those guilds, and add our own personal? And also, I do not think we should get a reward for polishing/motivating the friends because getting 3.2K a day is a bunchload extra for a noob (let alone the 1.6K you get from guild). Other than the devs trying to increase the friends limit to 160; I think everything else would be a +1 from me


idea has direction and form, this is good. But i only liked the trading part so far, nothing personal.


thanks byeordie, mungiu

yeah, the polish/motivate part was super stupid even when I was writing this.
if you have any suggestions on how to fix it, they will be appreciated.


Idk, I guess make polish motivate free for friends; I mean if you really were there friends, you wouldn't care if you got a reward for helping them


I hate to be the one, who shoots down the good ideas...

The "friendship" issue is surfacing from time to time... Why is it there, when we in reality can't use it for anything? (It might be changed, sometime in the future? but that's really just a wild guess from me!)

As I see it : It is not that hard, to complete the ages, as it is right now... some would actually say, that it's fairly easy to do, having up to 158 players to support and trade with. If we add another 80/160 friends/allies to that list, the game would simply become too easy... there would be too many traders at the market...nobody would have to "work" to get the needed Goods.
And making the game more easy... well, you know... those wishes will not come true.

But yes... I also think, that having friends should be beneficial in one way or another... as so stated above, why else having them?


@ King Dael

one thing that would make this idea more appealing is to limit the number of guild members to 40 max.
then you'd have 200 people to support, but then the problem of "activity" occurs. less active players would have no chance to hold their position in high ranking guilds and it would be hard to recruit someone in an almost inactive guild.
to fix that, let's open the market to the whole alliance, but then the problem of exploitation of less active players occurs,... I could go on and on....

I do believe that guild alliances are a way to overcome the uselessness of "friendship", but it's up to developers to decide which compromises are acceptable.

@ byeordie

you may have somthing there; +5 coins for friends (nothing seems to extreme)?
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Yea, more than 40 mems do support me in my guild, so splitting it up wouldn't be the best idea, including if it ends up high rankers on one guild and the lower members (who need trades) would force us to spend a forge point to try and help them out