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  • Thread starter Deleted User - 7260023
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Did they ever revert the nerf to the chateu with the quest cap or just kept that in preventing the way people played with that Strat for years? I remember that is why a few players that had been around for 8 years quit. Then again what I read now is you don't really need GB's much at all anymore as event buildings power crept so strong they basically replaced them.
The abort limit is still there. I like the Chateau for the diamonds anyway
The abort limit is still there. I like the Chateau for the diamonds anyway
And goods and supplies, it's not as crucial as it once was, but Chateau has always been a big help in a way that a lot of players didn't appreciate (except for the diamonds) because it happens in small increments.
Then again what I read now is you don't really need GB's much at all anymore as event buildings power crept so strong they basically replaced them.
Yes, Except for Blue Galaxy, the Arc, and the Chateau, every other GB is pretty questionable or outright useless at this point. But they have claimed that they're going to revamp some GB's at some point (this year?) to keep some of them relevant, which for me personally just added more uncertainty and chaos to an already bad situation with the game's balancing. I was all set to delete useless GB's and move on, can't even really trust in that strategy now.

It's tough to play a strategy game when the "rules" of it are constantly changing, and not by a little at a time, but wild swings in another direction (e.g. all the changes to Settlements and rewards, and by the looks of the Care for Tomorrow event buildings, even more power creep than 2023.)


Yes, Except for Blue Galaxy, the Arc, and the Chateau, every other GB is pretty questionable or outright useless at this point.

That rather depends on their size, the level they have and if you can replace the reward they give. I did remove a lvl 105 Cape, but my lvl 132 Zeus will not get the same treatment.
I like my Himeji Castle :blush:

And Seed Vault gives diamonds
I just deleted Himeji and Space carrier a couple of weeks back. I had left them optimized at level 58 anyway, and the rando-rewards with the rare diamond appearance wasn't worth it for the space as compared to the massively over-powered event buildings (I'm up to 10 Aegeans, 6 Labs, 4 autumn vineyards, 3 metros, 3 phantom towers, 3 celtic taverns, and nearly unlimited feta farms, cider gardens, and the like - and I don't spend money on the game for 4 years now.)

I just read a long comment thread in Discord last night full of complaints about the payout on Seed Vault as people are starting to figure out with the mass-self-aid kits the payout doesn't count on anyone who has nothing to aid, and auto-aid hides from you when someone had nothing to aid, you just don't see diamonds for a month sometimes. Meh. The estimates about what that pays out even at level 100 I think are overblown and with the self-aid problem, it's much "worse" for finding cities with something to aid than when the Seed Vault was originally released, and the problem will persist if not worsen over time.

No one starting the game now would ever need to build GB's except for the 3 I said (Blue Galaxy, the Arc, and the Chateau.) Zeus, Obs, and Galata will survive too, because they are so small.

I'm just holding back from finishing deleting whatever else I have left because of nostalgia and the wishy-washy development statement that GB's were going to get some kind of relevance upgrade <eyeroll> this year?? who knows. I have already deleted many more GB's than I ever thought I would.


I just read a long comment thread in Discord last night full of complaints about the payout on Seed Vault as people are starting to figure out with the mass-self-aid kits the payout doesn't count on anyone who has nothing to aid, and auto-aid hides from you when someone had nothing to aid, you just don't see diamonds for a month sometimes. Meh. The estimates about what that pays out even at level 100 I think are overblown and with the self-aid problem, it's much "worse" for finding cities with something to aid than when the Seed Vault was originally released, and the problem will persist if not worsen over time.
Agreed. But considering the amount of space it takes up in the city I don't mind taking on that risk of lower diamond yields as the game gets more mass-aid saturated

One interesting thing is decorations only stay Aided for 12 hours. So cities with a bunch of Chain Link attachments or decoration buildings would be quite useful for keeping something around for Aid. Yes you'd be competing against all the other players Aiding them, but they wouldn't be able to completely block off Aids from Mass-Aid at collection time.

No one starting the game now would ever need to build GB's except for the 3 I said (Blue Galaxy, the Arc, and the Chateau.) Zeus, Obs, and Galata will survive too, because they are so small.
An argument could reasonably be made against those too. I'd still build them, the game wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable without Great Buildings, I do find them useful and we need somewhere to put Forge Points regardless. But there's also very little that couldn't be achieved if someone played without Great Buildings given enough time and a forge point sink.

That rather depends on their size, the level they have and if you can replace the reward they give. I did remove a lvl 105 Cape, but my lvl 132 Zeus will not get the same treatment.
Cape Canaveral is a interesting case.

I view it primarily as a tool to help raise the other Great Buildings up. But when everything is already lvl 100+ the Forge Point output from it is barely able to lift a level in the timespan of 1-2 years, and it takes just as long to pay itself off if you're not sniping/getting profit from 1.x threads.

It's worth putting in early for that goal, just not sure whether to keep or dump it for where my city is currently at given (a) it's already served its purpose of lifting the other Great Buildings past the sweet spots and (b) if I were looking purely on a collection perspective it's far from being the weakest building in the city. It just happens to be a single purpose building.

Arctic Orangery on the other hand has a very similar output per level for a relatively similar cost by the time you're getting into those higher levels but has the added bonus of helping your army. So if I were looking to raise one Forge Point building high it'd probably be the Arctic Orangery


Arctic Orangery on the other hand has a very similar output per level for a relatively similar cost by the time you're getting into those higher levels but has the added bonus of helping your army. So if I were looking to raise one Forge Point building high it'd probably be the Arctic Orangery

I was doing just that. Got it at level 141 and then SAT came along. So I started on those GB's with CF as a back-up plan in case I did not have enough goods to open a next level.
Those what time is it threads always got so huge, was great fun and we really did have so many conversations, I do tend to forget about them from time to time. I see below that apparently they were tried to be brought back? Problem there most of the people that used to chat there have all left the forums/game so it'd be hard to start that back up. Even when I stopped playing years ago back on S the server only had about 100 truly active players so no idea what its like today.

Did they ever revert the nerf to the chateu with the quest cap or just kept that in preventing the way people played with that Strat for years? I remember that is why a few players that had been around for 8 years quit. Then again what I read now is you don't really need GB's much at all anymore as event buildings power crept so strong they basically replaced them.
our friend Ati2 left the forums because of cap on RQs (the most stupid CF nerf ever), but also yeah, many GBs have been turned into completely obsolete, like you can now literally get more atk boost on like 9-12 tiles than you can by pushing CdM to lvl 100

King Dael

Warrant Officer
Sometimes, bots can surprise. One just revived an ancient avatar thread. Boy, talk about a stroll down the memory lane.
I happened to find my own old avatar (which I promptly inserted) and staff signature images.
Things, and the game, were simpler back then. (...and some would say better)

King Dael Signature.png


An annoying minor new change (with the latest update?)
When you cancel a production, instead of allowing you to start a different production from that building the game now moves on to the next building and displays the remaining time until that next production finishes. If I cancel a production it is invariably because I want to immediately change it to something else...
An annoying minor new change (with the latest update?)
When you cancel a production, instead of allowing you to start a different production from that building the game now moves on to the next building and displays the remaining time until that next production finishes. If I cancel a production it is invariably because I want to immediately change it to something else...
that's helpful though for when you set all your productions to 4 hours or something and then immediate get a quest to do 20 productions of 1 hour and need to cancel every one of them, which was a pain when cancelling didn't also work as a carousel. The change was requested for a while and part of the community sprint questions a few months ago.

The carousel helps more than it hurts, overall, even if there are a few instances where it's not helpful to get sent onto the next object. There are times in the QI settlement when I do NOT want to be cycled to the next army building after training because I just want to keep training 1 army type and I have to keep cancelling out of the carousel. Still, it is helpful when I do want to train all my armies, or set all my goods in the settlements or space colonies.


I'm a veteran player and not a forum troll. And sorry for going off topic.
If no one wants to build or level GBs anymore because they are outperformed by event buildings, then both fps and bps become useless and a big part of the system the game is built on falls apart.
True though, of course, if fps and bps continue to be a part of the game, even though no one really wants GB's anymore, then you need at least one useless GB where you can dump the daily collection of useless fps. And yes, you also need useless bps to level the useless GB.
Continuing the conversation here as it would be off-topic in the other thread

What about R.I.P. great buildings and bye bye Arc. :blush:

You can already play quite easily without an Arc if that's what you want to do. I had tried a city without Arc going through the Ages back in 2017 before all this recent power creep. I have also seen players quite recently start commenting they're considering playing without an Arc.

It just makes so much more sense to leverage the Arc to circulate around Forge Points than it does to not have an Arc at all if the goal is min-max'ing rapid growth. Which at the start is exactly what you want to do.

  • You don't need an Arc to send and receive 1.9 (you just need the production to cover contribution cost)
  • You don't need it for blueprints, it would take a bit longer but there are so many Blueprint producing buildings anyway
  • You can get very close to matching or even outproduce Arc Lvl 180 for Guild Treasury Goods with the Royal Bathhouse + 1-4 Finish Specials, depending on if you're doing it with or without Blue Galaxy.
  • I already have 3 x Autumn Vineyards in the Space Ages so that already covers the new Great Buildings when they get released without needing to contribute to other players.

The two things removing the Arc would effect for my city is Rivals (medals cost to complete Guild Expedition fast enough to get through Rivals is pretty expensive in Space Ages) and contributing to fellow Guild Members prior to my city collections being ready for the day.

So yeah, I'm keeping the Arc. It wouldn't make any sense to remove the Arc if I'm contributing to other players Great Buildings - and that's exactly what I would expect to do as part of a Guild.

But Klods is right that if it gets to the point where the only purpose of the Arc is to find somewhere to dump Forge Points then it's going to diminish the need for an Arc. New cities make a lot of sense to grow as fast as possible, but 5+ year old cities are in an entirely different phase of city growth and we're now seeing some cities pulling out 20k+ per city collection without ever touching Finish Specials.

And the Hub Great Buildings can easily cover that kind of Forge Point collection without needing masses of Blueprints. I can see one Stellar Warship on Beta used 13k Forge Points from the owner on level 9 > 10 despite the contributors paying +/- double of what 1.9 would require on their contribution spots

The bigger problem with Stellar Warship is going to be Supplies, not Blueprints. If you want to get (for example) level 100 Stellar Warship you also need 16.380 billion Supplies. Though you could raise the Lighthouse of Alexandria to lvl 100 for 47k Forge Points to help cover that

At this point the Great Buildings seem to be more a guaranteed production of something specific so if the next best-ever Event Building removed something from the production cycle we still have something producing X rather than Great Buildings being must-have buildings.
Last edited:


Continuing the conversation here as it would be off-topic in the other thread

You can already play quite easily without an Arc if that's what you want to do. I had tried a city without Arc going through the Ages back in 2017 before all this recent power creep. I have also seen players quite recently start commenting they're considering playing without an Arc.

It just makes so much more sense to leverage the Arc to circulate around Forge Points than it does to not have an Arc at all if the goal is min-max'ing rapid growth. Which at the start is exactly what you want to do.

  • You don't need an Arc to send and receive 1.9 (you just need the production to cover contribution cost)
  • You don't need it for blueprints, it would take a bit longer but there are so many Blueprint producing buildings anyway
  • You can get very close to matching or even outproduce Arc Lvl 180 for Guild Treasury Goods with the Royal Bathhouse + 1-4 Finish Specials, depending on if you're doing it with or without Blue Galaxy.
  • I already have 3 x Autumn Vineyards in the Space Ages so that already covers the new Great Buildings when they get released without needing to contribute to other players.

The two things removing the Arc would effect for my city is Rivals (medals cost to complete Guild Expedition fast enough to get through Rivals is pretty expensive in Space Ages) and contributing to fellow Guild Members prior to my city collections being ready for the day.

So yeah, I'm keeping the Arc. It wouldn't make any sense to remove the Arc if I'm contributing to other players Great Buildings - and that's exactly what I would expect to do as part of a Guild.

But Klods is right that if it gets to the point where the only purpose of the Arc is to find somewhere to dump Forge Points then it's going to diminish the need for an Arc. New cities make a lot of sense to grow as fast as possible, but 5+ year old cities are in an entirely different phase of city growth and we're now seeing some cities pulling out 20k+ per city collection without ever touching Finish Specials.

And the Hub Great Buildings can easily cover that kind of Forge Point collection without needing masses of Blueprints. I can see one Stellar Warship on Beta used 13k Forge Points from the owner on level 9 > 10 despite the contributors paying +/- double of what 1.9 would require on their contribution spots

The bigger problem with Stellar Warship is going to be Supplies, not Blueprints. If you want to get (for example) level 100 Stellar Warship you also need 16.380 billion Supplies. Though you could raise the Lighthouse of Alexandria to lvl 100 for 47k Forge Points to help cover that

At this point the Great Buildings seem to be more a guaranteed production of something specific so if the next best-ever Event Building removed something from the production cycle we still have something producing X rather than Great Buildings being must-have buildings.

Continuing the conversation here as it would be off-topic in the other thread

You can already play quite easily without an Arc if that's what you want to do. I had tried a city without Arc going through the Ages back in 2017 before all this recent power creep. I have also seen players quite recently start commenting they're considering playing without an Arc.

It just makes so much more sense to leverage the Arc to circulate around Forge Points than it does to not have an Arc at all if the goal is min-max'ing rapid growth. Which at the start is exactly what you want to do.

  • You don't need an Arc to send and receive 1.9 (you just need the production to cover contribution cost)
  • You don't need it for blueprints, it would take a bit longer but there are so many Blueprint producing buildings anyway
  • You can get very close to matching or even outproduce Arc Lvl 180 for Guild Treasury Goods with the Royal Bathhouse + 1-4 Finish Specials, depending on if you're doing it with or without Blue Galaxy.
  • I already have 3 x Autumn Vineyards in the Space Ages so that already covers the new Great Buildings when they get released without needing to contribute to other players.

The two things removing the Arc would effect for my city is Rivals (medals cost to complete Guild Expedition fast enough to get through Rivals is pretty expensive in Space Ages) and contributing to fellow Guild Members prior to my city collections being ready for the day.

So yeah, I'm keeping the Arc. It wouldn't make any sense to remove the Arc if I'm contributing to other players Great Buildings - and that's exactly what I would expect to do as part of a Guild.

But Klods is right that if it gets to the point where the only purpose of the Arc is to find somewhere to dump Forge Points then it's going to diminish the need for an Arc. New cities make a lot of sense to grow as fast as possible, but 5+ year old cities are in an entirely different phase of city growth and we're now seeing some cities pulling out 20k+ per city collection without ever touching Finish Specials.

And the Hub Great Buildings can easily cover that kind of Forge Point collection without needing masses of Blueprints. I can see one Stellar Warship on Beta used 13k Forge Points from the owner on level 9 > 10 despite the contributors paying +/- double of what 1.9 would require on their contribution spots

The bigger problem with Stellar Warship is going to be Supplies, not Blueprints. If you want to get (for example) level 100 Stellar Warship you also need 16.380 billion Supplies. Though you could raise the Lighthouse of Alexandria to lvl 100 for 47k Forge Points to help cover that

At this point the Great Buildings seem to be more a guaranteed production of something specific so if the next best-ever Event Building removed something from the production cycle we still have something producing X rather than Great Buildings being must-have buildings.
I'm a loner so my situation is of course different but not as different. The moment I got self sufficient in BP's with Aegean Resorts + Vineyards my RFP became obsolete and my Arc only useful for no age prints (Obs) and guild goods.

This was actually the beginning of continue process on my side. The more special buildings filled the gap of needs the more I deleted GB's. The more my SAT GB's got levels (78/85, 79/85 and 79/85 at the moment) the more blue and red trinity + SG + CC + TA became redundant so I pushed the delete button. And with this new yellow starship GB SASH that's simply R.I.P blue and red A(D trinity + TA. I'm at 27.5G supplies with a 390% supply boost so this shouldn't be an issue.

I understand the helping guildies aspect of the Arc for GB's, but the question is, are we truly helping guildies by popping GB after GB while asking a huge effort to start with, guildies need a level 80 Arc asap. But as a loner I'm now here (see pic)



One more thing. The GB's on the pic is 10 months FP's BG excluded as it was 62 10 months ago and all the fp's I dropped on deleted GB's. And with my Eco's I'm between 18k and 20k+ a day. This is Inno's power creep and it doesn't seem to end.


I'm a loner so my situation is of course different but not as different. The moment I got self sufficient in BP's with Aegean Resorts + Vineyards my RFP became obsolete and my Arc only useful for no age prints (Obs) and guild goods.

This was actually the beginning of continue process on my side. The more special buildings filled the gap of needs the more I deleted GB's. The more my SAT GB's got levels (78/85, 79/85 and 79/85 at the moment) the more blue and red trinity + SG + CC + TA became redundant so I pushed the delete button. And with this new yellow starship GB SASH that's simply R.I.P blue and red A(D trinity + TA. I'm at 27.5G supplies with a 390% supply boost so this shouldn't be an issue.

I understand the helping guildies aspect of the Arc for GB's, but the question is, are we truly helping guildies by popping GB after GB while asking a huge effort to start with, guildies need a level 80 Arc asap. But as a loner I'm now here (see pic)

View attachment 25947
Oh lol that Colosseum.


And Delphi :lol:
I think Nidwin must be the only player in all worlds on all servers with a Colosseum at such a high level.
You may not want to know about my Oracle as it isn't my way to go hoarding newbies Oracle, especially without and Arc.

I always regretted having to delete both Oracle and Colosseum for space so past Year, once settled in SAT, I put both back up and made sure I'll never delete them again. I also needed 2 extra fp dumps so I went checking on a GB collector player's city which ones I like visually the most so that's why Space Needle and Lotus Temple.


Agreed. But considering the amount of space it takes up in the city I don't mind taking on that risk of lower diamond yields as the game gets more mass-aid saturated

One interesting thing is decorations only stay Aided for 12 hours. So cities with a bunch of Chain Link attachments or decoration buildings would be quite useful for keeping something around for Aid. Yes you'd be competing against all the other players Aiding them, but they wouldn't be able to completely block off Aids from Mass-Aid at collection time.

An argument could reasonably be made against those too. I'd still build them, the game wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable without Great Buildings, I do find them useful and we need somewhere to put Forge Points regardless. But there's also very little that couldn't be achieved if someone played without Great Buildings given enough time and a forge point sink.

Cape Canaveral is a interesting case.

I view it primarily as a tool to help raise the other Great Buildings up. But when everything is already lvl 100+ the Forge Point output from it is barely able to lift a level in the timespan of 1-2 years, and it takes just as long to pay itself off if you're not sniping/getting profit from 1.x threads.

It's worth putting in early for that goal, just not sure whether to keep or dump it for where my city is currently at given (a) it's already served its purpose of lifting the other Great Buildings past the sweet spots and (b) if I were looking purely on a collection perspective it's far from being the weakest building in the city. It just happens to be a single purpose building.

Arctic Orangery on the other hand has a very similar output per level for a relatively similar cost by the time you're getting into those higher levels but has the added bonus of helping your army. So if I were looking to raise one Forge Point building high it'd probably be the Arctic Orangery

Funnily enough when I quit those years ago I put down a bunch of decorations, so anyone who did aid me and kept me could always having something to hit, had no idea it would actually be that helpful in this case as to anyone who didn't unfriend someone who hasn't logged in as long as I have, haha