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New Bug: GBG starts in "detailed view" after restart

On browser (Firefox) after restarting the game, GBG starts in detailed view, even though if it was set to simple view.

DJ of BA

Yes another " upgrade" that isn't helpful, wasn't requested or needed, and shows the incredible detailed artistic talents of the devs. In GE its even worse ( App version ), how can we clear these useless extra icons stuck on every building, any player who has played GE knows what the map buildings indicate, attacking or defending, we don't need more crap information icons messing up the visual aesthetics of the game, they look awful, remove them. Or give us the ability to do so
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Yes another " upgrade" that isn't helpful, wasn't requested or needed, and shows the incredible details artistic talents of the devs in GE, how can we clear these useless extra icons, any player who has played GE knows what the map buildings indicate, attacking or defending, we don't need more crap icons messing up the visual aesthetics of the game, they look awful, remove them. Or give us the ability to do so
Extra icons in GE? I haven't seen any of that. Is it a mobile thing?
It has nothing to do with the browser GBG bug I reported that GBG starts in detailed view after it was set to simple view.

DJ of BA

Apologies, went off topic ranting about the extra icons on GE, in reference to GBG, do not think it's a bug, it looks deliberate as on the App version, we cannot set settings for GBG, we have a information button, now we have to "switch off" the information icons ( ? detailed view ) that appear now when entering GBG
Simple view

simple view.png

Detailed view

derailed view.png

It used to start on simple view, now it starts on detailed view. Bug or deliberate, it's pretty annoying.
It should start where we leave it. I prefer the simple view where you can see the flags and the progress. I rarely use the detailed view.
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We seem to have a new (and more frustrating) quirk on this one now - the GBG map defaults not only to the detailed view but to maximum zoom when you reopen it, so all you can see is a handful of giant sectors in close-up...
We seem to have a new (and more frustrating) quirk on this one now - the GBG map defaults not only to the detailed view but to maximum zoom when you reopen it, so all you can see is a handful of giant sectors in close-up...
Not on my PC, I don't have any zoom levels in GBG.
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Maybe it's just in the app, then - a feature added to help people read sector names on a small screen, perhaps?
Normally I'm only ever trying to zoom *out* so that I can see the whole map...
I remember a few years back when they changed the zoom levels for the city on browser. They added an extra zoom level. After the update, the game started as default at the max zoom-in level, which was pretty annoying. Players complained about this, so they changed it. Now it starts at the zoom level where you left it when you log out.
It should be the same with simple/detailed view. It should stay at the activated view and not revert to a default detailed view