>>~~~> Recruiting fighters for GvG <~~~<<
We are active in several Ages on the global map and always expanding. There are guilds with whom we cooperate, and we keep our own counsel with our allies.
Communication and organization are key for the success of any group, and knowledge is power! We're a friendly group with a lot of game experience. Our Guild Forum has many game guides, Great Building advice, Fighting tips, Event info, and resources to help the novice and expert alike.
Cooperation is how we achieve our mutual goals; there are few rules in this guild, but we ask for your genuine team spirit to help out fellow members as much as you can:
1) Please post fair trades. We are a FAIR TRADE guild based on the production value of goods of different Ages (not the straight 2:1 many guilds have opted to follow - which is actually quite unfair after Colonial Age.) We follow the recommended trade ratios at the Wildgunner calculator:
2) AID other members (mot/pol) daily. Focus on Halls of Fame, Supplies.
3) Please donate Forge Points to members Great Buildings. We have FP swap chains and an extensive inventory. Especially any new GB "in the mud" we ask that you give 1 FP at least (because our guild is over level 58, you earn 7 free FP per day from the Town Hall, which covers this request.)
We also ask for a 10 FP donation to a guild Observatory once a week - this helps maintain the Guild Treasury. Members are encouraged to get Observatory and Arc in their cities.
4) We open the Guild Expedition up to Level 4 every week. All members are expected to participate with the team and make their best attempt to complete at least Level 2 of the Expedition if they are above HMA and/or have Alcatraz, those below that are expected to complete Level 1.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy the game!