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2 Questions


1.When well then new era (Tomorrow Era) Come and will it come fully all at once or well the GBs come after the era is made in tech tree etc.

2.When will everyone be able to send gifts like buildings if they have them in inventory and how does it work.Are people aloud to send CE buildings to EMA people for example or is it just you can give EMA building to EMA person.

Please answer these if you can :)


im not sure when the new era will come

Right now, gifts are only given by the developers. There is no word on when or if players will be able to give gifts to other players.


Oh ok thanks guys and mbreef that is more than 2 questions but I meant 2 subjects :3


I count six (maybe seven) questions there ;)

that was a real LOL when i read that

i think new era will be around or just before Easter, not sure about the gb's but it will take a wee while to gather new era goods for them unless your buying thousands of diamonds.

the gift option has never been used and there has been no word of any feature allowing us to gift things to other players