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Recent content by MasterShadowfax

  1. Truth and Honour Clan Recruiting

    How big is the guild? I am in The Netherguard currently
  2. If you had to do it all again

    That's a shame, was really hoping a new world would open soon. Guess I'll make U my second world then, at least for now.
  3. Closed WTII Reboot Week #3 10/07/23

    Question: How do you get fight bonusses for the fights in GE5. Sint Basil does not provide for this or does it?
  4. If you had to do it all again

    Thats right, I mean if, and if it's a yes, when the new international world Vingrid will open. Have had a break from FoE and took up my old world (Rugnir) again about a month ago. But I also want to a real brand spanking new one to explore. Started on Uceria, that's the newest, but almost a...
  5. If you had to do it all again

    There have been things I would do different but not alot, have not made that many mistakes. I would be more active in keeping the city up to date like replace special buildings that are not that special anymore (mainly attack and defense bonusses) and would make a few changes in GB's. Would...