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New Bug: Unable to log in on PC - any help or suggestions


Hi Team.
I'm at lost to what to do and reported to support but still not working.
Can log into FoE on my mobile phone and also on work laptop. Wasn't working on my work laptop but did manage to load home screen.
This is all on EN server, the site loads on any other servers fine but don't have any accounts or worlds.
I've tried on 3 different browsers on home computer. Removed all cookies and cache which support mention to do. Even deleted browsers and reinstalled them. So no history and keeps coming back with ""en.forgeofempires.com took too long to respond".
Don't want to have to reformat my whole PC just to play the game but have tried deleting everything possible from browser. Can play on mobile if have to but major lag and kind lose interest in game.
Anyone else had problem or know what else could be causing the issue on a PC? Everything else websites are working fine just can't log into EN server website.

Paladiac the Pure

Might be your work laptop has the company IT blocked or closed any kind of gaming websites. I know I have that with my company. And really, it is not very good work performance to be using a company/work equipment for non-work related usage, especially games. I know if I found anyone at my work playing games on their laptop, it would be a firing offense.


My work laptop works fine but can't play the game on work laptop. So this is my PC but tried 4 different browsers and 2 the browsers never played the game on and have no history Opera and Firefox. They all come back with same error.

I wouldn't play on my work laptop as you mention not allowed. All I did was load the website to see if it works which it does


Issue resolved. Had to reset my modem. Was only affecting FoE but trid it once since and site at least loads now