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Closed Greva's Grub Gathering!

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Let's give it a try (not sure about that one) :
  • Pumpkins : Farm (High Middle Ages)
  • Apples : Fruit Farm (Bronze Age)
  • Chocolate : Deli Shop (Progressive Era)
  • Cinnamon : Spice Trader (Late Middle Ages)
  • Apple Jelly : Cider Mill (All Ages)
  • Cake : Bakery (Early Middle Ages)
  • Cookies : Confectionary (All Ages)


1: Pumpkins - Granary Farm
2: Apples - Fruit Farm
3: Chocolate - Deli Shop or Confectionery
4: Cinnamon - Spice Trader
5: Apple Jelly - Cider Mill
6: Cake - Bakery
7: Cookies - Confectionery


  • upload_2018-10-8_15-52-2.png
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Pumpkins: Farm
Apples: Fruit Farm
Chocolate: Deli Shop
Cinnamon: Spice Trader
Apple Jelly: Cider Mill
Cake: Bakery
Cookies: Confectionary


1. Pumpkin - Farm
2. Apples - Fruit Farm
3. Chocolate - Deli Shop
4. Cinnamon - Spice Trader
5. Apple Jelly - Cider Mill
6. Cake - Bakery
7. Cookies - Legendary Confectionary



Here is my proposition/answer:

1. Pumpkin: 8hours production from the farm
2. Apples: 1hour production from the Fruit farm
3. Chocolate: "premium chocolate" with a 5min production from the Deli shop, or "chocolate" with a 15min production from the confectionary (and if she is a little bit crazy, she can maybe cooks/makes her chocolat from the cocoa with a 8hours production from the Terrace farm!)
4. Cinnamon: 5min production from the Spicer trader
5. Apple jelly: 1hour production from the cider mill
6. Cake: 5min production from the bakery
7. Cookies: 1hour production from Confectionary



1. Pumpkins - Farm
2. Apples - Fruit Farm
3. Chocolate - Confectionary
4. Cinnamon - Spice Trader
5. Apple Jelly - Cider Mill
6. Cake - Bakery
7. Cookies - Confectionary


pumpkins - farm; apples- fruit farm; chocolate- deli shop; cinnamon-spice trader; apple jelly- deli shop; cake- bakery; cookies- bakery


1: Pumpkins = Farm
2: Apples = Fruit farm
3: Chocolate = Deli shop
4: Cinnamon = Spice trader
5: Apple jelly = Cider mill
6: Cake = Bakery
7: Cookies = Legendary confectionary


Here are my answers.

1. Pumpkin: 8hour production from the farm
2. Apples: 1h production from the Fruit farm
3. Chocolate: "premium chocolate" with a 5min production from the Deli shop, or "chocolate" with a 15min production from the confectionary
4. Cinnamon: 5min production from the Spice trader
5. Apple jelly: 1hour production from the cider mill
6. Cake: 5min production from the bakery
7. Cookies: 1hour production from Confectionary

Thanks for considering!!
Love Loaghaire


user: grigvlad
1. Pumpkins - Granary Farm
2. Apples - Fruit Farm
3. Chocolate - Confectionery
4. Cinnamon - Spice Trader
5. Apple Jelly - Cider Mill
6. Cake - Bakery
7. Cookies- Confectionery


1 Pumpkins - Farm
2 Apples - Fruit farm
3 Chocolate - Deli Shop
4 Cinnamon - Spice Trader
5 Apple Jelly - Cider Mill
6 Cake - Bakery
7 Cookies - Legendary Confectionary


Yum yum! Greva's bake sale was a HUGE success thanks to all your help! As per usual, all answers will be revealed, and congratulations to all who got the answers right!

This time around, we have two winners. @Selene the Savior 413 and @Rhoredryn, congrats! You both will get your prizes ASAP!

The correct answers for all those who took part are:

  1. Pumpkins = Farm
  2. Apples = Fruit Farm
  3. Chocolate = Confectionery
  4. Cinnamon = Spice Trader
  5. Apple Jelly = Cider Mill
  6. Cake = Bakery
  7. Cookies = Confectionery
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