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Recent content by LadyGaladriel

  1. Closed August Pirate Contest

    Captain Parlay
  2. Incident Collection

    I just go into reconstruction mode and store all of my buildings.
  3. In-game achievements

    I finished GE level 2!
  4. Wildlife Event 2021 - Feedback

    DId they buff the coins from incidents? Or did I just get lucky?
  5. Wildlife Event 2021 - Feedback

    Feedback: I like how, since most of the event currency is generated from regen and daily free quests, it gives newbies much more prizes. I just completed the surprise box quest and I only need 1 more upgrade for the full building, which I should be able to get. The daily special switch paired...
  6. In-game achievements

    Our guild is in Diamond league now!
  7. In-game achievements

    Epic luck!
  8. Wildlife Event 2021 - Feedback

    To everyone saying this event is mostly luck, if you can get 90% of the paws on the board down and you still have few paws, then it's truly had luck. Otherwise, improve your skill.
  9. Wildlife Event 2021 - Feedback

    Awesome event. 2 days in, and I've already got 7 DS (3 menageries, 4 sentinel upgrades), and I'm one paw off of the second grand prize. I am still on quest 9. Update: I've now got 44 47 paws, and one 2 more DS.
  10. In-game achievements

    I completed GE Level 1! I'm so proud of myself :D

    Does anyone know when Soccer Event starts (from the surprise box)?
  12. Closed May Flowers Forum Contest

    Name: Underground House Type: Residential Buildings Age: The Future Link: https://en.wiki.forgeofempires.com/index.php?title=Underground_House Name: City Park Type: Cultural Buildings Age: Progressive Era Link: https://en.wiki.forgeofempires.com/index.php?title=City_Park Name: Flowers Type...
  13. [GAME] Three Words Story

    tail but they
  14. How strong is your attack boost

    Iron Age. 0/0 2.4 k ranking (Or was it 2.7k I forgot lol)
  15. Spoiler 2021 soccer event

    Hi, I think there was a miscommunication between us. What I actually meant was that there were Athlon Abbey upgrade kits, not 1 up kits. In previous events, there were no upgrade kits for the main prize in the Amateur and Bronze leagues. I guess it is really the same as now there are two...